
美 [pɪɡ]
  • n.小猪;生铁;野猪;【动】猪
  • v.〈非正式〉大吃特吃;猛吃
  • 网络欧猪四国;笨猪四国;猪群

复数:pigs 现在分词:pigging 过去式:pigged

kill pig,raise pig
wild pig,potbellied pig


n. v.

1.猪an animal with pink, black or brown skin, short legs, a broad nose and a short tail which curls round itself. Pigs are kept on farms for their meat (called pork ) or live in the wild.

2.(informal)令人不快(或讨厌)的人;贪婪(或肮脏)的人an unpleasant or offensive person; a person who is dirty or greedy


make a pigs ear (out) of sth

把事情办砸;弄得一团糟to do sth badly; to make a mess of sth

(buy) a pig in a poke

(买)未看过的东西;(买)不知优劣的东西if youbuy a pig in a poke , you buy sth without seeing it or knowing if it is good enough

a pig of a sth

挠头的事;烦人的事;苦差a difficult or unpleasant thing or task

pigs might fly

(表示不相信某事会发生)太阳从西出used to show that you do not believe sth will ever happen

是否听过4个PIGS)?这是对葡萄牙,意大利,希腊和西班牙四个欧元区成员国不雅的所写,他们都面临着尚为准备好去 …


话说欧猪四国(PIGS)都看起来好好玩, 葡萄牙(Portugal)、意大利(Italy)、希腊(Greece)、西班牙(Spain), 都是旅游圣 …


笨猪四国(pigs)人物专栏 热点推荐 资讯专题 资讯排行 资金 人物 项目 连锁 资讯 学院 峰会 顶尖专家团队全天候免费咨询 上一篇…




女孩的姓(Pigs) -电影图片 |电影剧照 | 高清海报 - 电驴大全海报,女孩的姓图片,高清大图。


猪国”(PIGS)是葡萄牙(Portugal)、 意大利(Italy)、希腊(Greece)和西班牙(Spain)各国首字母的缩写,上世纪90年代, …


6、橡皮小猪Pigs) 我们这里所说的“小猪”是一种橡皮塞,它可以被压人工 艺管道刮去沿途多余的油墨。清洁更加彻底和迅速…


猪五国PIGS)之二的葡萄牙及西班牙最近达成一项协议。两国将取消两国的漫游费用,以促进经济,但有关协议现时仍未 …

But the question no one seems to ask is, if pigs are no longer there to munch away at them, where will Cairo's giant piles of leftovers go? 但还有一个似乎每人提的问题是,假如那些猪不再那儿咀嚼剩余的垃圾,那么开罗成堆的剩余垃圾何去何从呢?
The pigs will have to be staked out in a wide variety of environments, and more experiments on human corpses would be desirable, as well. 猪尸体必须要放入宽广多样的环境中,也需要用人类尸体做更多实验。
Since poultry has a far lower "feed conversion rate" than pigs or cows, he said, it was more economical. 他表示,由于家禽的“饲料转化率”远远低于猪或牛,因此更为经济。
The municipal authorities said the retrieved pigs would be collected and handled in a harmless way. 市政部门表示会对这些死猪集中进行无害化处理。
The British poultry market is to be allowed to export to China and deals for the supply of pigs were also agreed. 英国禽类市场将获准对华出口,双方还达成了肉猪供应协议。
The pigs gobbled up the waste food as if they had not been fed for days. 猪大吃大嚼剩饭剩莱,好像有好多天没有给他们喂食似的。
He said the new virus had never been found in pigs in this country. 他说,这种新型病毒还没有在美国的猪身上发现。
I expected at least that the pigs were got into the garden, and here is nothing but Lady Catherine and her daughter! 我还以为是猪猡闯进了花园呢,原来只不过是咖苔琳夫人母女俩。
The rest comes from pigs slaughtered in backyards, villages or markets and is essentially untested, he said. 其余的肉来自在后院,村庄或市场屠宰的猪,基本上是未经过检测的,他说。
" I had a dream in which you were driving pigs to market last night, " Mr. Leung said to his wife . “昨晚我做了一个梦,梦见你打鼾。”梁先生对妻子说。
The cause of the recent glut of pigs was a reaction to a shortage just a few years ago. 近期猪肉供应过量是数年之前猪肉短缺引发的。
