
美 [ˈselɪŋ]英 ['selɪŋ]
  • v.出售;推销;售卖;出让
  • n.让人失望的东西
  • 网络销售;贩卖;推销式

selling price


v. n.

换取金钱exchange for money

1.[t][i]出让;转让to give sth to sb in exchange for money

出售offer for sale

2.[t]~ sth出售;售卖to offer sth for people to buy

售出;销售be bought

3.[t][i]销售得…;卖出…;售价是…to be bought by people in the way or in the numbers mentioned; to be offered at the price mentioned


4.[i][t]促销;推销to make people want to buy sth

5.[t]~ sth/yourself (to sb)推荐;推销;自荐;自我推销to persuade sb that sth is a good idea, service, product, etc.; to persuade sb that you are the right person for a job, position, etc.


be sold on sth

热衷于;对…极感兴趣to be very enthusiastic about sth

sell your body

出卖肉体;卖淫to have sex with sb in exchange for money

sell sb down the river

出卖(答应要帮助的人)to give poor or unfair treatment to sb you have promised to help

sell sb/yourself short

低估,轻视,小瞧(某人或自己)to not value sb/yourself highly enough and show this by the way you treat or present them/yourself

sell your soul (to the devil)

出卖灵魂(或良心)to do anything, even sth bad or dishonest, in return for money, success or power


产品销售Selling)是一种战术思考 •探究销售的技巧与方法 •关心现有的产品销售点 •关心目前销售目标的达成 •以销售力为中 …


37、推销Selling)/人员推销:是指企业的从业人员通过与顾客(潜在顾客)的人际接触来推动销售的促销方法。38、事件行 …


《Friends》词汇表A ... sunset n. 日落, 晚年 selling n. 贩卖, 出售 peninsula n. 半岛 ...

欧洲商学院人力资源管理之员工管理培训 ... Participating 参与 Selling (传达) Delegating 授权 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... sunset n. 日落, 晚年 selling n. 贩卖, 出售 peninsula n. 半岛 ...


S2 推销式Selling): 解释你的决策并提供说明; S3 参与式 (Participating): 分享想法并帮助其进行决策; S4 授权式 (Del…


推销型Selling)是指高任务—高关系的领导型态,领 导者同时提供部属在指引上的与支持性的行为。 参与型(Participating…


外汇交易市场英语翻译目的论研究 - 豆丁网 ... “buying 买进”、 “selling 卖出”、 “difference 差价”、 ...

