
美 [fɪt]英 [fɪt]
  • v.符合;合身;组合;装进
  • n.合身;匹配;发作;痉挛
  • adj.健壮的;健康的;恰当的;可能(或准备)做某事至极端程度
  • adv.恰当地;适时地

过去式:fitted 第三人称单数:fits 现在分词:fitting 比较级:fitter 最高级:fittest

fit profile,fit image,fit device
jacket fit,punishment fit
fit snugly
extremely fit


恰当的大小╱类型right size/type

1.[i][t](形状和尺寸)适合,合身to be the right shape and size for sb/sth

2.[i](大小、式样、数量适合)可容纳,装进to be of the right size, type or number to go somewhere

3.[t][oftpass]~ sb (for sth)试穿(衣服)to put clothes on sb and make them the right size and shape

安置put sth somewhere

4.[t]安置,安装(在某处)to put or fix sth somewhere

5.[i][t]合上;盖上;组合;组装to put or join sth in the right place


6.[i][t](使)与…一致,和…相称,符合to agree with, match or be suitable for sth; to make sth do this

使适合make suitable

7.[t]使适合,使胜任(某工作)to make sb/sth suitable for a particular job


fit (sb) like a glove

(大小、形状)完全合适,恰好合身to be the perfect size or shape for sb

Ever since the sexual revolution, television has tried to break out of June Cleaver mode, but only in fits and starts. 自从性别革命以来,电视就想要打破朱恩.克里夫模式,但是一直出现反复。
i could make nothing of these fits of distress which continues until morning . then marguerite lapsed into a sort of torpor. 这种持续的痛苦一直延续到第二天早上,我一点也不清楚是什么原因。
If you think one of them fits your tax situation, discuss it with your tax adviser. 如果你认为其中有符合你税务情况的,请和你的税务顾问具体讨论。
The result? A shirt that fits so snugly it looks as if it has been sprayed on to the body. Actually, it has. 结果呢?一件得体的衬衫穿上身就如同长在身上一般。您还别说,现在还真有这样的技术面世了。
Check it out and see if it fits in with your sense of humour. 点来看看,然后确定它的幽默合不合你的胃口。
It is important for you to think about your kick and how it fits into the rest of your stroke. 对大家来说,如何让打腿和后面的其他技术动作衔接完美是非常重要的!
Take a look at the desks around you to see how yours fits in, and bear in mind you can manipulate it to send out a certain message. 看一下你周围的桌子来判断你的桌面情况有多高合适度,另外要记住你可以通过巧妙处理你的桌面来发出特定信号。
If it fits in with his broader agenda - stability - then there is a possibility that he might be convinced to give up his nuclear weapons. 如果符合金正日更广泛的议程——稳定,那么他就有可能被说服,放弃核武器。
Probably looked after by a just a few monks, it fits in with its surroundings perfectly. 它可能仅有几个僧侣来看护,却与其所处的环境非常完美地融合了。
The suit fits me. It seems to have been made to my own measure. 这套衣服适合我,它好像是根据我的尺寸做的。
Now try to understand the concept of a domain and how it fits in here. 现在,试着理解领域的概念以及它在这里的作用。
Two or one, whichever way fits the story best is fine by me, and everyone I've spoken with at Summit seems to feel the same way. 不管是拍成一部还是两部,只要故事情节合理,那么我都同意,和我讨论过这件事的顶峰的工作人员也是这个看法。
A home is a place where one belongs to. Where he fits in, and where he has a right to be, because in a peculiar sense it is his own. 一个家是一个人所属的地方,所配合的处所,是他拥有权利去住的地方,因为在一个特殊意义上说,那是他自己所有的。
Although this data could be stored in a relational database, it fits well with the documented-oriented model too, don't you think? 虽然该数据可以存储在关系数据库中,但也同样可以使用面向文档的模型。
It fits me. But let me fasten up the shoelaces and walk a few steps to see how it feels. 很合脚,让我系上鞋带走几步看看。
This is his way of considering that she fits him like a glove. 这是他的方式来认为,她就像手套一般地适合于他。
We have a healthy team, minus the minor injuries to Kobe and Sasha, and for the most part, we were able to see who best fits where. 除去科比和武贾西奇的小伤,我们拥有健康的队伍,而大部分时间里,我们能知道谁最适合哪里。
However, theory of benevolence is able to exist forever since it fits in with the general mental characteristics of human nature. 儒学已随封建时代历史的结束而永远逝去,仁学则因针对人性心理特质而可普世长存。
X is a really good idea and maybe even fits in with what you're doing, but it would take you SO FAR off the path you're on. 而这个“X”又确实不错,而且可能适合你正在做的东西,但是这可能会使你在自己的路上“走偏”。
The top margin of each page is often a good choice, especially if you make the navigation bar horizontal so that it better fits the space. 利用每一页的上边距是个不错的选择,尤其是您为了更好地分配空间而将导航栏水平放置时。
If you pare down your possessions to what fits in your house, you won't have to pay rent on a second home for your stuff. 如果你减少财产以适应房子,你就不必为了你的材料付你第二套房子的租金了。
Instead, you found a scholar of great renown whose extensive research fits entirely with what I have disclosed since my passing. 然而,你却发现了一位声望很高的学者,他大量的研究工作完全符合我自过世后所揭露出的事实。
One of four basic components of the assembled bearing. Also referred to as the outer race; the cone assembly fits into the cup. 轴承组件的四个基本组件之一,也称作外滚道;内圈装配在外圈里。
I've biked occasionally here at our new house, but I'm older and fatter than I used to be, and my bike no longer really fits me. 偶尔我会在现在的新家附近骑一骑,不过我比从前老了,而且胖了很多,所以自行车也不再适合我了。
Dr. Michael Chez, an epilepsy specialist, said the scene could be triggering episodes of photosensitive fits. 癫痫症专家迈克尔·切兹博士说,这样的场景可能引发光感不适反应。
In a twist that fits a cautious era, it's the least sexy of these investments that have fared the best. 在这个投资需谨慎的时代,看上去最缺乏吸引力的投资计划反而获得了获得了最佳的成果。
Trying to get every last fact and figure down like that leaves no room for thinking about what you're writing and how it fits together. 试着记录所有的事实与数字,让你无从思考自已在写什么及其内在联系。
l was trying you on, you know? To see if it fits. 我在尝试与你相处,懂吗?看看我们合不合适。
Second, is there something that you do better than anyone else who fits within the same market category as you do? 二怎么会有你比谁都谁适合在同一类市场你做什么?
They are also given a new hat, known as the "cover. " Here, a plebe is fitted for her cover, to make sure it fits properly. 他们也提供了新的帽子,作为“掩盖”之称。在这里,她是一个普莱贝覆盖安装,以确保其符合正确。