On top of this, I began to see frightened, innocent cows, chickens, and pigs where I once had seen hamburgers, wings, and bacon. 除此之外,我眼中开始从过去所吃的汉堡、鸡翅、与熏肉中,看得到惧怕与无依的牛、鸡与猪。
As well as the normal supplies of salted meat, cheese, plain biscuits and beer, he took live sheep, pigs and chickens. 除了咸肉、干酪、普通饼干和啤酒等通常的供应品外,他还带了活羊、活猪和活鸡。
The next evening they came to a drove of small pigs and began to figure for one. 第二天傍晚,他们碰到一群小猪,于是开始计划搞他一只。
But one day Hector looked out on the farm beyond the hen yard. It bothered him to see the pigs and cows without a leader. 有一天,Hector站在鸡舍里往农场其他的地方望去,竟然看到猪和牛散漫地呆着,没有谁去管理,这让他很烦恼。
The farmers complained that they were unable to raise any pigs --the litters were small and the young survived only a few days . 农夫们总是抱怨说他们无法再养猪了--新生的猪仔很小,而且存活不了几天。
33When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. 鬼就从那人出来,进入猪里去。于是那群猪闯下山崖,投在湖里淹死了。
But the Hawaiian perspective seems to be unique. More commonly, dogs are part of the household while pigs are designated to the fields. 但当地人的看法似乎很特别,普遍的观点是,狗是家庭的一部分,而猪属于田野里的东西。
Therefore, the two experiments were hereby to set up to investigate the formulation of complex acidifier and its mechanism in weaned pigs. 本论文在研究复合酸化剂配方的基础上,在断奶仔猪上探讨了酸化剂的作用机理。
In the past, female pigs or sows were used to hunt for truffles, as the pungent odor the truffles emit is similar to that of a male pig. 在过去,雌猪或母猪被用来寻猎块菌,因为块菌散发出来的刺激性辛辣气味与公猪的相似。
Dogs look up to you; cats look down on you; pigs treat you as an equal. 狗对人敬仰,猫对人鄙视,猪把人当作平辈。
The sperm protein used in the new birth control vaccine is called Ph-20. So far it has only been found in Guinea pigs. 在新节育疫苗中使用的精子蛋白叫PH.20。到目前为止仅见于豚鼠。
Also he kept three or four pigs and a cow. they were all pastured in the few acres left of the Grimes place and Jake did little enough work. 他还有三、四头猪,一头牛,全部放养在住处左边的一小点土地上。吉克也干一点活。
Like do not know what you think, to all of which are original to me, and I Bende like pigs! 就像不知道你在想什么,原来想的全是为了我好,我笨得好像猪哦!
Peter and the three kittens knocked on the door of the pretty brick brick. Soon, three little pigs came out to meet them. 皮特和三只小猫敲打那个精美的小屋的门。不久,三只小猪出来迎接他们。
All the pigs were in full agreement on this point, even Snowball and Napoleon. 所有的猪一致同意这条命令,斯诺鲍与拿破仑也不例外。
The world is big, no one did not know pigs, no one is willing to be seen to link God with the Pig. 天下之大,无人不识猪,无人愿意将猪跟上帝扯上联系。
What he couldn't reveal was that he was part of the Cuban exile forces being trained by the US government for the Bay of Pigs invasion. 他不能告诉我们,他是受美国政府训练的入侵猪湾的古巴流亡军的一分子。
When it was all over, the remaining animals, except for the pigs and dogs, crept away in a body. 等这一切都过去了,剩下的动物,除了猪和狗以来,便都挤成一堆溜走了。
In fact, pigs are curious and insightful animals thought to have intelligence beyond that of an average 3-year-old human child. 事实上,猪有好奇心,有理解力,他们的智力超过人类三岁孩子的平均水平。