
美 [θɪk]英 [θɪk]
  • adj.充满;弥漫;厚的;粗的
  • n.最厚[粗]的部分;〈口〉笨蛋;〈俚〉可可粉
  • adv.厚厚地
  • 网络厚度;浓;厚实

比较级:thicker 最高级:thickest

thick fog,thick layer,thick wall,thick darkness,thick smoke


厚度distance between sides

1.厚的;粗的having a larger distance between opposite sides or surfaces than other similar objects or than normal

2.(询问或说明厚度)有…厚used to ask about or state the distance between opposite sides or surfaces


3.浓密的;稠密的;茂密的growing closely together in large numbers


4.浓的;黏稠的not flowing very easily


5.能见度低的;浓的;阴霾的;浑浊的;不透气的difficult to see through; difficult to breathe in

大量with large number/amount

6.~ with sb/sth拥满;挤满;充满;弥漫having a large number of people or a large amount of sth in one place


7.(informal)迟钝的;愚笨的slow to learn or understand things


8.浓重的;明显的easily recognized as being from a particular country or area


9.~ (with sth)嘶哑的,不清的(尤指因疾病或激动所致)deep and not as clear as normal, especially because of illness or emotion

友好friendly with sb

10.(informal)~ (with sb)亲密的;十分友好的;过于亲近的very friendly with sb, especially in a way that makes other people suspicious


give sb/get a thick ear

打耳光;挨耳光to hit sb/be hit on the head as a punishment

(as) thick as thieves

非常友好;亲密无间;过从甚密very friendly, especially in a way that makes other people suspicious

(as) thick as two short planks

笨得像木头人;笨到极点very stupid

a thick head

(由于疾病或饮酒过量)晕头胀脑,稀里糊涂a physical condition in which your head is painful or you cannot think clearly as a result of an illness or of drinking too much alcohol

your thick head

(认为某人理解慢而恼火)笨脑瓜,木头脑瓜used to show that you are annoyed that sb does not understand sth

a thick skin

厚脸皮;不计较面子the ability to accept criticism, insults, etc. without becoming upset


小学英语反义词大全 ... fat 胖的 thick 厚的 country 乡下 ...


跪求1000个最简单常用的英语单词_百度知道 ... 后来;以后 later 厚的;粗的 thick 呼喊;喊叫 shout ...


机械加工英文缩写_百度知道 ... MM 螺纹的规格 THICK 厚度 MARK 记号标记 ...

西餐厨房英语_酒店英语_职业餐饮网 ... Crisp 脆的 Thick Marinate &Marinade 腌渍 ...


字典中 敦 字的解释 ... (2) 厚道。诚朴宽厚;厚重;笃实[ honest;sincere] (4) 厚实[ thick] (8) 友谊深厚[ intimate] ...


牛津初中英语8a单词表最新! - 豆丁网 ... safe adj. 安全的 thick adj. 厚的;密的;浓的 alive adj. 活着的 ...

