coup d etat

  • 网络政变

coup d etatcoup d etat

coup d etat


...复辟,但是由极右势力保皇党员挑起的持续骚动,以及对政变(coup d etat)的恐慌,导致了激进分子代表提出变卖王冠珠宝的计划.

In a news conference at the airport in San Jose, Costa Rica, Mr. Zelaya said he is the victim of a coup d'etat. 在哥斯达黎加圣和塞机场举行的新闻发布会上,塞拉亚说自己是政变的受害者。
Calling on Ahmadinejad to resign, they said the election results were a "coup d'etat" and chanted "Death to the lying government" . 他们呼吁内贾德辞职,说选举结果是“政变”,并高喊“打倒说谎的政府”。
Shortly after the coup d'etat that brought Qaddafi to power, he unceremoniously ordered all Italians to leave Libyan territory. 就在卡扎菲进行政变并开始执政后不久,他毫不客气地下令所有的意大利人离开利比亚的领土。
But having an assembly chairman who himself came to power through a coup d'etat is clearly not going to help them hold the line. 但是这个靠政变夺权的大会主席显然不能帮助他们坚守阵地。
Military coup d'etat has always been treated as an important topic in both the areas of political development and democratization. 不论在政治发展或民主化研究中,军事政变都是一个重要的议题。
Will There Be A Coup D' Etat In The US During The Next Couple Of Weeks? 在接下来几周美国会有政变?
Yet a February coup d'etat heightened the anxiety of those who see danger in a stand-off. 然而,今年2月份的一场政变,加剧了那些认为这种疏远中存在危险隐患的人们的焦虑情绪。
In this scenario, Lin and his high military commanders, sensing Mao's treachery , plotted a preemptive coup d'etat. 在这种场景中,林彪和他的军队高层对毛泽东的背信弃义感到不满,计划了先发制人的政变。
The trouble is linked to turmoil that culminated in the coup d'etat that ousted President Marc Ravalomanana last week. 这个麻烦与上一周为罢免总统马克·拉瓦卢马纳纳而发动的武装政变演变成的骚乱有关。
hey , sam , do you know what a coup d ' etat is ? look it up. 嘿,萨姆,你知道什么叫军事政变?查一下。