
美 [ˈkʌrɪdʒ]英 ['kʌrɪdʒ]
  • n.勇气;勇敢;无畏;胆量
  • 网络胆略;胆识;精神

great courage,remarkable courage,outstanding courage,rare courage,tremendous courage
give courage,take courage,lose courage,display courage,show courage



1.勇气;勇敢;无畏;胆量the ability to do sth dangerous, or to face pain or opposition, without showing fear


have/lack the courage of your convictions

有╱没有勇气做自己认为正确的事to be/not be brave enough to do what you feel to be right

take courage (from sth)

(因某事而)鼓起勇气to begin to feel happier and more confident because of sth

take your courage in both hands

鼓起勇气(做自己害怕做的事);敢作敢为to make yourself do sth that you are afraid of


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Encourage 鼓励 Courage 勇气,精神 Bicorn 双角的 ...


2012年中考英语高频词汇_百度文库 ... countless a. 无数的 courage n. 勇气,胆量 course n. 课程 ...


但是我想说,如果你真的勇敢(courage),想赢得尊敬(respect),就请给我们一部真正的回归(return to)历史的《唐山大地震》。 …


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... couple n. 夫妇,一对 courage n. 勇气; 胆略 course n. 过程;经过;课程 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... county 郡,县 courage 勇气,胆识 courtyard 院子 ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Encourage 鼓励 Courage 勇气,精神 Bicorn 双角的 ...


再就是要有勇气(Courage),不要怕画错,不要怕修改,要尽自己最大努力,对不太满意的细节,要敢于擦了重画,直到满意为 …


鲁教版五四制八年级上册英语单词_百度知道 ... graduate v. 结业 courage n. 勇气;胆子 crocodile n. 鳄鱼 ...

Lord, bless me with courage to speak to You from the heart. Bless me with courage to listen. 主,请赐我勇气向祢说出心底话,也请祢赐我勇气聆听祢的话。
If you are not afraid of suffering, the courage to set sail against the wind and rain, the sea and the sun will be reflected on the Rainbow. 只要你不怕苦难,有勇气架起风帆抗击风雨,海面就会倒映彩虹和太阳。
Can you imagine how much courage you'd need to take the plunge to momma? 你能想象跳下去找妈妈需要多大勇气吗?
Johnny knew that Owen had started the fight, but he was afraid to say so; he did not have the courage of his convictions. 约翰尼原知道开头打架的是欧文,可是他不敢说出来,他没有勇气按照自己的信念来行事。
This was undoubtedly going to be a difficult interview. I stood outside the door for a few moments screwing up my courage before I went in. 这肯定是一次困难的会谈,我在门外停了一会儿,鼓起勇气,走进房间
Upon this, the men plucked up their courage and went boldly up to the palace doors. 这使士兵们恢复勇气,大胆地走到宫殿的大门口。
In my opinion, never lose our courage , accept all that we are facing. Smile at all, cause there is nothing better than live in the world . 在我看来,不要失去勇气,接受我们每天面对的,微笑报以一切,因为没有比活着更好的了。
Peter: Actually, I've always wanted to bring you to the fair with me in the summer, but never had the courage to ask? 事实上,我总是想在夏天带你去美丽的地方,但是我从来没有勇气去问你?
And yet take heart, for a lack of courage is nothing more than a state of mind. It can be overcome. 鼓起勇气,缺乏勇气只不过是一种心智状态,恐惧是能够克服的。
Pilate could have released Jesus, but he lacks courage, he said only three times, "I did not find his fault. " 彼拉多本来可以释放耶稣的,但是他缺乏勇气,他只说了三遍“我没发现他有什么错”。
Courage is the basis of a rewarding life. . . . . . accept every challenge and with a positive attitude. 勇气是获得生活回报的基础——以积极的态度接受每一个挑战。
Maybe just a thread of light will call forth their strength and courage to help them step out of their difficulties. 可能一丝光线将引起他们的力量和勇气帮助他们跨步在他们的困难外面。
She walked up to the machine and looked at it for a long time. At last she found the courage to stand on the machine and put a coin in. 她走向了这台机器并看了它很长时间,最终她找到了站在机器上的勇气,并投入了一枚硬币。
Such a person in reality did not act, the courage, so the network can only rely on these posts to vent, demagogy . 这种人在现实中没有作为,没胆量,所以就只能靠网络发这些帖子来发泄,哗众取宠。
It would also be just to recognize that no other president of the United States would have had the courage to say what he said. 我们也应该公正地认识到,美国其他总统不会有勇气说出他说的话。
I saw you in a nightclub and finally gathered the courage to ask if you'd like a drink. I couldn't believe my luck when you said yes. 记得我在一家夜店看见你,最终鼓起勇气问你能否请你喝一杯,而你说好,我不敢相信我如此幸运。
Hearing these, the athletes one by one began to lose their courage, except a few who were in higher spirit still climbing up. 听到这些,一只又一只的青蛙开始泄气了,除了那些情绪高涨的几只还在往上爬。
It let me know my shortcomings, i should have the determination and courage like Jane if i meet any problem when working and studying. 使我更好的认识到自己的不足,在工作和学习中遇到任何问题都应该有简那种战胜困难的决心和勇气。
Gorki himself was a man of such great courage, of such deep simplicity and of such intense honesty. 戈吉本人是一个勇气非凡,率直坦诚,诚实可靠的人。(介词词组,作定语)
He couldn't pluck up enough courage to ask her to GO out with him. 他不能鼓起足够的勇气请她一起外出。
I wished to go in and look at him but I had not the courage to knock. 我很想进去,瞧瞧他,可是鼓不起勇气敲门。
He was the courage and force of his father, the spirit and opportunity of his brothers, the hope of his children, the estate of his wife. 他就是他父亲的勇气和力量,弟兄们的精神和机会,子女的希望,妻子的财富。
If he could only have faced life with the same courage and sense of honor with which he faced death, he would have been quite a guy. 漫长的周末,使我们和解了,爸爸接受了我爱他的事实。如果他象对待死亡一样,勇敢而幽默地面对生活,他会是一个很好的人。
If I had screwed up my courage to express my love for her, she would be my girlfriend now. 如果当时我能鼓起勇气向她表白,也是她现在就是我的女朋友了…
that man felt happy for his courage and thought it would be better if he gave himself a cup of milk as a reward. 那个人为自己的勇气感到高兴,并认为如果再犒赏自己喝上一杯也不为过。
Ogre lion while dead, but Hera for commemorating him with heracles' fighting, the courage to be cast into the lions, cannibal into a Leo. 食人狮虽然死了,但赫拉为纪念他与赫拉克勒斯奋力而战的勇气,将食人狮丢到空中,变成了狮子座。
he found the courage to meet his wife's eyes again, heartened by the small smile forming on her face. 他发现自己又有了勇气直视妻子的双眼,她脸上浮现出的一丝笑容使他振作起来。
A month after returning to work, Chad plucked up his courage and asked a pretty new girl at work if she'd like to go out with him. 回到工作岗位一个月后,查德鼓起勇气问一个女同事是否愿意和他约会。
Dutch courage because Iam now about to return to the train station and spend a few hours committing a deadly sin: queue jumping. 荷兰的勇气,因为荫现在返回到火车站,花了几个小时犯下致命的罪孽:插队。
I walk that day very wants to go with you to say goodbye, But finally also does not have the courage. 我走的那天很想去和你告别,但是最终也没有勇气。