
美 [ˈdoʊˌneɪt]英 [dəʊˈneɪt]
  • v.〈美〉捐赠;赠给;捐献 (to; towards)
  • 网络捐赠的;捐献的;捐赠物

第三人称单数:donates 现在分词:donating 过去式:donated

donate dollar,donate collection



《Friends》词汇表A ... filming 镀膜 donated v. 捐赠, 赠予 lconference n. 会议, 讨论会, 协商会 ...


会计词汇D ... Dominating enterprise 占优势企业 Donated 捐赠的 donated assets 捐赠资产 ...


求英语电影鉴赏_百度知道 ... C. shopping 购物 D. donated 捐献 A. editor 编辑 ...


2011届湖南高考英语一... ... 4.他似乎不喜欢大城市的生活方式。 seem to like the way of life (捐献的) donated (要求) requires ...


英语口... ... n. 骨髓 n. the act of donating or sth. donated 捐赠;捐赠物 a. causing offense;unpleasant 冒犯的;使人难受的 ...


MBA英语核心词汇5_丽莉_新浪博客 ... 213 deprived: 剥夺,拒绝 215 donated: 捐赠,赠送 216 gorgeous: 华丽的,吸引 …


财务、会计专业:... ... disposal of fixed 固定资产的处置 donated 接受捐赠的资产 exchanging similar fixed 交换相似的固定资 …

All these books , which had been donated by visiting professors , are to be used by the postgraduates. 所有这些书将被研究生使用,书是由客座教授赠给的。(非限制性定语从句)
When this little baby grow up and that for her mother who donated sperm, that is, de facto father, love each other know each other. 当这个小婴儿洁莹长大后和那个为她母亲捐献精子的人,即事实上的父亲,相遇相知相爱。
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. 有一天,有人捐了一对眼睛给她。当纱布解开时,她能够看到一切,包括她的男朋友。
So then I got really curious, myself, as a toxicologist, and I donated some blood to my lab and said, "Okay, let's do it. " 于是我作为一个毒物学家就(对我自己体内的化学物质)非常好奇,所以我捐献了一点自己的血给实验室然后说“好吧,让我们看看”。
It is so generous of you to have donated so much money to the earthquake victims. 你把那么多钱捐给地震的灾民,你真慷慨!
His alma mater, London School of Economics, returned money he donated and is now investigating him for plagiarism over his doctoral thesis. 他的母校伦敦政治经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)退回了他的捐资,目前正对其博士论文抄袭一事展开调查。
This year a lot of folks donated to organizations via text messaging as you know. 今年有许多人通过短信向各种组织捐赠。
So we took out of the U. S. S. R. a lot of technology that had been pent up, and brought back, and donated it to the government here. 所以我们把前苏联曾受幽禁(=抑制)的大量技术取出来,使其恢复,并捐赠给了这儿的政府(应该指乌克兰政府)。
The ad ends with a link to an online site where for $199 one of these laptops can be donated to the developing world. 广告最后是一个网址,你只要捐199美元,就可以买这样一个笔记本电脑送往发展中国家。
By his own calculation, Soros has donated a total of more than $5bn to his causes, primarily directing his giving through his foundation. 据他的计算,索罗斯向其慈善事业捐助的总额已超过50亿美元,主要通过其基金会进行捐助。
The Erhu in my hand is one of my favioute. It's very meaningful to me. Today, I put it out donated to people in the disaster areas. 我手上的这把二胡是一把有故事有灵性的琴,我今天把它拿出来捐赠给灾区群众。
What moved me was that she donated most of her pocket money to the disaster-hit area. 使我感动的是她把大部分的零花钱捐献给了灾区。
The latest victims have been the porcupines. In all, 36 were killed, of which six were ready to be donated to another zoo. 最近死亡的动物是豪猪。共有36只被毒杀,其中6只正准备捐赠给另一个动物园。
As a rich person might do now for tax purposes, the land for this priory was donated by one of the sheriffs of London Simon Fitz Mary. 伦敦一名地方长官西蒙·玛丽(SimonFitzMary)捐赠了修道院所在的土地,就好像现在的富人为了税收目的所做的一样。
People have donated millions of dollars to the relief effort - a true sign of how much they care. 中国人民捐助了上百万美元以作救援,从中可以清楚地看出他们是多么地关心遇难群众。
Are many of the books donated already out-of-date, given how often text books seem to come out with new editions? 所有的书都是过期的吗?那么多久才会出新版本?
The boat is indeed named for the former host of "The Price is Right" Bob Barker who donated millions of dollars to the Sea Shepherd Society. 该船是以“价格猜猜看”节目主持人鲍勃·巴克的名字命名,他为海洋看守保护协会捐款数百万美元。
Royalties will be donated to the Children's High Level Group, to benefit institutionalised children in desperate need of a voice. 这本书的版税将无偿捐献给儿童高标团,为那些在此制度之下急需表达呼声的孩子们一些帮助。
I also need a hover action, so when I hover over a profile image their name, how much they have donated and comment appears. 我还需要一个悬停动作,所以当我在一个设定档图片他们的名字,他们捐出了多少和评论出现徘徊。
But he found a local food pantry, and by the time he delivered his last harvest, he had donated 120 pounds of fresh vegetables. 后来,他找到当地一家食品加工厂,开始向他们供应自己收获的总计达120磅的新鲜蔬菜。
The girl came down with uremia and was in great danger. For her, her boyfriend sold his house and donated his one of his kidney to her. 女友患上尿毒症生命垂危,男友卖掉房子,并捐出了自己的肾脏。
A New York Long Island woman said she was fired after she donated a kidney to help save the life of her boss. 纽约长岛的一名女性称她为救上司性命捐了一个肾后,被解雇了。
For that disease, families all around the world had donated tissue and money to help the cause. 对这种病,世界所有家庭都捐助组织和钱,以帮助这一事业。
He made millions of dollars and donated much of his wealth. 他赚了好几百万美元,也捐赠了很多财产。
Hmm. That must be the DVD player that another one of my friends donated. He owns one of the largest electronics stores in Taipei! 呣。这台DVD一定是我另外一个朋友送的。他的电器商场是台北最大的!
The researchers first created honeycomb-like structures out of donated theca cells, one of the main cell types found in the ovary. 研究人员从捐赠的卵泡膜细胞(子宫中的主要细胞形式之一)中首次创造出蜂窝似的结构。
Some of them even donated many times, contributing all the money in their wallets, to get more chances to get up close to their idol. 一些人连续捐了许多次,将他们钱包里的所有钱捐出,以得到更多的机会接近他们的偶像(春春)。
Thousands of Chinese have streamed into the quake region or donated record sums of money in a striking and unscripted public response. 作为一种强烈而自发的公众反应,数以万计的中国人涌入了地震地区,或捐赠了登记下来的钱数。
However, if the amount of donated diapers too little, my mother would probably not use, they feel no sense of the number of small effect. 但是如果赠送的尿片的量太少,有可能妈妈会不使用,她们觉得数量少感觉不出效果。
Blood donated without compensation must be used for clinical purposes and must not be bought or sold . 第十一条无偿献血的血液必须用于临床,不得买卖。