the new iphone

the new iphonethe new iphone

the new iphone

But video calling isn't integrated, unlike on the new iPhone, and requires you to sign up for a third-party service. 但和iPhone4不同的是,视频通话不是自动集成的,需要注册第三方服务来实现。
The cameras on the new iPhone are going to be a topic of much debate, since this has been an area where Apple has been slow to innovate. 新型iPhone上的摄像头可能会成为很多争论的焦点,因为在此领域Apple的创新比较慢。
Why did the Motorola iTunes phone fail and the new iPhone take more than a year to appear? 为什么摩托罗拉的iTunes电话失败了而新的iPhone一年后才出现?这不仅仅是技术问题。
I mean, what's a few more weeks when you get to be the first among your friends to have the new iPhone? 我的意思是,再晚个几周你就能成为朋友中第一个拥有Iphone的人了。
Before you jump to buy the new iPhone, check out the market to see what works best for you. 在你飞奔去购置一台新iPhone之前,先仔细研究一下智能机市场,看看何种款式最适合你。
The new iPhone application, which allows users to store songs temporarily, would be available only to paying customers. 新的苹果手机的软件已经允许用户临时存储流媒体歌曲,但该软件只向付费用户提供。
The new iPhone 3G is currently being advertised as "Twice as Fast. Half the Price" and is expected to be sold for $199. 新iPhone3G手机现在的广告语则是“速度翻倍,价格打折”,将会以199美元的价格销售。
Nevertheless, Samsung faces challenges as the new iPhone introduced earlier this month is notching up strong sales. 然而,三星面临类似新iPhone本月初刚刚上市便达到很强销量的状态。
The product itself dominates the bulk of the page, and the surrounding information are apps and features of the new iPhone. 这个商品本身占据了网页的大部分,其他的周围的信息是关于iphone的的特征和应用。
Text in the Engadget app, for instance, looks cleaner, clearer, and much easier to read on the new iPhone. 例如,Engadget应用中的文本,在新的iPhone上更清晰、易认。
Officials at Hutchison Telecom and SmarTone said they have started allowing customers to pre-register online to purchase the new iPhone. 和记电讯和数码通的管理人士说,他们已开始允许客户在互联网上预订iPhone4。
Apple has typically used its Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco to unveil the new iPhone. 苹果往往借助其在圣弗朗西斯科的全球开发者大会(WWDC)将新iPhone手机公诸于世。
The new iPhone, which comes in black or white, will have an Apple A5 processor, the same chip found in the company's iPad 2 tablet. 新款iPhone有黑白两种颜色,配备苹果A5处理器。iPad2平板电脑使用的也是这种芯片。
ReadWriteWeb is a syndication partner with the New York Times but we're just writing about the new iPhone app because we think it's cool. ReadWriteWeb是纽约时报的合伙人。但我们报道这款新的iPhone应用软件是因为我们认为它很酷。
Photos purporting to show the new iPhone were leaked on the internet over the weekend. 周末期间互联网上泄露出据称是新款iPhone手机的照片。
The new iPhone operating system also now supports peer-to-peer connections, which lets users easily swap files with each other. 新的iPhone操作系统现在也支持点对点连接,这种连接能使手机用户彼此间方便地交换文件。
So, it turns out that Apple knew about the antenna problems with the new Iphone, but CEO Steve Jobs liked the design. 现在看来,Apple知道新IPhone的天线会出问题,只是公司CEO斯蒂夫-乔布斯喜欢这个导致问题的设计。
Whetting consumers' appetites for the new iPhone is crucial for Apple. 对苹果公司而言,激发用户对新iPhone的欲望是至关重要的。
A commercial for the new iPhone, however, includes a brief conversation in ASL between a couple. 不过在新的iPhone的广告里,有一段简短的通过美国手语进行的双人对话。
Both the rise of the Android Army and the new iPhone 4 may play into the sales figures. Android大军以及最新的iPhone4也许在笔记本电脑销售数据中扮演了一定的角色。