i am a loser

  • 网络我是一个失败者

i am a loseri am a loser

i am a loser


OLD... ... and how was him born 他是怎么形成的 I am a loser 我是一个失败者 afraid to see my mother 很害怕见我的妈妈 ...

Make a decision to refuse the GOD , make up my mind to reject the love to you, but I am a loser, love is so deep. 不想听从上帝的安排,不想再爱你。但是我输了,因为对你的爱竟是那样彻底。
I am a loser, ever thought turned to be a marlarous joke. 我是一个失败者,曾经的情怀,现在看来真是个大笑话。
I feel like that I am a loser. 我感觉我是一个失败者。
I know that I can't change it at all, but Ijust can't bear to think that I am a loser. how can I adjust to this situation? 我知道我不能改变一点,但是我只是不能忍受认为自己是一个失败者。我怎样才能适应这种环境呢?
I am a loser , life`s a game! 人生是场游戏我是个失败的人
i am a loser this time , B'cuz i have lost my confidence when seeing you 这次是我输了,因为看到你我已经失去了信心。