
美 [ˈstʌdi]英 ['stʌdi]
  • n.研究;学习;调查;书房
  • v.研究;学习;调查;攻读
  • 网络研读;上课学习;求学篇

复数:studies 过去式:studied 现在分词:studying

preliminary study,experimental study,initial study,comprehensive study,study hard
study produce,make study,case study,study engineering,study project
carefully study


n. v.

学习activity of learning

1.[u]学习;研究the activity of learning or gaining knowledge, either from books or by examining things in the world

2.[pl]功课;课业;学业a particular person's learning activities, for example at a college or university

学科academic subject

3.[uspv](用于某些学科名称)used in the names of some academic subjects

仔细检查detailed examination

4.[u]细致考虑;仔细检查;审视the act of considering or examining sth in detail

5.[c](专题)研究,调查a piece of research that examines a subject or question in detail


7.[c]习作;试作;试画a drawing or painting of sth, especially one done for practice or before doing a larger picture

典型perfect example

9.[sing]~ (in sth)典型;范例a perfect example of sth


尼康国际摄影比赛获奖作品 ... 《身边的人 think of the one who were by my side》 《学习 Studying》 《沙滩之子 Son of the B…


初2英语一题完型填空。_百度知道 ... 10.answer 答案 1.studying 研究 3.seem 似乎 ...


我们勤力,是勤力研读(studying)圣经,不是以读小说般来阅读(reading)圣经。世上没有一条捷径,可以不用努力而能够快速明 …


《美语会话脱口系列:情景英语口语大全》-... ... Outing 户外游玩/243 Studying 上课学习/248 Final Examination 期末考试/…


《飞跃新西兰/环球雅思学校推荐... ... 第五章 驾车篇 Driving 第六章 求学篇 Studying 第四节 补充阅读材料 Additional material ...


OMG美语 - Back to School! 回学校! ... ) homework 功课 ) Studying 读书 ) going to class 上课 ...


出国旅游英语篇(转载)_柳毅_新浪博客 ... Sightseeing 观光. Studying 留学深造. Visiting my friend. 拜访朋友. ...

The analysis and demonstration have proved that this method is a practical one for studying the change law of the air temperature i. . . 分析验证表明,这是研究进风井筒风流温度变化规律的一种新的实用方法。
Now, you are a little student studying in the United States for over a year. 如今你已是留美一年多的小留学生了。
I haven't seen her around lately. Somebody told me that she's always at home studying for the exam. 我最近都没见过她。有人告诉我说,她一直在家准备考试呢。
He said the government has been 'seriously studying' the matter and pledged to 'correct quickly if any errors are found. ' 他说,中国政府一直在认真研究这个问题,并保证将迅速纠正所发现的任何问题。
One student, Wang Jian, said that studying was no longer difficult for her. 一名学生,王健说,学习已不再困难了。
If I meet with some problems while studying, I never hesitate to turn to the teachers and parents for advice. 如果学习时遇到了问题,我从不犹豫向老师和父母求教。
As we talked I had been studying Chou with deep interest; like many Red leaders, he was as much a legend as a man. 我一边同周谈话,一边深感兴趣地观察着他,象其他许多红军领袖一样,他是一个传奇式的人物。
Since it has no first-hand information, China is still studying and assessing information from all sides in a serious and prudent manner. 中方不掌握第一手情况,仍在认真、慎重地研究和评估各方面信息。
The work lawyers do is in fact indispensable for our society. What is more, studying law is often the first step to a career in politics. 律师的工作对于我们的社会来说是非常必要的。再说,学习法律往往是从政的第一步。
The old gentleman read this advertisement from end to end, in a low voice, as if he were studying it. 老先生从头到尾低声念了一遍告示,仿佛在仔细琢磨。
The Planck observatory's job was to look at the age, contents and evolution of the cosmos by studying the heat left behind by the Big Bang. 普朗克天文台的任务是通过研究宇宙大爆炸(theBigBang)之后遗留的热量,去考察宇宙的年龄、容量与进化。
How much longer will you be studying this evening? 你还要学习多久?
After a year of studying Vesta, Dawn is scheduled to leave orbit and, in 2015, approach the only asteroid-belt object that is larger: Ceres. 一年后,黎明号探测器将离开灶神星的轨道,计划在2015年到达谷神星,它是小行星带中唯一一颗比灶神星大的小行星。
I'm studying in class four in grade one in XinDongfang School. My study is not bad and I'm very willing to make friends with you. 我来自新东方学校五年级四班我的学习成绩不错,我很愿意和大家交朋友。
I started studying the message that they were trying to send out to people. 我开始研究他们想传达给人们的信息。
He thought for a minute or two, studying my face. 他想了一两分钟,端详着我的表情。
his head cocked to one side , studying me with his penetrating eyes. 他歪着头,用他那锋利的目光仔细端详我。
She was from Upper Montclair, New Jersey, the second of six children of a doctor who was studying to be a priest before he met her mother. 她来自新泽西州的北蒙特克莱,是家中六个孩子中的老二,父亲是个医生。在邂逅丹尼斯的母亲之前,他正在学习,准备当牧师。
Every time I watch a DVD he sends me to bed or tells me to spend more tome studying. 每次我看DVD,他就催着我上床睡觉,要么就是教导我要多花些时间学习。
I'd like to tell you about when I was a graduate student, and I spent one summer on the boat in the L studying marine life. 我想给你们讲我当研究生时的事,我在一艘船上呆了一个夏天享受我的海洋生活。
The results show that this model can be used for studying heat performance of cooling system. 该模型可用于柴油机冷却系统的动态传热研究。
About a decade ago, before embarking on her quest for a driver's license, Ms. Cha spent three years studying for a hairdresser's license. 大约十年前,在她计划考驾照之前,Cha女士花费了三年时间学习理发师执照。
I put him on the dashboard of the car and kept studying him all the way from Michigan to Erie, trying to figure out what I could do. 我把他放到了轿车的仪表盘上,然后在整个从密西根到伊利市的路上都在研究他,并尝试着去想我能够做点什么。
Studying the management of IT for community development is very different from the study of any of those topics separately. 学习社区发展的信息技术管理与单独研究其中某一个问题存在很大差别。
The company is studying sites in central China. It also has been testing out a facility in Tianjin, near Beijing, for two years. 该公司正在华中地区选址。他们在天津的工厂已经试运行了两年。
I'm happy to report that after years of studying it, I've become fairly good at it (though happily failing all the time). 我很高兴地宣布,经过数年的研究之后我已在这方面变得相当在行了(尽管一直在失败着)。
Mr Wilkins said the company is also studying the establishment of an office in the north-east. 韦朴表示,该公司还考虑在东北设一个办事处。
Glaciologists have been studying the surface of Europa for many years, trying to work out what formed its scarred, fractured surface. 冰河学家对木卫二进行了多年的研究,试图搞清为什么它的表面伤痕累累,裂纹丛生。
He has since been studying diligently for a year and a half, paying about $240 a year for premium services. 签约后,他已经又坚持学习了一年半,为增值服务支付约240美元一年。
Two (or twelve) brains are always better than one, and studying is no exception. 两个(或者十二个)大脑总好过一个,学习也不例外。