
美 [plɑt]英 [plɒt]
  • n.阴谋;密谋;故事情节;布局
  • v.密谋;暗中策划;(在地图上)画出;绘制(图表)
  • 网络绘图;标绘;出图

复数:plots 过去式:plotted 现在分词:plotting

expose plot,make plot,engineer plot,uncover plot
secret plot,sinister plot,burial plot


n. v.

1.[c][u]故事情节;布局the series of events that form the story of a novel, play, film/movie, etc.

3.[c](专用的)小块土地a small piece of land that is used or intended for a special purpose


lose the plot

迷惘;不知所措to lose your ability to understand or deal with what is happening

the plot thickens

情况变得复杂起来used to say that a situation is becoming more complicated and difficult to understand


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... outline n 轮廓;要点;概要 plot n (小说的)情节;结构 quality n 品质;质量;性质 ...


阴字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 阴面,阴面儿〖 nightside〗 阴谋〖 gauce;conspiracy;plot;scheme〗 阴谋诡计〖 machination〗 ...


水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... plan, 平面图,略图 plot绘图 profile, 断面,纵剖面,断面图 ...


密字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 密密匝匝〖 close;dense;thick〗 密谋〖 conspire;scheme;plot〗 密排〖 solidmatter〗 ...


策字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 卜筮用的蓍草〖 alpineyarrow〗 谋划;策划〖 plan;plot〗 筞 cè ...


高中必背3500词汇表听写版 - 豆丁网 ... plenty n. 充足,大量 plot v. / n. 故事情节,密谋 plug n. 塞子 ...


物理专业英语词汇(P)|数学物理英语词汇 ... plk method plk 法 plot 标绘 plotter 标绘器 ...


机械制图全部符号及表示含义 - 豆丁网 ... pline 多段线 聚合线 plot 打印 出图 Plot Configuration 打印配置 出图规划 ...