When the next face appeared I saw the eyes behind the thick glasses blinking as though noticing me for the first time. 当第二张脸出现的时候,我看见那双眼睛在深度近视眼镜后面眨着,好象第一次注意到我似的。
The jaguar's massively thick skull protects him from death, but the pellets blind him in one eye and shatter his left foreleg. 美洲豹巨大而厚实的头骨保护了他免于死亡,但子弹打瞎了他一只眼睛,并把左前腿射的粉碎。
The sauce is stirred with a spoon until it is thick enough to coat the back of spoon, and than must be withdraw from the heat. 用勺子搅拌酱汁知道变的足够粘稠以致可以挂在勺子背面。然后必须从火上取下。
If it is two or more cells thick, it is known as stratified epithelium. 如果是两个或多个单元格厚,它被称为复层上皮。
The earth is nothing but dirt and rocks piled up really thick. North, south, east and west: it goes off in every direction. 底无非是堆积起来很厚很厚的泥土和石块,东西南北西四面八方到处都有。
The paste is a little thick, but try to think of it as a mask for your teeth. 这种糊状物有一些厚重,但试着把其作为牙齿的保护膜吧。
"That's all right, Tux, " she said. "We'll only slide where the ice is thick. Then we won't have to worry. Come on, let's go. " 她回答:「我们去冰层很厚的地方溜冰就好了,那样就不用耽心了,来,出发吧。」
Thick pipes protrude from the ceiling, and a window in the front room opens onto nowhere, just another gray tunnel wall beyond it. 粗壮的管道从天花板上突出来,前屋的窗户外不过是另一堵灰色的隧道墙壁。
Her anguish grew from her concentration as she saw herself sunken in that thick impenetrable fog: could she be in limbo ? 当她集中精神注视自己、发现自己正沉没在难以渗透的厚雾中时,她的痛苦增长了:她可能是在地狱的边缘吗?
Semen is usually thick and greyish white in color. However, at times it may also be thin and rather watery. 通常,精液粘稠、呈灰白色,然而它不时可能稀薄和似水状。
She was curious of the thick detail of London, which had always loomed large and rich to her. 伦敦的风土人情使她向往,在她的心目中它始终是一个繁华热闹的都市。
I'll never forget the first day of Grade Six when you took out a thick book and began to read the story to our class. 我永远不会忘记六年级的第一天,你拿着一本薄薄的书并且开始向全班阅读故事。
Jane begins to have this thick neck and muscular arms, which she did not have in real life. Jane开始有了粗壮的脖子和肌肉发达的手臂,而现实中,她不是这样的。
Looking upwards I noticed that great thick clouds were drafting rapidly across the sky from north to south at a great height. 我抬头观望,看到天空中黑压压的乌云匆匆地从北方飘向南方。
All those colors are ice and it goes up to about two miles thick, just a gigantic dome that comes in from the coast and rises in the middle. 所有颜色都是冰,有两英里那么厚,就是一个巨大的圆顶,从海岸边来,从中间升起。
Stronger adhesion: Coating of UV craft is too thick. It is crisp, not flexible, and easy to be broken off. 四附着强:光固化工艺采用UV漆,漆面过厚,极脆,韧性不够,容易破裂并脱落;
Her eyes were emphasised by the dark and light blue eye shadow and stood out because of the thick black eye liner. 她的眼睛是强调了黑暗和淡蓝色的眼影,站在因为浓黑眼线了。
A sponge is extremely thick and soft, lying in the middle of it as if buried by it. 一块很厚很软的海绵,躺在中间让翘起的两边把自己包裹起来。
He came to a point where there was no more road to follow, and before him he could see nothing but a thick, steep forest. 他爬上一处无路可走的地点,眼前只有茂密的森林和陡峭的山坡。
However, god as if blame you cut thick bang for your general under a curse, he in a flash intangible let you changed. 然而,上帝仿佛责怪你剪去厚刘海一般为你下了一道无形诅咒,他在一瞬间让你变了样。
And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies. 他以黑暗和聚集的水,天空的厚云为他四围的行宫。
He had a large pink face, not much neck, small, watery blue eyes, and thick blond hair that lay smoothly on his thick, fat head. 他有一张大大的,粉红色的脸庞,几乎没有颈根,小小的眼睛,浓密的金色头发柔顺地贴在他肥肥的脑门上。
Had my hormones been absent at the time of Joe's birth, he would have growth into a thick-lipped, flat-nosed dwarf-an imbecile or moron. 如果乔出生时没有我这种激素,他将长成一个厚嘴唇,塌鼻梁的侏儒--一个低能儿或呆子。
A week of rain the next, everywhere wet, grass grows very fast, the leaves are thick, and full of green. 下了一个星期的雨,到处都是湿湿的,青草长得很快,树叶也茂密了,到处绿意盎然。一切都是清新的绿色,看起来很舒服!
It was hard to say whether it was animal or human. It growled like a wild animal, but it wore clothes, and had long, thick, dark hair. 格丽丝·普尔正在炉子上烧汤,身后一个东西伏在地上,很难看出那究竟是人还是动物,像野生动物一样咆哮着,但穿着衣服,黑发又多又长。
Another worker, leaving in a thick black coat, said he had been employed in the same GAZ factory for 35 years and also seen his pay halved. 另外一名工人穿着厚厚的黑色外套走出工厂大门,他说自己已经在GAZ工作35年之久,目前薪水也已减半。
Only the possessor of a good linguistic memory, or better still, a thick notebook, can fully realize the truth of this statement. 只有对语言记忆力强的人或者最好有一本厚厚的记录本的人,方能体会到这番话的正确含义。
Your hair is quite thick on top. Shall I thin it out a bit? 您头顶上的头发很厚了。要不要我把它削薄一点?
It was very early in the morning, and there was a thick fog that added an even greater sense of magic and mystery to this ritual. 在这个时间还很早的清晨,浓雾给这个宗教仪式增添了更多妖异神秘的意味。
But she had to go on. She took off her thick walking boots and hid them behind a tree, changing into her pretty shoes. 可是,她只有往前走了。她脱下笨重的靴子,把它们藏到一棵树后面,然后,换上那双精致漂亮的靴子。