
美 [ˈfidˌbæk]英 [ˈfiːdbæk]
  • n.反馈;反馈意见;回授;【电子】反馈

provide feedback,get feedback,give feedback
positive feedback



1.反馈的意见(或信息)advice, criticism or information about how good or useful sth or sb's work is

The peer feedback seems to provide a sense of urgency and adds another level of accountability to one's teammates. 这种同伴式的反馈像是提供了一种很紧迫的感觉,也给队友们增加了另一层的责任性。
So while it's good to ask for feedback, rely on your own assessment of you rather than others. 所以呢,虽说寻求意见反馈是好事,至于自我评价,还是依赖自己的判断吧。
Reflexivity can then connect any two or more aspects of reality, setting up two-way feedback loops between them. 反身性可以连接任何两个或两个以上的现实方面(但只要要包含一个主观方面),并在其之间设立双向反馈循环。
It felt that there had been a lot of positive feedback on its proposal and the Delegation greatly appreciated it. 它认为,它的提案已经收到了许多积极的回馈,并为此表示非常感谢。
But a company in which people are afraid to speak their minds is not going to be helped by any feedback forms sent out by HR either. 然而,如果一家公司里人人都不敢说出自己的想法,那么人事部发放的意见反馈表对公司也不会有任何助益。
The feedback we were getting from them was that it would simply be a case of time. 所以我们带他去看最好的医生。反馈回来的消息是这只是时间问题。
As far as each factor is concerned, it is not a unilateral linear process but a process of every factor's feedback and cooperation. 就创新各个环节而言,也不是单向的线性过程,而是各个环节上下反馈、相互协同的过程。
A modern CMS provides analytic feedback and can point to areas of your community that are either used heavily or not at all. 现代的CMS提供分析反馈,可用于指出社区中使用率很高或很低的区域。
Describe a time when you were surprised by feedback that you received. What was the feedback and why were you surprised? 描述一次让你吃惊的反馈,反馈内容是什么?为什么你感到吃惊?
When you're deciding on new features, how much is fan feedback, and how much is stuff you've been thinking of for a while? 你们决定对游戏做出的所有这些改进,有多少来自于玩家的反馈?又有多少是你们深思熟虑已久的念头?。
"Don't quit, " he said. "You're a great writer. " He'd read a few of my stories to give me feedback on where I'd got the science wrong. “别放弃,”他说,“你是个很棒的作家。”他读过我的几篇小说,以便告诉我哪些地方的科学部分被我弄错了。
To submit a detailed question of your own that we may be able to respond to, click Feedback. 要提交您自己的并且是我们也许能够答复的详细问题,请单击反馈。
7, You were asked to carry out a staff survey to get staff feedback on the proposed changes and then write a report. 你被要求去做一个有关变革提议职员反馈的调查,然后写一份报告。
It's great getting feedback from all over the world on how much they like our show. Who can complain, it's wonderful. 我们的电视剧在世界各地都得到了很大的反响,谁还会抱怨呢,开心都来不及!
My text is ready to go and I will respond in a timely manner within 2-3 hours of any feedback you need. 我的文字是蓄势待发,我会及时作出反应在2-3小时你需要的任何反馈。
This service makes it easy to send out a survey and gather quick feedback from customers and colleagues. 这个服务能够轻松地发送一个调查并从客户和同事那里收集快速反馈。
Remember: Feedback is the breakfast of champions, and its hard for your employees to get too much of it. 记住:反馈是冠军的早餐,不过太多的话你的雇员也受不了。
If an adult doesn't give them any feedback at all, this is often equal to negative feedback in the Feeling child's mind. 情感型的孩子需要听到这些回应,在他们的小脑袋里,往往没有消息就等于坏消息。
Instead of a universal and timeless tendency towards equilibrium, equilibrium turns out to be an extreme case of negative feedback. 平衡并不是普遍的,永久的趋势,而是负反馈中的一种极端状况。
Imagine what's coming into that "send feedback" inbox that's at the bottom of every G+ page? 你能想象在每个Google+页面底部的“sendfeedback”的收件箱会有多恐怖吗?
Management should be prepared to solicit internal feedback in its development as well as outside or professional help, if necessary. 在发展过程中,管理层应时刻准备着征集内部反馈信息,必要时,还可以寻求外援或职业人士的帮助。
Scouts sent out to run the rule over the Frenchman have reported positive feedback and an official move is now expected to be made. 马拉加已经派出球探观察了法国人,他回馈伊坦杰的信息时积极的,现在马拉加官方希望这笔交易达成。
We also encourage managers to meet with all of their direct reports at least once a week to talk, to give feedback and to get feedback. 我们也鼓励经理们至少一周听一次下属的直接汇报,一起讨论,得到反馈,最后做出回应。
I think it would take at least a year before the client would be to see any output of the effort in order to provide feedback. 我觉得客户能够看到项目成果并提供反馈就至少是一年以后的事情了。
While Google has not received much negative feedback on the service, she said, the company could change it in the future. 就这一服务来说,Google尚未收到大量负面反馈,她说,公司未来可能会对其进行修改。
As a non-modal destruction target, it got such good feedback, that we decided to turn it into a full-blown mission. 作为一个非模态破坏目标,这种设计获得玩家好评,于是我们决定将它做为成熟的关卡设计方案。
The works council said that so far there had been very positive feedback to the new email rules which came into force earlier this year. 大众汽车工会表示,新规于今年早些时候开始生效,迄今获得的反馈非常积极。
I can't tell you how much easier it was to pick up the program with everyone sharing their images, workflow, and feedback. 我不能告诉你它是多么的容易去接程序跟大家分享他们的偶像,工作流程、反馈。
I hope this article helps you to understand some of the concepts, all in a single place. Any feedback is really appreciated. 希望这篇文章能够让你在一个地方了解所有相关概念。
Still, we're always looking for feedback -- comments can be left directly on the book pages -- and volunteers to help with that effort. 不过,我们一直都在寻求反馈信息——可以直接在每页上留下评论——和志愿者来帮助进行此工作。