O liver was now officially an undertaker's assistant. It was a good, sickly time of year, and coffins were selling well. 奥利弗现已是棺材店老板的正式助理,这一年年景很好,疾病成灾,棺材生意兴旺。
In addition to supplying the wind turbines, GE is selling about a third of the land required for the project to the city of Los Angeles. 除了提供风力涡轮机,通用电气还将向洛杉矶市出售项目所需的三分之一的土地。
"I knew what I was doing that day, " he wrote in the introduction of his best-selling book, also titled The Last Lecture. “我知道我那天在做什么,”他在他的畅销书的前言中写道,书的名字也叫《最后一课》。
The advisor is not trying to make money selling a financial product that may not be the best choice for a client. 没有什么黑幕,规划师不会为了赚钱而将一个不合适的理财产品卖给一个客户。
As you know, June is the right season for the goods, so if they arrive later than June, we will miss the selling season. 你知道,六月是该货的旺季,若迟于六月到达,我们将错失销售季节
"It was all about selling your units and getting your bonus, " she said. “大家都在想着卖出贷款任务就可以拿到奖金”她说。
A mail-order business, selling back issues of men's magazines, put him deep in debt, and his wife left him, taking the children. 一桩销售男性杂志过刊的邮购生意让他债台高筑,妻子也离他而去,并带走了孩子们。
The point is, though, that she was selling these tidbits to raise money for her passion. 关键是,她正在卖小食品来为她的信仰筹钱。
SunBaoJun see my mother's house has been trading company selling hang house intermediary, how much have points in. . . 孙宝军看到本人母亲的房子也被挂到房子中介买卖公司出售,心里几多有点数了。
If I had to leave Grotto, that would've meant selling my crew just for passage money. 如果我被迫离开葛洛托,那就意味着我得卖掉僵尸工人换盘缠。
But, sir, I cannot sell a product that has no obvious selling points. That's impossible! 但是,先生,我没办法卖一项没有任何突出卖点的产品呀!那是不可能的!
There was no petrol. Garages were converted into eateries and there wasn't a draper or herbalist who wasn't selling cakes on the side. 因为没有汽油,汽车行全改了吃食店,没有一家绸缎铺或药房不兼卖糕饼。
The company recently decided to put more focus on Africa, especially in Nigeria where it is trying to become a leader in selling generators. 这家公司最近决定把更多重心放在非洲,特别是尼日利亚,这家公司希望能在发电机销售上领先。
She was hushed from her first days, as her mother suckled her in the jail to which she had been sent for illegally brewing and selling beer. 出生的第一天,刚吃奶时她就被身陷囹圄的母亲嘘唬禁声。母亲因非法酿造和销售啤酒而被关押。
Lack of money continued to be a pressing problem, and she financed the home by selling copies of her biography and giving speeches. 缺钱仍然是一个迫切的问题,于是她通过销售自己的自传和发表演说来为“贫困和老年黑人之家”提供资金。
They were exactly like auctioneers buying and selling their wares except that they were in a trading pit battling it out. 他们就像拍卖一样,只是他们在交易所场内而已。
Skullcandy didn't invent the formula of selling audio gear as if it was fashion. 将音频设备作为一种时尚产品来出售并不是Skullcandy的首创。
It would be a bit rich for Goldman to turn round and make a profit by selling this stuff at a higher price to its old boss. 如果高盛转头将这些产品以更高的价格卖给前老板,而从中获利,将颇有些赚头。
Dell was selling $1 million per day over the Net in 1996, when some PC makers were still trying to get basic Web sites up and running. 1996年,戴尔每天在网上的销售额达一百万美元,而在这时,一些PC制造商仍在努力建立站点和刚刚开始运营。
They are permitted to own only up to 51% of shops selling single-brand products, or to sell to others on a wholesale basis. 最多只有51%商店可以供外资公司直接销售单一品牌的商品,或者以批发的形式销售给其它商店。
More recently some people have taken a tack of not trying to sell a more expensive computer , but selling something less . 更最近一些人们有带不尝试卖一部比较贵的计算机的大头钉,但是销售比较少的东西。
Now we all know you have to do a bit of "selling" to the 5th graders, but it's not really all that relevant for a sales job. 我们知道,五年级学生的老师工作中也需要一点“自我销售”,但这对于获得一份销售工作来说实在不算什么相关经验。
She liked dropping into a kindergarten on Nguyen Du street to see children playing, when she went selling steamed glutinous rice. 当她卖蒸糯米时,她很喜欢到nguyen路上的幼儿园去看孩子们玩。
Hintz said he is confident the company has enough capital or that Fuld "would be selling his office furniture on eBay if he had to. " Hintz称他仍然相信这家公司拥有足够的资金,否则Fuld将不得不在Ebay上出售他的办公用具。
Choi says local criminal gangs did not want him selling gum in the area and once grabbed him and took him to a nearby mountain. 崔成奉说,当地的犯罪团伙不让他在那里卖口香糖。一次,抓了他,并带到附近山上。
In recent months, it has found a niche selling new custodial services that offer higher forms of oversight and transparency. 最近几个月,该集团发现了一个利基市场,销售在监督和透明度方面进行了改进的新托管服务。
Now she's not ashamed to say that she'd like to be a globally popular, multimillion-selling star. 现在的她,一点都不羞于想成为专辑销量有数百万的全球知名歌星。
Selling out to a foreign firm would be humiliating. But Proton's struggles are already a national embarrassment as it is. 卖给老外会是一件丢脸的事儿,但宝腾的“垂死挣扎”事实上已经让马来西亚人感到难为情了。
s - Jaguar had reached a point in its history of selling only luxury and sports cars. The company also sold a great deal of its cars abroad. s-Jaguar销售豪华车型及跑车的数量达到历史新高。并且公司的海外销售量也相当可观
He says he never went hungry, but his parents made only a modest living selling merchandise door-to-door, on instalment plans. 他说自己从来不用忍饥挨饿,但靠着父母上门推销分期付款的商品所挣的收入,也只能缩衣节食地过日子。