the musical

  • 网络音乐剧;歌舞片;热恋-音乐剧

the musicalthe musical

the musical


韩剧【BIG】1~2集(线上看+音乐欣赏) ... 【High Kick 3: 短腿的反击】 【The Musical 音乐剧】 【Miss Ripley 雷普利小姐】 ...


世界电影... ... Genre Innovations and Transformations 类型片的革新与演变 The Musical 歌舞片 The Screwball Comedy 神经 …


第24页 -... ... 科里奥兰纳斯/ Coriolanus.2012 热恋-音乐剧/ Lovestruck:The Musical.2012 曼谷复仇/ Bangkok Revenge.2012 ...


... ... 2008--《重罪秘辛》 Felon 2006--《十诫:音乐舞台剧》 The Ten Commandments:The Musical 2006--《时空线索》 Deja …


Category:5.13 民俗 - 纪录片百科 ... North India:Arrow to the Heart《 箭钱眼开》 North Korea:The Musical《 北韩: 奇异音乐剧


《英文广告阅读》- 京东图书... ... 5.课程篇 IMD Courses /229 1.音乐篇 The Musical /243 2.芭蕾篇 The Ballet /251 ...


3、 都市人的消遣——异彩纷呈的歌舞剧The Musical)诞生于纽约百老汇的歌舞剧是一种综合性、通俗的表演艺术,在其中…

This meant that the changes in the rhythm formed the main part of the musical structure as the means of developing the thrust of the music. 即主要以节奏形式的变化作为乐曲结构的支柱、乐思发展的手段。
All the motion exists in particular time with space. The music is no exception as the motion form of the musical sound. 任何运动都存在于特定的时间和空间之中,音乐作为乐音的运动形式,也不例外。
it was the quality of it , the repose , and the musical modulation - the soft , rich , indefinable product of culture and a gentle soul. 他爱恋她声音的悦耳平和与它那动人的起伏那是文化教养与高雅的灵魂的流露,柔和丰富得难以描述。
The musical also boasted a state-of-the-art stage design that could rival that of a Broadway and West-end production. 音乐剧也因为其拥有夸到由Broadway百老汇和West-end制作设计艺术性的舞台而自豪。
Fellini said he did not need the images -- on Nino Rota's mind, the stories came up on the musical shape. 费里尼说,尼诺不需要画面,在他的想象中,故事就能按照音乐的形状发生。
What he might not be able to overcome is the dated nature of the musical. 对他来说,这部音乐剧复古怀旧的特性,也许才是他无法逾越的屏障。
After she was resurrected, the mood changed, and, despite the musical episode, I don't think all that gloom and doom sent the right message. 她复活后,情绪也改变了。除了音乐的插曲外,我并不认为所有的阴暗和厄运传达了正确的信息。
"How much the bird reminds me of the musical box that belonged to our blessed Empress, " said an old knight. “这鸟儿真使我记起死去的皇后的那个八音盒,”一位老侍臣说。
Music executives believe the company is cannibalising the musical part of its own business. 音乐总监们相信苹果公司正在拆掉它自己音乐这块儿的生意。
The musical heat can spark the front-line hope of life, musical of enthusiasm, can comfort spirit of many resemble Huang. 音乐的热度,可以点燃人生的一线希望,音乐的热情,能够慰藉精神的许多彷徨。
When the kite was flown in the sky, it was able to produce the musical sound of the zheng. 那么纸鸢一飞上天,就能发出筝鸣的声音来。
Chopin's polonaises brought the musical form to a higher level than anyone had envisioned the musical style to be capable of. 肖邦的波兰舞曲将这一音乐形式带到了更高的层次,这是没有人预见到的。
Maria Von Trapp's only complaint about the musical was that it portrayed her as a goody-goody . 玛丽亚对该音乐片唯一有点抱怨是片中把她描绘成了一个唯唯诺诺的人物形象。
Songwriter William Gilbert, in the musical "Princess Ida" , wrote: " Darwinian man, though well-behaved, at best is only a monkey shaved. " 剧作家威廉·吉尔伯特在歌剧《艾达公主》中写道:“达尔文派的人虽然乖巧,但充其量只是一只剃掉毛的猴子。”
His words come out with a beautiful cadence, and the musical tones of the Peking accent have a graceful musical rise and fall. 他的话以一种美妙的声调表现出来,而那种北平腔的悦耳声调具有优美音乐的抑扬顿挫。
Talking to Amanda Charles confessed to her that he had not yet seen the Oscar-winning film behind the musical. 查尔斯王子在音乐剧之后跟Amanda交谈时,坦言自己还没有看过这部奥斯卡获奖影片。
Barbour was starring in Jane Eyre , and a high school drama teacher arranged for the girl and her parents to see the musical . 错过它是在主演·爱,与高中戏剧老师安排女婴和她的父母看到他的音乐。
At the beginning of the 20th century huge instruments are built there and become the musical and visual focus of the great fairs. 20世纪初,这两个国家生产出巨型的节日场地风琴,它们是盛大节日中的音乐和视觉焦点。
The final type of a audio sound that may be used is known as the Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or MIDI for short. 最后一种可用的声音类型称为乐器数字接口,缩写为MIDI。
Becomes dangerously ill with a bleeding ulcer and is hospitalized but recovers to work with Truman Capote on the musical House of Flowers . 1954年(49)变为危险的出血性溃疡病患者和住院,但恢复到与杜鲁门卡波特对音乐的楼花。
In Ancient Greece, the musical system was one of eight keys. 古时候,希腊人的音乐有八个调。
In 2006 he surprised many by starring in London as the streetwise gambler Nathan Detroit in the musical "Guys and Dolls. " 2006年在伦敦上映的音乐剧《红男绿女》(GuysandDolls)中扮演一个机敏的赌徒NathanDetroit让大多数人大为震惊。
That, through the ability to script parts of the application, you can have more control over the musical strategy. 一旦应用拥有了脚本能力以后,你就能对音乐策略有更强的控制能力。
In the musical tone of the application do not have to work with in the application of the no colors are very similar. 在音乐息品洋利用必须的音色与在美术息品洋利用必须颜色是极为近似的。
It requires a sharing of energy, sensitivity to the musical phrasing, and as a woman, attunement to the nuances of the man's lead. 它需要能量共享,对音乐的敏感,舞中的女伴,随机应变于男人的带领并体会细微差别。
"A Christmas Carol" is a famous old story , and we're going to see the musical version of it. “圣诞颂歌”是一个著名老故事,并且我们看音乐版本的它。
Followed the musical development, the musical is singing the method also similarly to pass through the long development path. 伴随着音乐剧的发展,音乐剧演唱方法也同样走过了漫长的发展道路。
Beneath the musical broadcast that you hear in stores and shopping malls may be a hidden message which exhorts against shoplifting. 在音乐广播之下,你听到的故事中,和在购物商场里,也许隐藏了一条隐蔽的信息,它劝诫反对入店行窃。
She gained initial public notice with her performance as Miss Marmelstein in the musical I Can Get It for You Wholesale. 她以《我可以用批发价卖给你》这出音乐剧中的“MissMarmelstein”这个角色,引起了公众的注意。
The musical notes played one by one, like shinning stars in the sky, describe sweets and bitters as being in love and taste of missing. 音符点点落下,有如星空中点点光亮,描述著恋爱的酸甜及思念滋味。