the heat

  • 网络辣手警花;盗火线;热度

the heatthe heat

the heat


...BI女特工与女警探,一路互掐顺带对抗俄罗斯黑帮的《辣手警花》(The Heat),公映日期更改:由2013年04月05日推迟至201…


...n),城中大盗堪称经典,虽然不及历史上类似题材的《盗火线》(The Heat),但也绝对算得上创新立异。


《我和音乐的故事》—— 母亲推荐歌单2 ... 《Breathe Again》(《 宽心》)是 《The Heat》(《 热度》),体现出歌手的最 …


英语口语 英语大赢家总目录 文本及录音... ... 交通问题 Traffic 酷暑 The Heat 巧克力火锅 Chocolate Hot Pot ...


绰号:热火(The Heat)绰号:超人(Superman) 生日:1982-08-28 生日:1975-12-20 身高:5'10" (178cm) 身高:5'9" (176cm)


桑德拉·... ... 《心灵钥匙》( Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close) 《麻辣娇锋》( The Heat) 生死时速2( Speed 2: Cruis…


上周六晚间首次播出的政治访谈类节目“热点”(The Heat),重点关注习近平明日将在爱荷华州作的短暂停留。节目重点谈及这个 …

With the best backcourt in basketball this season, the Heat might be better than anyone expects, giving fits to the top teams in the East. 最好的后卫在本赛季的篮球,热火可能会比任何人都更希望,让适合的顶级球队在东部地区。
They cite events like the heat and drought of the 1930s as evidence that extreme weather is nothing new. 他们引述了一些例子来证明极端天气事件并非什么新鲜事。
The formular has been used in making a new heating specification of Shanghai Heavy Machinery Plant to improve the heat. . . 本研究已用于上海重型机器厂新的钢锭加热规范之中,改进了加热工艺。
Third-seeded Novak Djokovic would seem to be the favorite here, but he doesn't play well in the heat. 三号种子诺瓦克·德约科维奇也许最为人们所看好,但是在高温的情况下他的表现总是不尽如人意。
"We are going to bear the heat of summer with round paper fans and Japanese folding fans, " he said. “我们将在夏天使用纸扇和日本折扇祛暑,”她说。
Then she remembered the heat and sat down guiltily on the couch just as a freshly laundered nurse leading a little girl came into the room. 后来她想起了酷热的天气,又不好意思地在沙发上坐了下来,正在这时一个穿着新洗的衣服的保姆搀着一个小女孩走进屋子来。
The surface of the road shimmered in the heat of the sun. 路面在列日的热气中发出闪烁的微光。
He said pumping seawater round the reactor as a coolant would take away the heat and stop any further core meltdown. 他认为用海水作为冷却剂将其泵到反应堆周围可以带走热量并阻止核心继续融毁。
Prior to the Soviet siege of Stalingrad, the German supply disruptions, and then the heat of battle, only a few ounces of bread a day. 此前由于苏军包围斯大林格勒,德军供给中断,再激烈的战斗中,每天只有几盎司的面包。
There is no simple general law relating the change of temperature of a substance to the heat energy add to it. 加进物质的热量同物质温度的变化之间的关系,还没有一条简洁而普通的定律。
More to the point, NATO allies are turning up the heat on Germany to let its soldiers fight in Afghanistan's much more dangerous south. 对于更多要执行的任务,北约盟国也在为德国加温,让德军承担阿富汗南部更危险得多的战事。
He could feel the heat radiating from the floor and door, and figured the fire would burn its way through the cab in a matter of minutes. 他可以感受到从门以及地上传来的热,他估计火将在几分钟左右将驾驶室烧起来。
An infrared detector measures how the heat travels through the tooth while a light sensor picks up the fluorescent signal. 红外线探测器测量热量怎样通过牙齿进行传播,而光敏感元件可以发现荧光信号。
What appears to unite all those who can stand the heat is a passion and a sense of mission. 所有这些能忍受热的人的相同之处是一种激情和使命感。
And as their eyes met for a second, she felt the heat in her neck and breasts, and she flushed, turning away before he noticed. 当他们的眼光相遇的一刻,她感到她的胸腔和咽喉里发热,并激动的脸红了,在他注意到之前,她转开了。
He said he tried to show the light to the American people so that they could turn up the heat on Congress. 他说他尝试向美国人显示光明以便他们能督促国会。
James or not, the Heat could emerge as one of the top teams in the Eastern Conference with Wade and Bosh aboard. 詹姆斯与否,可以成为热火在韦德和波什船上与东部联盟的顶尖球队之一。
It had been a pleasantly warm day, without much wind, and with enough cloud to prevent the heat of the sun becoming too great. 那是一个惬意温暖的日子,没有风,只有厚厚的云层而阻止太阳的热气无情升腾。
I could not bear the heat of the sun so well when quite naked, as with some clothes on; the very heat frequently blistered my skin. 当我完全裸体时,我不能象有衣服时那样能够忍受太阳的热;它的热有时简直把我的皮肤晒得起泡。
First, think of something that you do or have done "in the heat of the moment" , and keep it in mind while we go through this material. 首先,想一件你在万不得已的情况下要做或已经做过的事,了解过程中在脑子时一直想着这件事。
If you can't stand the heat in the dressing-room, get out of the kitchen. 如果你受不了卧室的温度,那么你就从厨房出去。
One man described the heat of the sun on the beach, an old fishing boat on the water and big brown rocks. 一位描述了海滩阳光的热力,水面上有一艘旧渔船和巨大褐色的岩石。
thermal testing mainly in 40-50? environment to see how its curing, able to adapt to the heat of summer. 热检验主要是放在40—50℃的环境中,看其固化程度如何,能否适应夏天的炎热。
and shade by our branches to cool one from the heat of the hottest sun along with shelter one from the wind, snow and rain. 并且可以用我们的树枝来遮挡最炎热的太阳和遮风蔽雨雪。
The heat transfer performance of a corrugated tube can also be improved if it's partially filled with porous media. 部分添加多孔介质也可以增强波纹管的换热性能。
The eruption from the fissure was not the only news, as a river nearby began boiling from the heat of the Earth. 来自于裂缝的喷发不是唯一的新闻,附近一条河流由于地热开始沸腾。
When the packing bag is torn along the stretching direction of the heat-seal layer, the opening is in a straight-line shape. 该包装袋在沿着热封层的拉伸方向撕裂时,撕口成直线状。
The course which she trains on is made of pitch, the heat of the surface even can burn her sole. 训练的跑道是沥青的,高温把脚底都要烤焦。
Who knows, but it's only a matter of time before Barkley has something else critical to say about James and the Heat, bank on it. 谁知道呢,但确信的是,巴爵士下一条对勒布朗和热的言论只是时间问题,等着吧。
The heat of the day, from a distance, the blue mountain and pleasing to the eye, and snow peak seems to be circled around in the air. 酷热的日子里,从很远处望去,蓝色的山基赏心悦目,而白雪皑皑的山顶似乎在空中盘旋。