美 [tʃip]英 [tʃiːp]
  • adj.花钱少的;便宜的;廉价的;收费低廉的
  • adv.低价地;廉价地;便宜地
  • 网络贱;低劣的;价廉的

比较级:cheaper 最高级:cheapest

cheap gas,cheap source,cheap fare,cheap imitation,cheap novel


低价low price

1.花钱少的;便宜的;廉价的costing little money or less money than you expected

2.收费低廉的charging low prices

劣质poor quality

3.价低质劣的low in price and quality


4.令人讨厌的;明显不友好的;不和善的unpleasant or unkind and rather obvious

地位低下low status

5.卑微的;卑贱的;可鄙的having a low status and therefore not deserving respect

不大方not generous

6.(informal)小气的;抠门儿的not liking to spend money


cheap at the price

价钱虽高但还合算so good or useful that the cost does not seem too much

on the cheap

低廉地;廉价地spending less money than you usually need to spend to do sth


七年级英语单词表 ... crowded 拥挤的 cheap 廉价的;便宜的 think of 思考;考虑 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... crowded 拥挤的 cheap 廉价的;便宜的 think of 思考;考虑 ...

初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... change n. 零钱;找头 v.改变,变化;更换;兑换 cheap a. 便宜的, cheat n. & v. 骗取,哄骗;作 …


英语B级词汇有哪些_百度知道 ... chat n. & vi. 聊天,闲谈 cheap a. 便宜的,廉价的,低劣的,劣质的 cheat vt. 欺骗,诈取; ...


浙江高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... chat n. & v. 闲谈,聊天 cheap a. 便宜的,价廉的 cheat n. & v. 欺骗;骗取,诈取 ...

Mother, Chen you his mother to a son of a bitch! Then her mother's cheap, let your sister make you regret it. 娘的,陈红你他妈就一婊子养的!再她妈的贱,姐让你就让你后悔。
it's cheap, right? While we're at it, buy more hosts too, and you can attain the same level of VM density as you could with ESX. 它是便宜的,对吗?如果我们可以这么做,购买更多的主机,并且你能达到也同样水平的VM密度作为你可以与ESX选项。
Hamster very cute, small size, easy to take care of, than a cat or rabbit cheap, almost all day in bed. 仓鼠很可爱,身形小巧,容易照顾,比猫or兔子便宜,几乎一天都在睡觉。
If anything, he felt the injustice of the game as it stood, and was not cheap enough to add to it the slightest mental taunt. 在目前这场游戏中,如果他感到对他的对手有所不公的话,他还不至于卑劣到在这不公之上再加上些精神上的嘲弄。
Few new big fields of oil, at least those that are easy to reach and cheap to exploit, have been discovered in recent years. 最近的几年很少发现大的油田,至少是那些容易得手开采成本又低的类型。
Now, with new technology that made it cheap and easy to scan the entire length of a person's DNA, researchers tried a new approach. 如今,新技术使得扫描人DNA全长便宜且简便,研究者们尝试着新方法。
Have a enjoyable and cheap trip to London and if I can be of any more help please contact through this site. 祝你伦敦之行物有所值:玩得快乐,住得便宜。我很高兴能通过此网站给你旅途带来一点帮助。
The answer seems to be an abundance of cheap money, which lured investors into complacency. 答案似乎是丰盈的低息贷款让投资者于诱惑下变得扬扬自得。
It was really foolish of him to barter away his bicycle for this cheap catapult. 他用自行车换来一个廉价的弹弓,实属愚蠢。
Pedometers are really cheap too, sometimes costing just a few bucks for the simple models. 而且,计步器真的很便宜,有时简单款式只需几块钱。
A deal, he said, is only a cheap long-distance phone call or a few key strokes on the computer away. 他说,打通便宜的长途电话,或者在用电脑键盘输入一些字就可以做成一笔生意。
I tried to get a cheap ticket to London, but it was no good. They'd already sold out. 我想要一张去伦敦的便宜票,但是没用了,已经卖玩了。
For some years the child does not dirty the leather can be used (1), (2) two types of cleaning materials, cheap and easy to get. 一些年来的宝宝不脏的皮革可以用来(1),(2)两个清洁材料,廉价和容易类型。
Hannibal Lecter: You know what you look like to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes You look like a rube. 汉尼拔:你知道我是怎么看你的?你拿着不错的包却穿着廉价的鞋,看上去像个土包子。
It's magic to see a noble tumble humbly leading to a cheap spectacles of the poor uncles of farmers. 能看见一个贵族下贱地在一群农民的伯伯跟前打滚真是一个事业。
The bank announced it would expand its program of lending at very cheap rates in an effort to get the economy going. 该行宣称要扩大它的非常低息贷款项目来促使经济增长。
There is a pride in being cheap at the moment. Sometimes people come here and are very flash but it is now fashionable to be a cheapskate. 时下讲究的是便宜。有时人们是来这里招摇,但现在流行当守财奴。
I found a cheap hotel in Sarajevo through the then three-year-old TripAdvisor, recommended by an actual Bosnian. 我在当时成立三周年的TripAdvisor网站上找到一家萨拉热窝的廉价酒店,是一名波斯尼亚人推荐的。
Mrs Jones asked to see a less expensive hat. The salesgirl got up on her high horse and said that the shop did not sell cheap merchandise. 琼斯太太要看看不太贵的帽子,售货姑娘摆出副盛气凌的人样子,说这个店不卖便宜货。
You can find him in one of these cheap joints. 你可以在这些下流地方中找到他。
No: they argue this global pandemic - and all the deaths we are about to see - is the direct result of our demand for cheap meat. 这不是个意外事件,科学家们认为这个全球蔓延的流行病以及我们将目睹的死亡是我们对廉价肉的贪求的直接结果。
It's cheap, and available almost off the shelf. It's also easy to turn into wire. 它很便宜,几乎是现成的,而且还很容易被加工成导线。
It was a typical BarCap bet - that the subprime problems would be short-lived and that it was picking up assets on the cheap. 这是典型的巴克莱资本式押注:次贷问题将是短暂的,而它在廉价收购资产。
You know, it's quick and cheap to send and receive information through the email across the country or around the world. 你知道,跨越国界和整个地球来收发信息,电子邮件又快又便宜。
That's just a little over the bank's book value, and cheap by historical measures. 这个价格仅略高于该股的账面价值,从历史指标来看,非常便宜。
We were going to a little market where I have also shopped. So this was where she's been getting all that great cheap produce. 我们走进一个小菜场,我以前也来过,这里就是她采购又新鲜又便宜的食材的地方。
But the share of electricity generated by renewables is still far behind that of dirty-but-cheap coal, which will rise to almost 44%. 然而可再生物质发电在电力中占到的比例仍然远远不及污染严重但价格低廉的煤,使用煤发电的比例将上升到将近44%。
The popular image of a package holiday is of cheap holiday to a place by the sea in southern European(especially Spain). 关于承包旅游,大家都认为这是一个廉价旅游,去一个位于南欧靠近海边的地方,尤其是西班牙。
Don't be so cheap , your friends will be afraid to hang out with you. 别这么小气,你的朋友不会想要跟你出动玩。
A cheap drug used to treat bowel cancer should also be prescribed to patients with a condition that leads to sight loss, say UK researchers. 英国研究人员称,一种用于治疗肠癌的廉价药物可用于易导致失明状况的患者。