in my heart

  • 网络在我心中;心已死;在我的心里

in my heartin my heart

in my heart


BOBO《光荣》英文版_百度知道 ... (井宝):你感动 :You are moved (包子):在我心中 :In my heart 决定不放松 :Feels in me ...


英文网名_2012年最新的英语网名女生_沪江英语 ... Alone. 孤单的小花❀ In my heart. 心已死。 Healing. 愈合。 ...


Akiko_百度百科 ... you will see that I miss you 你会发现我在想你 In my heart 在我的心里 I want you 我需要你 ...


I Miss You中文歌词_Zuochamo_百度空间 ... I miss you 我对你的思念 In my heart 在我心里 I want you 我希望你知道 ...


▏▏◇◆丶李赫... ... In my dreams( 在我梦中) In my heart在我心底) There always be a place for you( 总是有个让你栖息的 …


女生歌手新增专辑 ※ 魔镜歌词网 ... 2.星星 Stars 5.美好的旧时光 In My Heart 9.寂寞星球的玫瑰 The Rose ...

I had not considered how I could thank him, my gratitude lying too deep in my heart for that. 我早先并没考虑过应该怎样感谢他,因为我那感恩之情,有如刻骨铭心,很难表达于万一。
You are the only one in my heart forever, and I'll be waiting for you to hold my hand. 你永远是我心中的唯一,我会等你牵起我的手。~希望满意啊~
This was the happiest moment of my life and my Electrolux dishwasher will always hold a special place in my heart. 这是我一生中最幸福的时刻,我的伊莱克斯洗碗机总是在我心里占据着特别位置。
If you were living in my heart, you would know how much I miss you. 我多想住进你的心,在任何时候,都能和你形影相随。
Although a far cry from his age, However, this does not affect his place in my heart is the location of super-idol. 虽然和他的年龄相差甚远,但是这丝毫不影响他在我心中是位超级偶像的位置。
Once more, and finally as it seemed to me, I pronounced him in my heart, a humbug. 我再次地,也觉得是最后地在心里断定他是个骗子。
I knew it was you The moment we met There was a buzz in the air A song in the wind A hum in my heart. 我知道那就是你,我们相遇的瞬间,空中嗡嗡的响声,风中飞扬的歌声,心中激动的共鸣。
but I think of him as a hero in my heart. 虽然他是虚构的人物,但是在我心中他是一个英雄。
Prudence saw me to the door, and I returned to my apartment with tears of rage in me eyes and a thirst for revenge in my heart. 普律当丝一直把我送到门口,我回到家里,眼里含着愤怒的泪水,胸中怀着复仇的渴望。
Finally, I realised how much you weight in my heart. 终于,我明白到你在我心里有多重要。
With Hillary there was no arm's length. She was in my face from the start, and, before I knew it, in my heart. 我和希拉里在一起时则没有距离感:她总是坦率地面对我,然后不知不觉地,她又走进了我的心中。
"I cannot keep your waves, " says the bank to the river. "Let me keep your footprints in my heart. " 岸向河说:“我留不住你的波浪,让我在心里留下你的足印吧。”
You seem to always unpredictable drifting clouds, rain whimper as the tears in my heart all over her Helinyulu. 你仿佛总是飘忽不定的流云,有雨水般呜咽的泪珠在我心田洒遍玉露……
Was a time when I wasn't sure but you set my mind at ease. There is no doubt you're in my heart now. 我的不确定不只是一次,但你让我的思绪安定。毫无疑问的是现在你仍在我心里。
You left me that day, i decided not to get in touch with you anymore , but you are still in my heart . . . 那一天,你离开我,我下决心不再联系你,可是我心里想留你。
Perhaps she did not know, that slap her in the face, but the deep pain in my heart. 或许她不懂,那巴掌打在她脸上,却深深的痛在我心里。
You know, honey, sad, want to go home, to call me, to say, don't boring around in my heart. 请你知道,宝贝,伤心的时候,要回家,要给我打电话,要跟周围人说,不要闷在心里。
I never admitted that to myself then, but in my heart, I knew 1 was a better person than I had made myself out to be. 当时,我自己从没有承认过这一点,但是在我的内心深处,我知道我要比我所表现出来的自己要好得多。
Leave me too far, do not and I too close, this distance is good. Feeling in my line of sight stationed, in my heart of a corner quietly. 别离我太远,也别和我太近,这个距离便好。淡淡的感觉在我视线之内驻扎,在我心的一角静泊。
No. I did not know. Day after day. there was a person always in my heart. Why. I do not know. maybe I will do not know forever! 不。我不知道。一天又一天。始终有个人在我心底。为什么?我不知道。可能我永远也不会知道!
Quiet sit in front of the computer, you and I said in my heart, let the words you cherish friendship, as I cherish life. 安静的坐在电脑前,想着你和我说过的话语,让我内心珍惜着你的友谊,亦如珍惜我的生命一样。
I said in my heart concerning the sons of men, that God would prove them, and shew them to be like beasts. 我想,天主藉此是为使世人认清自己是谁,看清自己与走兽无异。
"I cannot keep your waves, " says the bank to the river, "let me keep your footprint in my heart. " 河岸对河流说:“我留不住你的浪花,就让我把你的足迹留在心里吧。”
I have never gone against the orders of his lips; the words of his mouth have been stored up in my heart. 他嘴唇的命令、我未曾背弃.我看重他口中的言语、过于我需用的饮食。
Though I can stay with you by no means for her married, but in my heart you are always a importnat person, for I love you. 虽然我决不会和你再在一起了,由于她结婚了,但在我心里你一直是很重要的人,因为我爱你。
I could tell by the antlers that it was a huge stag and I knew in my heart it was the Emperor. 从鹿角上就看出那是一头大鹿,我确信那就是鹿王。
As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart. 至于我但以理,心中甚是惊惶,脸色也改变了,却将那事存记在心。
you are important in my heart! you do not know how much i love you. my love is true forever! our love in my heart will go on. . . 你对我来说很重要,你不晓得我有多爱你,这回我是来真的,我们的爱将在我心中继续下去…
Dad is a mountain in my heart, although rarely with that mind, but the heart has been a very solid position of the father. 爸爸在我心中就是一座山,虽然很少在一起说心里话,但是心里一直有个很坚实的位置是爸爸的。
You do not know you do not in my heart. I was just silent tears for you. 你不懂你不要的我的心。我只是默默的为你掉眼泪。