
美 ['fɜ:mli]英 ['fɜ:mli]
  • adv.坚定地;坚固地
  • 网络牢牢地;稳固地;紧紧地

hold firmly,firmly grasp,firmly resist


1.坚定地;坚固地in a strong or definite way


《Friends》词汇表B ... beanbag beanbagn. 内装豆子的小布袋(小孩用作玩具) firmly adv. 坚定地, 稳固地 onlookers n. 旁观者 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... fireworks n. 焰火 firmly ad. 牢牢地 first num. 第一 ...


五星级酒店英语大全!_百度文库 ... return 送还,还归 firmly 稳固地 go to bed 上床睡觉 ...


人教版高中英语必修5单词 - 豆丁网 ... adv. firm (动作)稳定有力的;坚定的 adj. firmly 坚固地;稳定地 adv. throat 咽喉;喉咙 ...


高中英语第一册词汇表 ... firm adj. 牢固的;稳固的 firmly adv. 紧紧地;坚定地 bow vi. & vt. 鞠躬;屈服 ...


141 Men or Monkeys?_在线英语听力室 ... paternal maternal 父爱的,母爱的 firmly 坚定的 incident 事件 ...


职称英语专家例题分析—综合AB词汇选项... ... suddenly: 突然地 firmly: 断然地,坚定地 e.g. harness a waterfall 利用瀑布作动 …

We are firmly opposed to any foreign countries providing platform for her anti-China separatist activities. 我们坚决反对任何外国为她的反华分裂活动提供舞台。
He took his PhD at Berkeley, but back in China he was firmly of the opinion that China should follow its own path, not the West's. 他在伯克利取得博士学位,但回国后他坚持中国应该走自己的路线,而不是照搬西方。
There she was, sitting on her heels, toes dug firmly in the sand, and cradled in her lap was the unmistakable head of a wolf. 贝基就在那儿,坐在脚跟上,脚趾牢牢地插在砂子里,她膝上的是确确实实一只狼的头。
Some posit that gender identity is firmly fixed at a very young age; others argue that this identity can be very fluid for many years. 有些认为性别认同在很小的年龄就被牢牢地固定;另一些人则争辩说,这种身份可能不固定已经很多年了。
"I firmly believe that better times are ahead of us as up to present we have been far behind the pre-season objectives, " said Skrtel. 我依旧相信前面还有很多好东西等着我们,尽管现在我们远离赛季初的所制定的目标。
In relation to this point, the stresses were firmly held under control during the whole course of the tests. 对于这一点,在全部试验过程中应力都保持严格控制。
They just hold firmly the book in pretentious cultural style and regard it as sacred thing as if it were famous movie star. 他们只是附庸风雅地死抱着那本书,像崇拜明星似的将之视为圣品。
I firmly believe that I can get you recognition, now I actively preparing for the moment, waiting for your door open to me. 我坚信我能够得到你们的认可,现在我积极准备着,时刻等待你们的大门想我打开。
and prisons shifted firmly back to state control, at least where states existed, for the next two centuries. 在此后的两个世纪里,英国政府坚决地将监狱管理收归国有,至少在大英帝国的势力范围内。
We firmly believe that as long as the sense of superiority in mind advancing steadily on the other side near the front! 我们坚信,只要铭记精品意识稳步前进,彼岸就在不远的前方!
Solomon son of David established himself firmly over his kingdom, for the Lord his God was with him and made him exceedingly great. 大卫的儿子所罗门国位坚固;耶和华他的上帝与他同在,使他甚为尊大。
I knew I was firmly on Antonioni's side of the line, but if you'd asked me at the time, I'm not sure I would have been able to explain why. 我知道我是坚定不移地站在安东尼奥尼这一边,但如果你在那个时候问我,我不敢担保我能说出个所以然来。
Quickly I told what I had done, and Mother stated firmly that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day! 我马上告诉妈妈这是我安排的,妈妈斩钉截铁地表示她第二天就去学校就午餐问题提出交涉。
We firmly believe that over the past year to the "theory led, research-hing team" the road, run out of its own characteristics. 一年来我们坚信走“理论带队,科研兴队”之路,办出了自己的特色。
No matter how I spoke to him, gently or firmly, he wouldn't say a word. He'd just stare at me with those big gray eyes of his. 不管我怎样跟他说话,温和也好,严厉也罢,他就是一言不发,只是用他那双灰色的大眼睛盯着我。
Niceties of what you say like "I'm glad to meet you" and who gets introduced to whom can come later when these basics are firmly in place. 那些细微的话,比如“我很高兴认识您”在有人给你介绍新朋友时是很管用的。
It was a handsome room, with a fine marble fireplace facing the long sash windows, firmly closed against the unseasonable chill. 这是一个很气派的房间,漂亮的大理石壁炉对着长长的框格窗,窗户关得很严实,挡住了外面不合季节的寒雾。
He must have read my mind, because he firmly seized the doorknob and pushed his way in with me. 他一定是看穿了我的心思,因为他紧紧抓住了门把手,推搡着我走进屋中。
And yet firmly implanted in my mind is the long-standing opinion that there is an omnipotent God who made me the kind of creature that I am. 我脑中根深蒂固的想法是有一个无所不能的上帝,他将我创造成这样。
But a year later, James with dedicated performance and smart style of care, won the trust of shareholders, firmly secured this seat. 然而一年之后,詹姆斯凭借兢兢业业的工作表现和谨慎精明的作风,赢得股东们的信任,坐稳了这个位子。
Even then, with the Velcro firmly fastened, there's still a little vestigial dangling fabric like the long pinky on an ill-fitting glove. 而且就算用万能胶粘牢了,还是会有一点点布料悬在那儿,就像小指套长度太长不合手的手套。
This requirement seems to firmly delegate the responsibility of resolving patch conflicts to vendors, and away from MeeGo developers. 这个要求似乎坚决下放补丁解决冲突的供应商的责任,并远离MeeGo的开发商。
(Crowds) It's extremely crowded in the front, please do not be panic. Stand firmly on your feet or grab hold of solid objects near you. 人群拥挤)前方非常拥挤,请大家不要惊慌,双脚站稳,或抓住身边的牢固物体。
When you put things off once, it's easier to put them off again, until the habit is so firmly ingrained that it cannot be easily broken. 一旦开始遇事推拖,你就很容易再次拖延,直到它变成一种根深蒂固的习惯。
His might have been a cherub's mouth, HAD not the full, sensuous lips a trick, under stress, of drawing firmly across the teeth. 他那丰满敏感的双唇若不是在有压力时会紧紧地抿起来,倒像是个婴儿的嘴。
The result is, as one Western diplomat puts it, "a government in full conciliation mode" , firmly on the back foot. 结果,就像一位西方外交家说的那样,“一个完全处采取怀柔政策的政府”,坚定地处于防守状态。
Grasping firmly a ball of string from the garden, Glenn raced back into the house and dashed upstairs to his mother's room. 从花园中紧紧抓住一团线,格伦跑回房子,冲上楼进入母亲的房间。
I firmly believe that this will be a energizing and significant opportunity to develop a closer relationship with PACCAR. 我坚信此次会议将是贵公司加强与PACCAR伙伴关系的宝贵机遇。
Germany, in the grip of a massive export slump, firmly believes it has no alternative to export-led growth. 面临出口急剧下降的局面,德国坚定地认为除了出口拉动的增长之外别无选择。
The end result, firmly sitting on 19 inch wheels, suggests power, strength and dynamism, like an animal ready to pounce. 最终的结果,牢牢坐在19英寸的车轮,显示权力,力量和活力,像动物准备发动突袭。