
美 [ɡæp]英 [ɡæp]
  • n.差距;间隙;缺口;间隔
  • v.使豁裂;豁开
  • 网络良好农业规范(Good Agricultural Practice);盖普;中药材生产质量管理规范

复数:gaps 过去式:gapped

narrow gap,fill gap,bridge gap,close gap,plug gap
wide gap,enormous gap,serious gap,awkward gap,important gap



1.开口;豁口;缺口;裂口a space between two things or in the middle of sth, especially because there is a part missing

2.间断;间隔;间隙a period of time when sth stops, or between two events

3.分歧;隔阂;差距a difference that separates people, or their opinions, situation, etc.

4.缺口;空白;漏洞a space where sth is missing

良好农业规范(Good Agricultural Practice)

良好农业规范(GAP)标准和认证良好农业规范(GAP)标准和认证隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 merryboyu贡献于2010-12-04 贡献 …


盖普 (Gap) 08春夏新作,本次盖普 (Gap) 找来多位艺术家合作推出手绘T恤系列,放飞无限想像力。 盖普 (Gap) 08春夏新作, …


生的间隙(gap),但仍有分轨,也可以自行设定各轨间的时间。  Track at Once 则是指一次复制或刻录一整轨,每刻完一轨,雷 …


申请中药材生产质量管理规范GAP)认证的企业,必须具备以下条件:1、持有《营业执照》; 2、配备符合中药材生产质量 …


英语作文网-最全的英语作文网 ... ·The power of love 爱的力量 ·Gap 差距 ·Controlling Cancer 防治癌症 ...


3个字母的英语单词_百度知道 ... fur n. 毛,毛皮 gap n. 间隙,缺口 gas n. 气体,煤气;汽油 ...

磷化镓(gallium phosphide)

材质:磷化镓(Gap)、磷砷化镓(Galnp)、氮化镓(GaN),其中GaN LED芯片对静电敏感,使用时注意静电防护. 特性:单向导电P…


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Gamut 音域 Gap 间隔,通道 Gate 噪声门,门,选通 ...

WTO spokesman said he could not comment on the gap between the release of each report. 一位WTO发言人表示,他不能对两份报告的发布间隔进行置评。
I know of no better place for you to ride the horse than just up and down in front of the gap that I ordered you to have closed. 据我所知,骑马最好的地方,是在我命令你设防的那个缺口之前来回驰骋。
Reporters noted that the gap between the number of indicators in different parts of a larger distribution. 记者注意到,不同地区分配指标数量差距较大。
"I can tell you there's absolutely no gap between the secretary's position on Iran and the president's position on Iran, " he said. 他说:“我可以告诉你的是,国防部长和总统在伊朗问题的立场上绝对没有分歧。”
One industry source said the ROKAF is already standing down some of the ageing aircraft, resulting in a capability gap. 一位业内人士透露由于韩国空军已经开始退役部分老旧战机,直接导致了空中实力的下降。
Gap Generator - Instead of being able to use its gun, a cloaking field in a moderate distance around the Mirage Tank hides friendly units. 电子干扰器——代替他的主炮,一个中型隐形场建立在幻影坦克周围,以隐藏友军单位。
Leave a big enough gap between you and the vehicle in front - big enough for you to stop safely if the vehicle suddenly slows down or stops. 应与前车保持足够行车距离,若前车突然慢驶或停下来时,本身的车辆也能安全停下。
A motor shaft gap used for a sealing plate for a seal air channel is left between the belt pulley and the end cover of the motor shell. 在皮带轮同电机机壳端盖之间保留供密封风道用的密封板穿过的电机轴空隙位。
With that amount you can read at least forty books a year on gap time alone. 一年下来这些时间就够至少读40多本书了。
It did, however produce a chart showing that the output gap tends to line up with swings in inflation, as one would expect. 但央行的确公布了一张图表,显示产出缺口趋向于与通胀上升一致,这与预期的一致。
The gap tells us how much work we need to do. 这个差距告诉我们需要做多少工作。
I said that there was no profession in which the gap between researchers and practitioners was so wide. 我说,就研究者与从业者的脱节程度而言,哪一行都比不上商业。
For an instant, as if not a huge gap between people, was a case and good smile of a moment, I feel my life is also the leading role. 一瞬间,仿佛人与人之间无法逾越的鸿沟,就被一格又善的微笑所代替,一瞬间,我感到我也是生活的主角。
Such a gap is usually taken as an indication that money also is coming in from other sources. 这种差额往往被视为资金也来自其他渠道的信号。
Greenspan sidestepped the minefield by adding a "math gap" spin to what has so far been a debate over wage gaps. 就如今关于工资差距的争论,格林斯潘增加了一个“数字差距”的概念来回避矛盾的焦点。
Nevertheless, there was no evidence that this model was any better than other models using the output gap or nominal money growth. 然而,并无证据证明这个模型比其他利用产出差距或名义货币增长的模型优胜。
More passengers, fewer seats, especially on the work of the time, there is no congestion was one o'clock gap. 乘客多,座位少,尤其是上下班的时间,拥挤得一点空隙也没有。
In a few days the children would engage in their games as merrily as ever without the sense of any gap left by her departure. 几天以后,孩子们就会像往常一样玩起他们的游戏来,不会感到因为她的离开而缺少了什么。
"There is still a relatively large gap between China's overall strength in competitive sports and that of the US and Russia, " he said. 他表示:“与美国和俄罗斯相比,中国竞技体育的整体实力还有较大差距。”
The boys at the top of the form were marked down, as the gap between them and the rest did not reflect their true merits. 该年级名列前茅的几个学生的分数已压低了,因为他们同其他学生之间的分数差距并不反映他们的真正成绩。
Both the parents and the children should try to fill up the generation gap between them. 父母与子女应该尽力填补他们之间的代沟。
The sick man seemed to fall into a gap of death, at her contradiction. She ought to play up to him, not to contravene him. 听到她的谢绝声,病人似乎一下坠入了死谷。她应该使他高兴,不该违背他的请求。
While this aspect of the gender gap seems to be closing, the researchers saw mixed results in other areas. 虽然家务上的性别差异看起来告一段落,但研究者在其他领域上仍发现一些复杂的结果。
'By 2030, the gap for the pension fund will be very huge due to an aging population, ' he said. 他说,由于人口老龄化,到2030年,社保基金的缺口将非常大。
The gap on the front end of the steel plate is in a rectangular shape. 所述的钢板前端的缺口为长方形。
Estimating how big the output gap is, and how much of a deflationary threat it still poses, is not easy. 要估测产出缺口的大小,及其可能引发通货紧缩的威胁有多大,并不容易。
The new Beijing is much more east-meets-east, with a gap of just a few hundred years. 对于新北京,更贴切的说法是古今交汇的产物,前后相隔了百来年。
I have been out of work for a year. I had an interview today and was asked why there was such a gap in my employment history! 我已经失业一年了。今天我有一场面试,面试时被问到为什么我的工作经验会有这么长一段空白。
"The gap was pretty similar throughout the stint, but then Kimi started to run two tenths quicker and I started to push again, " he said. “停站前后差距太微弱了,但是小冰开始快了,所以我不得不再赶一下,”他说。
The company disputes this analysis, pointing to its one-month duration gap as a sign that it is not taking interest rate risk. 公司反对这一分析结论,强调它的存续期间差长达一月,公司没有利率方面的风险。