sir alex

  • 网络阿莱克斯爵士;阿历士爵士;阿莱士爵士

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sir alex


...西布朗队服,上面标注的号码是1500,队员名字是“阿莱克斯爵士”(SIR ALEX),寓意弗格森本场是执教曼联的第1500场比赛。


...西布朗队服,上面标注的号码是1500,队员名字是「阿历士爵士」(SIR ALEX),寓意费格逊今场是执教曼联的第1500场比赛。


...本场是费格申执教曼联的第1500场,队员的名字是“阿莱士爵士”(SIR ALEX),这样的感情直白又简单,不夹杂其他东西,才显 …

Sir Alex thinks it would be a fitting tribute if the 35-year-old was handed the trophy at the annual ceremony in London this Sunday. 弗格森爵士认为如果这位35岁的老将本周日能在伦敦赢得这个大奖的话将是最合适不过的。
But Sir Alex said he won't make up his mind whether to start Rio until the day of the game. 但爵爷说他得到赛前才能决定是否让费迪南的首发。
Nevertheless, Sir Alex Ferguson insists the 31-year-old will not be back in first team action until the beginning of next season. 然而,弗格森爵士坚持这位31岁的球员在下赛季开始前不会回到一队。
Sir Alex is clearly buoyed by his skipper's ongoing recovery, however, and a first-team return cannot be far away. 弗格森也很满意曼联正选队长的恢复状况,一线队离内维尔真得不远了。
Results and is the same as I would like to see Sir Alex's disappointment, I suddenly thought of the 2007 Moscow night! 结果和我想的是一样的,看到爵爷的失望,我突然想到了07年莫斯科之夜!
She said her client said he was joking around and he struck Sir Alex while shadow boxing. 她说他的当事人只是想开个玩笑,当时弗格森爵士正在阴影中。
I had a little fight with Sir Alex Ferguson, but I also had some great moments with him too. 我和弗格森爵士有过一些小争执,不过我亦同样和他有过一些美好的时刻。
The Dutch striker is looking to leave Old Trafford after falling out of favour with Sir Alex Ferguson towards the end of last season. 荷兰射手期待离开老特拉福德,自从上赛季末失去阿莱克斯·弗格森爵士的信任之后。
"It is a strange thing because Ryan's peak seems to have lasted so long now, " said Sir Alex. “很奇怪,因为吉格斯的巅峰期真是太长了,”弗格森爵士说。
"We're trying to get one of them fit for Sunday, but we'll have to see, " added Sir Alex. “我们希望他们中的1个可以参加周日的比赛,但没有把握,”弗格森爵士说。
Roy Keane says learning from Sir Alex Ferguson and Brian Clough will stand him in good stead in his debut season in the Premier League. 基恩说,弗格森爵士和布莱恩克劳夫在他第一次带领英超球队的时候给了他很大的帮助。
The key for Sir Alex Ferguson will be to see how his side respond to that emphatic scoreline and Fulham will be wary of a possible backlash. 弗格森爵士本场比赛的目的是要看看他的球队怎么保持住积分榜优势并且提防富勒姆的反击。
Sir Alex has no qualms about changing his line-up; his players are amenable to rotation as they recognise the benefits for the team. 弗格森对于是否改变首发阵容并不在意,球员们乐于接受轮换,因为这对球队有利。
I cannot however forgive him for his recent antics. How dare Sir Alex Ferguson and his team steal our League Championship from us? 但是最近他的意外之举让我无法原谅他,弗格森爵士,你竟敢从我们手中偷走联赛冠军?
They've got to show Sir Alex and everyone else that behaviour like this will not be tolerated. 足总必须要让弗爵爷和其他人意识到这样的行为是无法容忍的。
"When Sir Alex makes his decision to leave there'll be lots of applications from all over the world, " he said. “当弗格森爵士做出决定之前,关于这个世界上一定会有一大队传言。”他说。
And although Park appeared to be running freely, Sir Alex said his match fitness is still somewhat off the pace. 朴智星看起来没什么问题,弗格森爵士说他的比赛状态还不够好。
Certainly in this picture Sir Alex Ferguson and his players seem to be desperate to depart the scene of their disappointment. 在图中,弗格森爵爷和球员们似乎恨不得赶快离开这个伤心地。
I'm also playing for a great manager. Sir Alex is one of the best, if not the best, managers that has been around. 我也在为一个伟大的经理比赛。阿历克斯爵士是最好的之一,如果不是最好的那个的话。
Sir Alex was relieved to see the Argentine pop up in the right place at the right time and hailed his squad's never-say-die attitude. 弗格森爵士感到欣慰看到阿根廷人适时地站出来,在适当的地方,适当的时机,并且展现了球队的不死精神。
Earlier this year, Sir Alex described Foster's capture as "a great bit of business" and tantamount to "guarding the future of the club" . 今年早些时候,Sir形容福斯特的加盟是“一桩出色的交易”并认为是“球队未来的保障”。
Adem Ljajic, Manchester United's new signing, has given himself 12 months to force his way into Sir Alex Ferguson's first-team squad. 曼联签下的新人亚当。拉贾季奇还有12个月才能进入曼联一线队。
United might be able to take positives from this commanding performance, although Sir Alex found it tough to hide his disappointment. 曼联也许应该从本场的表现中看到积极因素,但弗格森爵士很难掩饰自己的失望。
Sir Alex Ferguson is feeling all nostalgic as he gears up for a title challenge from Arsenal. 弗格森在为球队准备与阿森纳的大战时,表示感觉到十分怀念。
His absence raised fears that he was still struggling for Wednesday, but Sir Alex remains hopeful Ferdinand will be ready to face Barcelona. 但他的缺席让人们担心他是否能参加决赛,弗格森爵士认为费迪南德很有机会参加。
Sir Alex Ferguson made his views pretty clear in the press conference and I dare say he did the same in the dressing room as well. 弗格森爵士在记者会上已经说的很明白了,我敢说他在更衣室说的也差不多。
"We have had a little setback with Michael Carrick, " confirmed Sir Alex Ferguson at Friday's press conference. “我们的卡里克遭受了打击,”弗格森爵士在周五的记者会上说。
He lived long enough to see Sir Alex win the European Cup Winners Cup and United's first ever "Double" before dying in 1995. 在他1995年去世之前,他有幸目睹了阿列克斯爵士带领曼联队夺取欧洲优胜者杯冠军,也看到了曼联史上首个双冠的到来。
In midfield the quartet did not work hard enough to escape the clutches of Sir Alex's set-up. 中场四将也没有足够努力去摆脱弗格森设置的天罗地网。
Sir Alex Ferguson is still hopeful of adding another midfielder to his squad ahead of the Premiership kick-off this weekend. 弗格森仍希望在本周末英超开赛前增加一名中场球员。