
美 [ɪs]英 [ɪz]
  • v.
  • abbr.(=island;isle)岛;群岛
  • 网络冰岛;在;印度标准(Indian Standard)



七年级英语单词表 ... name n. 名字 is v. clock n. 时钟 ...


中国知识产权杂志 知识产权 商标 版权 专利 ... IR 伊朗 IS 冰岛 IT 意大利 ...

Yupoo API 文档 ... 群 is_public is_friend Invalid signature 签名不正确 ...

印度标准(Indian Standard)

电源线_百度百科 ... ISO 国际标准 IS 印度标准 ISO/DIS 国际标准草案 ...

If we focus only on the materials normally known as steels, a simplified diagram is often used. 如果只把注意力集中于一般所说的钢上,经常要用到简化铁碳状态图。
"There is nothing to be sorry about. This a long awaited freedom" , he said. 普京说:“这没有什么可遗憾的,我终于自由了。”
This paper is trying to demonstrate this proposition formally and add some empirical evidence to it. 本论文致力于正式证明此论题,并且在此基础上添加了一些实验数据。
How much is the necklace worth? 这条项链值多少钱?
When creatures die, their salt is locked up in bones and shells, which drop to the bottom of the sea. 而水族们死后沉入海底,它们体内的盐分就被固定在骨骼和贝壳里。
It is still at issue that if it had this concept in ancient China. 而中国古代是否存在“罪刑法定”,则是一个争议话题。
A possible answer is that it measures how much the flow is expanding areas. 一个可行的解释是,它度量了流体膨胀后所要占据的空间。
Selling premium content is possible in just about any field, but you will have to be able to provide something that is worth paying for. 销售保险金项目在任何一个领域都是可行的,但是你将不得不为他们的付出提供一些有价值的东西。
That's a very wide question. But to put it in a very simple terms, one of the objects of market research is to find out. 这是一个范围很广的问题。但简单地说,市场调研的目标之一就是找出这种产品是否有市场,在市场上是否能出售这种产品。
To most people, the appearance of a policeman at the front door is full of terrible implication. 就大多数人而言,警察出现在前门总是一种。
Investing in UX design as an amplifier of good content is not always an easy process. 把用户体验设计当作优质内容的扩大器来投资可不是一个容易的过程。
The question whether objective truth can be attributed to human thinking is not a question of theory but is a practical question. 人的思维是否具有客观的真理性,这不是一个理论的问题,而是一个实践的问题。
Profit sharing is often done through making shares of company stock part of the employee benefit package. 利润分配通常是通过使股票的公司股票的员工福利。
Li said the case is still before the courts and a judgment could take some time because South Korea has no restriction on trial length. 李律师表示,官司还没进入法庭审理的程序,而由于韩国没有对审判期限作出限制,判决可能需要相当的时日。
Alex Ferguson believes Paul Scholes is "blessed with something special" and that it reflects all that's good about the game. 佛格森爵爷相信老天爷一定对斯科尔斯施了法,让他在比赛中表现得如此出色。
Others questioned the value of spending cuts at a time when the economy is struggling to get out of recession. 另外一些人质疑在经济还在衰退的边缘挣扎时削减开支的价值。
If the office itself is starting to look run down and like its in need of an upgrade, it's indicative of excessive belt-tightening measures. 如果办公室看起来是在走向衰败而且需要来一次升级,这就表明贵公司已经开始在勒紧裤腰带过日子了。
Substitution effect The effect on the demand for a good of a change in price of that good assuming real income is held constant. 替代效应在假定实际收入保持不变的情况下,某一货物的价格变动对该货物的需求产生的效应。
The result of your application is ready. Please come to pick it up or advise us if you want us to mail it to you. 你的申请已有结果。请来我处领取,如希望邮寄,请通知我处。
He volunteered in the community with a charity for the homeless. He and his wife had a daughter who neighbors said is aged about 5 or 6. 他是一个为无家可归者服务的慈善团体的志愿者,邻居说他们夫妇俩养有一个五岁左右大的女儿。
Although it is now very frail, but I believe it will certainly be able to one day into the clouds. 虽然它现在很孱弱,但我相信它有一天一定能够冲入云霄。
Thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren: return every man to his house: for this thing is done of me. ‘耶和华如此说:你们不可上去与你们的弟兄争战,各归各家去吧!因为这事出于我。’
Frankly speaking, the talent presentation of these candidates is not the only reason why these talent shows are so popular. 坦率地说,选秀节目的魅力不只来自于参赛者的才华展示。
The result is that we seem to be in a state of turmoil all the time, both physically and mentally. 这样的结果是,我们似乎一直处于一种混乱的状态中,无论是肉体还是精神上。
Data quality is of the most importance. It needs to be fresh and up-to-date. No old databases. 数据质量是最重要的。它需要新鲜和及时更新。没有旧的数据库。
Over the greatness of such space Steps must be gentle It is all hung by an invisible white hair It trembles as birch limbs webbing the air. 踏过着空旷的境地,脚步轻柔。是看不见的一丝白发悬挂,在白桦树的蜘蛛网旁摇曳。
The book is perhaps best known for having predicted that attack on the United States by Japan and an air war between the two powers. 书也许最好地被为有知道预知在二力量之间的日本和一个空气战争的美国上的那个攻击。
It also said, 'This is nothing but death-bed frenzy of the traitor destined to meet his end for his crimes. ' 文章还说,这只不过是逆贼因其罪行而走上末路的垂死挣扎。
Daedong does not want its money transferred to the Bank of China and is trying to have its funds returned separately. 平壤大同信贷银行不希望将其资金转移到中国银行,正试图单独返还其资金。
He is a Mighty and Strong Duke, and appeareth like a Strong Man with the tail of a Serpent, sitting upon a Pale-Coloured Horse. 他是一名强大的公爵,以长有蛇尾的强壮男人现身,坐于彩色的苍白战马之上。