say goodbye

  • 网络说再见;道别;告别

say goodbyesay goodbye

say goodbye


say goodbye 是什么意思? - 精华知识 - 搜搜问问 ... say goodbye 的意思是 说再见... say goodbye 的意思是:说再见! SAY 说 ...


EEC初二上学期英语单词表 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... be good for( 对…有利) say goodbye道别) well-known( 著名的) ...


牛津大学英语词典 ... He's just gone on leave. 他刚请假走了. say goodbye (向某人)告别; 离别. go mad 发疯: ...


Gloves to Ali - Jay Chou | Nhạc phim, game ... 黑色毛衣 / Black Sweater 说了再见 / Say Goodbye 跨时代 / Kua Shi Dai ...


红警3全单位游戏语音资料帖_盟军吧_百度贴吧 ... Later,champ 再见了&% Say goodbye 说再见吧 Good night 晚安 ...


CD宋祖英吕继宏赤道雨原声大碟(2碟附书)-博库网 ... 03 往事如烟 Like Wind 04 说一声再见 Say goodbye 05 擦擦擦 Cacaca ...


爱情 | MicroFilm | 微电瘾,微电影 ... Sydney in Love 爱在雪梨 Say Goodbye 该说再见了 NO.596 596 号 ...

Good master! If you do feed your dog with chocolate, you might have to say goodbye to your dog. 好主人啊!如果你真给它吃巧克力,那就要和你的爱犬说再见了。
Forgives me to use a crueler way to say goodbye with you, is not I loves the unfeeling too, but is too deep to your dependence. 原谅我以一种更残酷的方式来告别,不是我喜欢无情,而是你的依赖太深使我不得不这样。
say goodbye forever to excuses , indifference and regrets . stand up , claim what you want and get ready to do what it takes to get it. 向各种借口、冷漠、和遗憾说永别吧。站起来,大声说出你的目标,并准备好为实现目标做出必要的付出。
As a writer, I was used to being detached, but I was hit by a wave of sadness as I tried to say goodbye. 作为作者,我过去一直习惯于超然事外,但是当我试着说再见时,一股悲伤涌入我内心。
And let young Hawkins go at once to say goodbye to his mother, and then come quickly to Bristol with Redruth. 让小霍金斯赶快回家和他母亲道别,由雷德拉斯陪他来布里斯托尔。
Another girl came to say goodbye before leaving and said we were welcome at her wedding in May in Southern California. 另一个女生,走的时候来告别,说欢迎五月份去参加她在南加州的婚礼。
Think about it: when was the last time you heard someone say "goodbye" at the end of a phone conversation in a Hollywood movie? 回想一下:你最后一次在好莱坞影片中听到人们在电话里说“再见”是什么时候?
Hard and sad you wrinkled your brows, told me that you were bored and tired and it was time to say goodbye. 紧蹙着悲伤的眉头,你对我说你感到厌倦了,你累了,是时候说再见了。
Mercury is no longer retrograde as it was in June, so you can say goodbye to the delays and postponements that might have plagued you then. 马邱莉不会在麻烦你了,因为已经六月了,所以你可以向那些会拖延,延缓你的烦恼说再见了。
The wind real person, do see qi left so quick to say goodbye to all return to one and sectarian. 清风真人一行看到斯琪这么快就走了也跟众人一一道别回到宗派了。
"Yes, " she said, "as I'm leaving, would you say 'Goodbye, mother? ' It would make me feel so much better. " 老太太说:好的,我一会从超市走开的时候,你能不能对我说一句“妈妈,再见”?那我让我感到非常温暖。
You changed my life I hope you know 'Cause now I'm lost So unprotected In a blink of an eye And never got to say goodbye ! 你改变我的生活,我希望您能知道因为我现在失去那么保护在眨眼,还没来得及说再见!
Linda tries to tell her mother that it is time to say goodbye. 琳达试着告诉她的妈妈,该是挂电话,说再见的时候了。
It's very nice of you to see me off . But I have to say goodbye to you. 你能来送我真好,但我不得不说再见了。
"Yes, " she said, and "Goodbye and thanks. " For the first time she felt like crying ; it was because she had to say goodbye to them. “可以,”她说,“再见,谢谢”。第一次她感到想哭;因为她不得不跟他们说再见。
When she came to say goodbye, the family asked her to settle an argument they'd been having over exactly what advice she had given. 当她来道别时,(那)家人请她就不断以来悬而未决的争论给出一个倡议。
Nancy was the last to say goodbye. She knelt and took Snoopy's frosted muzzle6 in her hands. 南希最后一个和斯努皮告别,她蹲在它旁边,捧着它冰凉的鼻子。
Time to say goodbye to countries I never saw and shared with you, now, I shall experience them. 到了告别的时刻,那些我不曾看过,不曾与你分享的国度,现在我可以去寻访。
Rest assured that his entrance is nigh, and when he comes you may never have to say goodbye. . . to be continued. . . 请放心,他的大门就在眼前,当他到来时,你们将永远不必说再见。
They seem to have never been formally say goodbye. Every time, are absolutely different. 他们似乎从没有正式地告别过。而每一次都是绝别。
Oh, yes. Is it possible to leave my luggage here until I'm ready to leave this afternoon? I'd like to say goodbye to some of my friends. 好的.能把行李放在这里到下午走时来拿吗?我想跟一些朋友告别。
Just as I was about to settle in, we would move, and I would once again say goodbye to my friends, teachers, and home. 我刚适应了新的环境,接着就要搬走,而我就要向自己的朋友、老师和家再次告别。
You want to leave the master to send you to the door, or even sent to the door, and then say goodbye. 你要离去时,主人送你到门口,甚至送到门外,然后说再见。
There are so many things have disappeared just like the fire in the wind, without leaving any chance for me to say goodbye finally. 好多东西都没了,就象是遗失在风中的烟花,让我来不及说声再见就已经消逝不见。影片:男人四十。
It is not until the most respectable people is about to leave that the other people can say goodbye. 等最重要的人表现出想走的意思后,其他人才能随之离开。
I've noticed that you've changed into a stranger, so It's time for me to say goodbye to you now. 我已经意识到你现在变成了一个陌生人,所以就到了我跟你说再见的时候了。
Thirty percent of the brotherhood did not support me, so I will leave it to you and them to say goodbye to our master. 30%的武士不支持我,我就留给你们跟我们的总领告别了。
At the end of my presidency, I picked a few special places to say goodbye and thanks to the American people. 在即将结束总统任期之时,我选择了几个特别的地方去向美国人民话别和道谢。
A student was going to leave the capital to become an official in a city far away. Before he started, he came to say goodbye to his teacher. 有个学生要离开京城去很远的一个城市当官。在他离开前,他去跟他的老师告别。
Frau Schmitz would greet me with surprise, listen to me apologize for my strange behavior, and amicably say goodbye. 施密兹夫人会惊异地问候我,聆听我为我那怪异的行为道歉,并亲切地道别的。