only choice

  • 网络唯一的选择

only choiceonly choice

only choice


only -... ... if only 要是…(多好),但愿… only choice n 唯一的选择,别无选择 I'll go,but only if you go with me. 刚才,刚刚 ...

Most leaders therefore find currency devaluation so unthinkable that, at first glance, austerity seems to be the only choice. 因此,在许多领导人看来,货币贬值简直不可想象,乍看上去,财政紧缩似乎成了唯一的选择。
Right now, the only choice you have is to stay or to leave. 此刻,你们只能选择留下或者离开。
Were they aware that death was imminent, but the only choice was to follow the General's orders? 他们是否知道死亡即将来临,然而唯一的选择是服从将军的命令。
I didn't want to be the one to break it, but apparently that was my only choice if I ever wanted him to talk to me again. 我不想成为必话的人,但这显然是让他和我说话的唯一机会。
But this essayist writes that choosing to be both a novelist and a physician was the only choice that seemed right. 但对于本文作者玛吉·莱弗勒来说,兼做小说家和医生看来是唯一正确的选择。
Wheelchair tennis is not the only choice; any sport can be your favorite as long as you are willing to get outside and do exercises. 身心障碍者只要愿意出来运动,轮椅网球不是唯一的选择,可以在各个项目中选择你最想要的。
Is it possible or not to say, from the point of view of the CCP, that joining the KMT was "the only choice? " 对共产党而言,加入国民党,可不可以说是当时「唯一的选择」?
If I ever return to Bangkok, and plan to pamper myself, Oriental is going to be my only choice! 如果我再回到曼谷,要放松、享受一番的话,东方文华将是我不二的选择!
The only decent hotel in town had hung out a "Full House" sign, so their only choice was to put up at a small inn. 这镇上唯一像样的旅馆挂牌“客满”,只好住在一家小店里。
If the objective is to perform multidimensional data analysis, a dimensional data model would be the only choice here. 如果其目标是执行多维数据分析,那么维度数据模型就是这里的惟一选择。
If the only choice was between surrender and national suicide, an enemy might rationally assume that the President would prefer surrender. 假如唯一的选择是要么投降,要么全国自取灭亡,那么,敌方完全可以认定总统还是宁愿投降的。
Liver transplantation is still the only choice to cure PSC so far. 目前认为肝移植仍是治愈PSC的惟一选择。
The only choice he has to make to maximize distance, then, is the angle at which he kicks the ball. 这个球员能否让球踢到最大距离就只取决于他踢出球的角度。
It is wrong in this context to believe that the only choice is further fiscal stimulus versus a repeat of the Great Depression. 有人在这种背景下认为,为避免大萧条(GreatDepression)重演,美国唯一的选择是加大财政刺激力度。这种观点是错误的。
Surgery is the only choice of treatment if aspiration pneumonia, mediastinitis or other infections occur. 一旦病患出现感染症状时,手术治疗是唯一的选择。
Smart Fog's field experience and dedicated service make it the only choice for the most reliable and effective dust suppression systems. 智能雾的实地经验和专门的服务,使其成为最可靠和有效的防尘灭火系统的唯一选择。
This difference determines if the North-South split in two countries, cooperation is the only choice of mutual interest. 这种差异决定了即使北南分离成两个国家,合作才是唯一符合双方利益的选择。
yes, we called, but it is booked up. The only choice is the Regent Beijing but we haven't made up our minds yet. 是的,打过电话了,但是已经订满了,就只剩下北京丽晶酒店了,我们还没决定呢。
However, the process technically, rotary screen business card printing and membership card is the best option but not the only choice. 但是,从工艺角度上讲,轮转丝网制卡和会员卡制作是最佳的选择但不是唯一的选择。
Now the only choice is to win at least one in Denver. 现在对你们来说,唯一的选择就是在丹佛至少赢下一场。
The sustainable management of ecological forest is the only choice for scientific and rational management of ecological forest resources. 生态公益林的可持续经营是科学合理经营和管理生态公益林资源的唯一选择。
When you choose to use circular logging (the default), the only choice is to do an offline backup and version recovery. 当选择使用循环日志记录(默认情况下选择这种日志记录)时,惟一的选择是执行脱机备份和版本恢复。
On the presentation side, select fields are the default choice for m: m relationships, but they aren't the only choice. 在表示方面,选择字段是m:m关系的默认选择,但它们不是惟一的选择。
Although NFS is the most popular network file system on UNIX and Linux systems, it's certainly not the only choice. 虽然NFS是在UNIX和Linux系统中最流行的网络文件系统,但它当然不是唯一的选择。
'I have tried to do so, but I couldn't go down. Now the only choice is to go up! 'my son answered. 我试过了,不行。现在唯一的选择就是往上爬!
With the deepening of insurance supervision, service competition has been the only choice for all the insurance companies. 随着保险监管不断深入,价格竞争已越来越缺少生存空间了,服务竞争成为了各家保险公司的唯一选择。
I believe Apple's operating system, Leopard, is superior to the new Windows Vista operating system, the only choice on the XPS One. 我觉得苹果的Leopard操作系统优于新的WindowsVista操作系统,后者是XPSOne唯一的选择。
In Version 1 of UDDI, the only choice for these situations was to maintain separate and unrelated businesses. 在UDDI版本1中,对于这些情况,唯一的选择就是保持企业独立但却毫无关系。
Then there are the alternative forms of entertainment so group outings are no longer the only choice for fun. 如今有很多可供选择的娱乐形式,因此集体出游不再是休闲娱乐的唯一选择。
Until recently your only choice for developing applications for Apple's iPhone was to jump into the Apple development ecosystem. 直到最近,要为苹果的iPhone开发应用程序的唯一选择就是一头扎进苹果的开发系统中。