Speaking earlier at a conference in London, Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former Saudi ambassador to the US, said the plot was criminal. 沙特王子Turkial-Faisal曾是沙特驻美国大使,他早些时候在伦敦的一次会议上表示,这个阴谋是犯罪行为。
In 2006, his own media group invested on "PLOT AGAINST" , which really made him come to fame from a man of no reputation. 他自己的媒体公司投资拍摄了“暗算”,这部剧真正使他由无名之辈成为著名人物。
So if I make a plot of the gravitational potential energy as a function of y, then I would get a straight line. 因此如果我画一张,重力势能,受y变化的图,那么会得到一条直线。
But unlike the novels on which those were based, Das Kapital has never been noted for its vivid characterisation or gripping plot. 但与基于小说的戏剧改编不同,《资本论》既没有栩栩如生的人物塑造,也没有引人入胜的故事情节。
My sources tell me that Hollywood writers are still working out some of the plot details, but it's easy to see where this is leading. 我的消息来源告诉我好莱坞的编剧们仍正在策划一些具体的电影情节,但不难看出主线。
After I listened to his idea, I began to think. I kept thinking and expanding the plot. I wondered how I could make it interesting. 听过这个概念后,我不断在想,怎样能令这个故事发展并变得更有趣?
It was a very narrow and long plot. There was an existing construction with very small rooms without natural light. 这是一个非常狭窄修长的场地,原来有一个现成的建筑,但是房间很小没有自然光。
As the first bonfires of thanksgiving for the discovery of the plot were being lit in London, 'John Johnson' was being interrogated. 伦敦正点燃感恩节第一把篝火,庆贺发现阴谋,审讯“约翰.约翰逊”也同时进行。
A short distance measured perpendicularly from the main line in surveying, used to help in calculating the area of an irregular plot. 在测量中,从主线垂直测得的一个短的距离,用以帮(辅)助计算一不规则的小块土地之面积。
Can you plot your progress, and can you apply your methods of learning to that of learning to be a better problem-solving leader? 这些技能的学习方法,能否应用到学习成为更好的解决问题的领导中去吗?
None of these officials were named, but the letter writer cursingly accused them of collaborating against him in an extortion plot. 其他官员未被提及,写信人指责三人合作密谋勒索他。
Needless to say (what, you did not try help plot with yet? ), you can use pt instead of the verbose pointtype. 不必说(什么,您还没有尝试helpplotwith吗?),您可以使用pt代替冗长的pointtype。
This week, however, a presidential adviser talked of an "organised plot" to destabilise Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife, Carla Bruni. 然而,这周一位总统发言人说这是一桩计划好的阴谋来破坏总统和他夫人的关系。
Spanish police Friday said they had foiled a plot to use a zeppelin airship to help a prisoner break out of a jail on the Canary Islands. 西班牙警方3日表示,他们挫败了一起企图利用遥控齐柏林飞艇帮助囚犯从加那利群岛的一所监狱越狱的阴谋。
Suspects accused of trying to carry out a bomb plot against New Yorks appeared in court. 被指控密谋试图炸毁纽约犹太教堂的疑犯出席听证会。
Dream memories are fragile, and trying to recall all the plot twists and turns on consecutive nights seems to have a cumulative effect. 梦的记忆是很薄弱的,尝试着去回忆连续的晚上做的情节迂回曲折的梦,这好像会产生一种累积的效果。
Friendship, as he saw it, was more and more like an ingenious farce with too much plot and too many characters all acting frenetically. 友谊,据他看来,越来越象一出别出心裁的闹剧,情节过于复杂,人物过于纷纭,动作过于疯狂。
The elaborations of the plot made it a difficult book to read. 这本在内容节外生枝而难以读懂。
Parker's Aunt May and Gwen Stacy will also be in the plot to help him on his way to being a superhero. 这中间帕克的阿姨梅和格温·斯黛西也会帮助他成为超级英雄。
Or is there, as the Chinese whispers have it, a plot in Washington to keep the company out of the US market? 还是像中国传言所说的那样,这是华盛顿的阴谋,为的就是将华为拦在美国市场之外?
When our enemies heard that we were aware of their plot and that God had frustrated it, we all returned to the wall, each to his own work. 仇敌听见我们知道他们的心意,见上帝也破坏他们的计谋,就不来了。我们都回到城墙那里,各做各的工。
So if we just plot this distribution, of course it's easy to do, it's just a decaying exponential. 如果我们画出这个分布,这很简单,就是一个指数衰减。
The secret tapes will show that the former first lady felt that her husband's successor was at the heart of the plot to murder him. 秘密录音带将揭示,这位前第一夫人感觉亡夫的继任者才是这起刺杀事件的主谋。
He gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president. 他给出的密谋刺杀总统的计划的解释不准确。
If he could succeed in making Othello jealous of Cassio, he thought it would be an exquisite plot of revenge. 他估计要是能叫奥瑟罗吃起凯西奥的醋来,那一定是个绝妙的报仇办法。
Those who seek my life set their traps, those who would harm me talk of my ruin; all day long they plot deception. 那寻索我命的,设下网罗。那想要害我的,口出恶言,终日思想诡计。
But other ideas are entirely original, as in sections where she attempts to tell the plot of a novel entirely from its cover illustration. 但是比顿也有一些思想属于完全原创,比如她试图通过封面插图来暗示一部小说情节的思想。
The plot is a similar to that of a picaresque novel or a bildungsroman, for it parodies many adventure and romance cliches. 小说的情节类似于流浪小说或者是教育小说,因为书中充满了大量历险和浪漫的桥段。
Austen sets the scene, develops some characters and themes, and then, just as the plot seems to take off, it abruptly ends. 奥斯汀铺设了背景,确定了几个人物和主题,然后,正当情节似乎就要展开时,小说戛然而止。
The point is now ready to plot. Instead of just plotting a single dot, this time try marking the spot with an X. 现在可以画点了,但是这一次不是简单地画一个点,而是要用X来标记。