got it

  • 网络知道了;明白;明白了吗

got itgot it

got it


轻松学18个动词走天下 - 豆丁网 ... get at 暗示 3-16 Got it 知道了 4 see a doctor 看医生 4-11 ...


提出要求_旺旺英语教学网 ... 没关系。 No,not at all. 明白Got it. * 就像在自己家里一样。 Make yourself at home. ...


英语专业八级听力常用短语汇总【词典级】 - 豆丁网 ... goof off 逃学;不尽职 got it 明白了吗 Got you. 照片拍好了. ...


施耐德电气关于侵权诉讼案的声明[1] ... This is very good. 这非常好. Got it. 我知道了. ...


红警3台词_百度知道 ... He's gonna drop.( 他就要掉下来了) Got it.( 逮到他了) Easy.( 简单) ...


冰凌_新浪博客 ... 12、no way 没门 13、got it 懂了吗 14、oh please 少来这套 ...


墨菲特_百度百科 ... Uh-huh. 啊哈 Got it. 收到 Yes. 是的 ...

He sat down and felt for a cigarette, but when he got it between his lips he forgot to light it. 他坐下来,摸出一支香烟放到嘴里,却忘了点火。
Edward, stay with me. Listen to me. I need you to understand. The killer cannot survive. Edward! Got it? 爱德华,请放心。听我说。你要明白,杀手不可能存在。爱德华!知道吗?
He was terribly lost in that experience for quite some time, and finally he got it out of his mindwhen he moved to a new place. 他很长时间一直沉浸在那次可怕的经历中不能自拔,直到后来搬到一个新地方后才得以摆脱出来。
He made me kick the ball up in the air 100 times and control it and control it until I got it right. 他让我把球踢上天空100次,然后控制它再控制它,直到我把动作做对。
We knew when he got the injury playing for England it would take at least three weeks, and it was about two-and-a-half weeks ago he got it. 当他在英格兰队受伤时我们推测康复应该需要至少三周的时间,现在差不多两周半过去了。
As I need to have a look at my diary and I haven't got it with me. 我得看一看日记本,可我没把它带在身上。
It looked like you had the pace all qualifying and for a while there you were on pole and then right at the end it was Jenson that got it. 就好像你所有的排位赛和速度的同时有你的杆位,然后右键结束时,巴顿说,这是得到它。
who got it in his head to sample the dark continent. 突发奇想来看看这黑暗大陆。
Yes, alright. You got one. What's another one? Alright, I got it. I'm gonna make it a little hard for you. 对,没错。你猜对了一个。还有什么?好吧,我想到了。我得出个难一点的给你。
The reply was, "No, I got it out of my nose. I can't get it off of my hand. " 那人回答:“哪啊,我这是从鼻子里落下的,落手上老甩不掉。”
Then I wanted a car and I got it. Again I crashed. It was great driving it for a few weeks, but then I got used to it. 后来,我想要一部车,不久便得到了。我期待着开车的快感,但又失策了。开车的新鲜感只维持了几个星期,很快我便习以为常。
"Yes, we've got it, " a spokesman for the Agriculture and Fisheries Department said on Thursday. 农业及渔业部发言人于周四称:“是的,我们抓住它了。”
According to most, Rose is ready to make that jump. The question is whether or not he's got it in him to do so. 大量迹象表明,罗斯已经做好了迈上新台阶的准备,问题在于他是否能激励自己这么去做。
He said he [Atkinson] had added a minute-plus because of our goal celebration [after Craig Bellamy had made it 3-3] but they got it wrong. 他说他(阿特金森)多补了3分钟是因为我们的进球庆祝(克雷格·贝拉米将比分追成3比3),但是他们搞错了。
My smart husband got it out with a piece of stone and some rope on the second day. 第二天我那聪明的老公用一块石头和一段绳子将它弄出来了。
I blocked a shot and got it to Mike, and he took off and made this windmill dunk over Ben Coleman, who was about 6-10. 我盖帽之后得到球并传给了麦克,他起跳,在大约6尺十寸的本·科尔曼头上完成了一记大风车扣篮。
The child smiled, and got it, began to skin the potato woodenly with her small hands. 孩子笑了,接过去,用小手笨拙地剥着皮。
She would continually drill him on his studies until he got it right. Afterwards, she would take him to go get ice cream as a reward. 凯文有学习障碍,于是凯蒂总是辅导他,需要的时候帮助他完成家庭作业,她会不停地给他进行学业训练直到他做对,然后带他去买冰激凌作为奖励。
You say to yourself, "I wish I could get it out of my head. " But isn't it amazing that you got it in there in the first place! 你对自己说“我希望把它从脑子里扔出去”但是神奇的是它又出现在原来的地方!
New York is a place where one of our greatest heroes got it on with his adopted daughter while still married to his movie star wife. 纽约是座伟大的英雄有个电影明星的老婆却和自己收养的女儿发生性关系的城市;
Galileo got it wrong. The earth does not revolve around the sun. It revolves around you and has been doing so for decades. 伽利略错了,地球并不是围绕着太阳转的,它是围绕这你转的,并且几十年来一直如此。
If you want it, then you've got it. . . but don't ask me to bust any sort of move. . . 如果你想要,就拿去吧……但别要求我终止任何形式的动作……
I heard about this house the owner had to sell in a hurry, so I got it at a very cheap price. 我听说房主急于要出售这栋房子,所以我以很便宜的价格买进了。一个星期后,我把它卖掉,从中赚了两万美元。
"With the kind of team I've got, it doesn't matter who we play next, " said the United manager. “既然我拥有这样一支球队,下一轮对阵什么对手已经没所谓了,”曼联经理说。
"I sure did, " said the wife. "I got it all together, put it into my account and I wrote him a check. " “当然了,”这位妻子说道,“我把它们一起放进了我的帐户,然后写了一张支票给他。”
I know a place I could take money in with both hands. I've got it worked out--if you were thinking of putting up the money. 我知道一个地方,我可以把钱用双手,我已经得到它的工作-如果你把钱的思想。
Now that we've got it, it's up to you to tell us how we find it. 现在我们有信息了,可要怎么找到他们还是要靠你。
Readers, let us know about where you think we got it right, and where you're sure we dropped the ball. 读者们,请告诉我们,你们觉得我们哪些地方说得对,哪些地方又让你不敢苟同。
He paid me back the money I lent him in dribs and brass, but I got it all eventually. 他零零星星地把欠我的钱还我,但我最终还是全部拿到手了。
The boy now rushed home to his mother, beating his new drum, and told her how he got it, beginning with a piece of wood from the roadside. 这名男孩现在他的母亲赶到家里,击败他的新鼓,并告诉她他是如何得到它,开始了从路边的一块木板。