
美 [dɔr]英 [dɔː(r)]
  • n.门;门口;门边;门旁
  • 网络户;车门;通道


open door,steel door,heavy door,wooden door,metal door
lock door,shut door,close door,answer door,slam door



1.[c]门a piece of wood, glass, etc. that is opened and closed so that people can get in and out of a room, building, car, etc.; a similar thing in a cupboard/closet

2.[c]出入口;门口the space when a door is open

3.[c]门边;门旁the area close to the entrance of a building

4.[c]栋;住户;人家a house, room, etc. that is a particular number of houses, rooms, etc. away from another

5.[u]票房收入the amount of money made by selling tickets for an event

cgcloud CG筋斗云/独立CG分享博客 ... 地面 |Ground |Door 金属 |Metal ...

Mandarin Poster Chinese Radicals ... 戈 halberd door 手 hand ...


汽车整车基础英语_百度文库 ... Cab 驾驶室 Door 车门 Door keel 车门龙骨 ...


英汉同源? - 李雪民的日志 - 网易博客 ... drip \n.水滴 door n.门, 通道, 家, 户 duel n.决斗 ...

英汉同源? - 李雪民的日志 - 网易博客 ... drip \n.水滴 door n.门, 通道, , 户 duel n.决斗 ...


词根背单词“im-,in-”_天道留学 ... (in+flame 火焰) (in+door 门→门内的) (im+pass 感情+ ...


字典中 阈 字的解释 ... (1) 门槛[ threshold] (4) 门户;门口[ gate;door] ◎ 阈 threshold ...


大学英语四级词汇C-D_词汇_英语堂 ... donkey n.驴,笨蛋 door n.门,入口 dorm n.宿舍 ...

At work, shut the door to your office between meetings, take a few deep breaths and let them out very, very slowly. 在工作中,非常关上到在会议之间的你的办公室的门,作一些深的呼吸而且放出他们,非常慢慢地。
He felt about in the dark for the door handle. 他在黑暗中摸索着找门把手。
A young man put his head through the door and said, "Principal, do you still recognize me? " 一个青年在办公室门口探头进来,说道:“校长,还认得我吗?”
He found a door in a wall; but it was locked, and there was no room for a fat little rabbit to squeeze underneath. 他在墙上找到一道门,但是锁着,而且门下的缝隙不够让一只小胖兔子挤过去。
Top analysts have been leaving Wall street by the dozen, most of them helped through the door with a firm push. 顶尖的分析员已经在成批的离开华尔街了,他们中的大多数人借助于公司资助来开展工作。
I was downstairs by the front door, and I was waiting for a taxi, and my son came down the stairs and he'd -- he'd made a card for me. 我就在楼下门口等计程车,这时我儿子走下楼,他正拿着为我做的一张卡片。
The front yard was an icy swamp, and a couple of warped planks, extending from the sidewalk to the door, made a sort of rickety footbridge. 前院成了一个泛着冰碴儿的烂泥塘。过道与房门之间,用几块翘曲的木板搭起了一条晃晃悠悠的栈道。
He knocked on the door and was greeted by a very old Chinese man with a long, grey beard. 他敲了敲门,一个很老的留着灰白长胡子的中国人开门招呼他。
Tell your child she must wait until the bus comes to a complete stop and the driver opens the door before walking up and getting on. 告诉你的孩子必须等车靠站,司机打开车门时才能上车。
What you are seeing is just a crack in the door right now. 我们现在看到的,仅仅是门上的一道缝。
The totem of the front door is the knocker, a mechanism which announces arrival and allows the visitor to engage with the building. 房屋前门的图腾是门环,它宣告客人的到来,并使得来访者与建筑产生接触。
So it was that I found myself knocking on a cottage door, being received by Mary Smith and then being taken for a walk to the woods. 于是我敲响了小屋的门,一位叫玛丽·史密斯的女士接待了我,然后她带我去树林中走走。
It's foolish of you to have left the door unlocked. 门没锁你就出去了,真的是很愚蠢。
She had hidden herself there, and, with her ear pressed close against the crack of the door, had lost not a word of the conversation. 她隐藏在那里面,把耳朵紧贴着门缝,谈话的内容听得一字不漏。
And the finished product door still unable to install, every door to home after all, sometimes need adjust size can finish all day. 而且送来的成品木门还不能即时安装,每套门运到家中后都需要现场调整尺寸,有时一整天都不能完工。
It seems that he knew he was going to go places. He told his next door neighbor, Mr. Pinn, "One of these days I'm going to be famous. " 看来他似乎知道他将会造访许多地方,因为他告诉他的邻居屏先生(Mr.Pinn)说:「终有一天,我会非常出名。」
Be sure to have lunches packed the night before and have backpacks sitting at the exit door ready to receive them in the morning. 确保前一天晚上准备好第二天的午饭,并将背包放在门口,便于早晨出门时拿。
He tried to break the door; he tried to put one of his big feet through it, but it was useless. 他试图推开开门,试图把他的一只大脚伸进去,可是没有用。
In a little while there was a knock on the door. It was Fillmore. Collins was waiting downstairs, he informed me. 过了一会儿有人敲了敲门,是菲尔莫,他告诉我柯林斯正在楼下等着呢。
He walked with her to the front door. 他陪她走到前门。
Ah, Dad had a little border. Flowers here, grass there. Next-door neighbor had the same thing, you know? 哈,爸爸有一条小边界,花在这,草在那。隔壁邻居的都是一样的,明白吧。
Because OJ is pasteurized and citric acid hinders bacteria growth, the door is a fine choice. 因为橙汁是经过了巴斯德灭菌且柠檬酸阻止了细菌的生长,所以(冰箱的)大门是一个很好的选择。
when i pulled into her driveway, she was waiting by the door with her coat on. her hair was curled, and she was smiling. 5我的车驶进母亲家门前的车道时,她已穿好外套等在门口了。她的头发卷好了,面带笑容。
He said he lives next door in a penthouse apartment overlooking Central Park South and pays $22, 000 a month in rent. 他住在隔壁的一个复式公寓,那里可以俯瞰南中央公园,月租是2.2万美元。
The policeman had been standing on the settee staring out, craning to see who was at the door. 警察站在长凳上,伸长了脖子.以想看看是谁在门口。
Scale and position it roughly as shown in the previous figure. Have the bottom edge of the door lie roughly along the X-axis. 按照前面的图粗略的比例确定它的位置。让门的底边粗略地接近X轴线。
If you did not leave the door unlocked, the thief would not have been able to take anything away from your home. 如果你之前没有不锁门,小偷也不会有机可乘偷你的东西。
The door locked accidentally, and I couldn't get out of the bathroom. 门无意中锁上了,结果我无法从浴室里出来。
It was the only shop that said on the door that it purchased collections. 那是惟一一家在门口购买集邮邮票的商店。
E~ as I reached the door way, a man came darting out of it. 正当我到达门口时,有个人从里面冲出来