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旎美she may),暗合使你美的读音,英文翻译为她可以,暗喻她可以很美、很漂亮等!2009-12-19 参与编号 #4992195 …

She may not have used the word "socialist" in her speech, but her bright red jacket and skirt expressed it just as well. 或许,她没有在演讲中使用“社会党人”一词,但是其光鲜亮丽的红色夹克和裙子也清楚无疑地表达了那层含义。
Even if things take a nastier turn and she's downright argumentative, she may just be trying to show off her smarts or get under your skin. 即使事情变得更糟糕,她跟你争辩得不休,她也可能只是想显示自己的聪明,或让你不安。
In the United States, since the hostess is also likely to be cook, she may be busy until the last moment preparing the meal. 在美国,女主人很可能要自己下厨,她为了准备菜肴,也许要忙到最后一刻。
But at that moment, she doesn't stop to think why aren't there more presents or to wonder what she may have asked for that she didn't get. 但是此刻,她想到的并不是这里为什么没有那么多礼物,或者自己还能得到什么未曾拥有的东西。
She may not know about it. He was afraid they might not agree with him. They might be having a meeting, but I'm not sure. 他可能在家。她可能不知道这件事。他担心他们可能不同意他的意见。他们有可能在开会,不过我不肯
If your computer is managed by an administrator, he or she may have made changes to your settings and privileges for you. 如果您的电脑由管理员管理,他或她可能对您的设置或权限作了更改。
She may also get a second place in the Guinness Book for the largest amount ever given away for love. 这次她为爱放弃的财富数量也可能使她再次被载入吉尼斯纪录。
The party leader, Martine Aubry, has gained stature, so much so that she may fancy her own chances in two years' time. 该党总书记玛蒂娜·奥布里的声望看涨,并已足以让她憧憬自己两年后的大好时机。
She may continue to feel motivated to help others, but her focus might shift from her immediate family to local and global communities. 他们也可能感觉帮助别人倍受鼓舞,但她的视线可能由她即将组建的家庭转移到当地或世界。
and, for that reason, she has borne with you hitherto: but now that you say she may go, she'll doubtless avail herself of the permission. 为了这个缘故,她才跟你待到如今,可现在你说她可以走,她一定会利用你这个允许的。
If she wants the money to run around with her exciting friends in the city, she may be forced to live with her boring parents in New Jersey. 她要想有钱跟纽约那帮热力十足的朋友一起厮混,或许就不得不跟乏味的父母一起住在新泽西。
But all that she may wish to have, all that she may wish to do, must come through a single channel and a single choice. 然而她可望得到的,可望从事的,都只有一次性选择,摆在她面前的只有一条通道。
Judging from her eyes, she may be American. 从她的眼睛判断,她可能是美国人。
If she's spent the day talking with people, she may have used her quota of'words' and also has little desire to say much more. 如果她白天已经说完了她要说“词语”,那么到了晚上她也不想再说太多。
But she has written Gilbert asking if she may come for a few weeks . . . and you know how the doctor is about such things. 安妮坦白地说,但她给吉尔伯特写了封信,问他她是否可以过来住几个星期,你也知道医生对这种事都会怎么反应了。
Her arms are just about the right length and she may be trying to move them even getting so far as to get her thumb into her mouth to suck. 她的手臂刚好长到合适的尺寸,她可能正试着移动它们呢,甚至会把大拇指放到嘴里去吮吸。
Ms McKamey says she may become a medical assistant, but does not know which degree to pursue or what money she might be given for training. McKamey女士说她希望成为一名医疗助理,但不知道需要什么学位或花多少钱去培训。
She may think of him and treat him that way, buying his food, paying his health bills and his taxes, but in fact Allan is a dog. 她说,“亚伦是我的第四个孩子”。她可能会很替他着想,帮他买食物,付医药费和税…但事实上,亚伦只是条狗罢了。
She may get short-term genetic benefits but she can sing all night for the resource benefits, like a cat sitting out in the rain. 她也许会得到短期的基因利益,但是休想得到资源利益,只能像只雨中的猫一样哀哀地叫。
She may be ideally qualified to run the family ministry, but this does not always make her popular with her government colleagues. 或许,她最有资格掌管家庭部。然而,这并非总能让她在政府部门的同事中受到欢迎。
Yes. And if the lady is of noble stock and has indicated that she may reciprocate. . . Jane, of whom do you think I speak? 没错只要那位女士也出身贵族并且她有会回应你的情意的迹象简你以为我在说谁
And the witch care of her grow up, give her many what she wants, that she may be in a dangerous time, rushed to save her, etc. . . 而女巫照顾她长大,给她许许多多她想要的东西,在得知她有可能有危险的时候,急忙冲去救她等等……
She may have been wondering whether he wanted to leave home and wander the face of the earth. 她也许想知道他是不是想离开家在地球上四处流浪。
Now, she's shocked (shocked! ) that everyone in town hates her for her spite, and is afraid she may have to move. 现在,她的震惊(震惊!),在每个城市,尽管她恨她,害怕她可能移动。
An interviewer may be saying that you're too skilled to be a strong candidate - or she may be complimenting your extensive experience. 一位面试官会说你太有能力了是一位很强的应聘者——或者会成在你的经历。
Your mother should have attended the first hearing. She may have to wait for a few years before the next hearing to come. 你的妈妈必须出席她的第一次听政会。她可能要花好几年去等待下一次的听证。
She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. 她也许不会每时每秒地思念你,但她会给予你她可以为你感到破碎的东西——她的心。
Suddenly Babylon has fallen and become broken; Howl over her; Take balm for her pain, If perhaps she may be healed. 巴比伦忽然倾覆毁坏;你们要为她哀号,拿乳香为她止痛,或者可以治好。
She may also feel a strong desire to do more for herself, and her career, after decades of caretaking, explains Brizendine. 在几十年的打理家庭之后,她也许有着强烈的愿望去为自己拼搏,为事业打拼,布里曾丹这样解释道。
Well, she did. I mean, she may have been wearing a slip dress and doc martens at the time, but she definitely meant it. 她就是。我是说,她可能说这话的时候穿着吊带裙和马丁靴,但她肯定说过。