side by side

  • na.并排着
  • 网络肩并肩;肩并肩地;朗文国际英语教程

side by sideside by side

side by side


大学英语四级常用词组 ... right away 立即,马上 side by side 肩并肩,一起 sooner or later 迟早,早晚 ...


1000个最简单常用的英语单词_百度文库 ... 冰山 iceberg 并排 side by side 病假 sick leave ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on the side 作为兼职;另外 side by side 肩并肩地;同时地 side walk 人行道 ...


上外朗文国际英语教程(Side by Side)(最新第三版)配套清晰MP3外研社版安徽小学英语第8册(六年级下册)MP3+中英对照LRC同 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... right away 立即,马上 side by side 肩并肩,一起 sooner or later 迟早,早晚 ...


阴阳相成 (Side by side) 2012-08-17上映 正在热映 精选预告 更多 全部电影 免费在线观看   In this documentary Keanu Reeves el...


...ial)、帧封装(Frame packing)以及并排格式(Side by side)。

You're working with him side-by-side and you haven't gleaned any personal information about him? 你和他并肩工作,难道就没有获悉一些私人信息?
Bridge360 can help you determine the optimal plan for your unique situation and work side-by-side with you to get you there. 测试自动化-适合你吗?Bridge360公司能够根据你的情况帮助你确定最优计划并与你并肩合作达到预计目标。
One of the greatest achievements at Pixar was that we brought these two cultures together and got them working side by side. 在皮克斯我们完成的一个巨大的成就就是让这两种文化融合在一起,并让他们肩并肩工作。
It's as if they have two people inside them, sitting side by side in a rowboat in the middle of a lake. 就好像有两个人在他们里面,并排的坐在一个湖泊中的小船上。
The side-by-side comparison in Table 1 is designed to make it easier for you to determine which DB2 edition and package is right for you. 表1采用并列比较方式,目的是帮助您更好地判断哪一款DB2版本和包更适合您。
He said: 'These photographs show a little of what I saw and lived through living side by side with bears. 他说,这些照片所展示的,只是我和野熊朝夕相处的生活的一小部分。
His dream was that the Olympic Games would make it possible for countries and people to live peacefully side by side. 他的梦想是奥运会将使得各个国家和人民和平共处。
We gave our youth, our hearts, our very souls for her protection. As brothers, we fought side by side against the German fascists. 为了保卫祖国,我们献出了我们的青春,我们的心,我们的灵魂,像兄弟般肩并肩地对抗德国侵略者!
The view shown in Figure 3 allows you to see the complexity and number of references side by side. 通过图3所示的视图,可以逐个查看复杂度和引用次数。
But when he held them side by side, he was troubled to see that they were slightly asymmetrical. 但是,当他把它们并排放在一起时,(看上去)并不十分对称,他有点困惑。
The 32 Battalion. That's right. You know, contrary to what you might think about us. we fought with the blacks, huh? Yeah. Side by side. 在32排-没错知道吗,与你的想法相反的是,我们和黑人一起战斗,肩并肩。
Now, 44 years later, I am privileged to stand side by side with you, ready to work hand in hand on a mission that we all share. 44年后的现在,我又很荣幸和各位并肩而立,准备携手展开一项我们分享的使命。
places his knife and his fork on his plate side by side, as if they were the hands of a clock set at 5: 25, when he's finished eating. 当他吃完时,会将刀叉并排放在盘子上,如同表盘的指针在5:25时的样子。
The night before she was supposed to leave, Gussie and Clyde settled down in his side-by-side reclining chairs. 在格西要离开斯珀的前一天晚上,他们俩并排坐在躺椅里。
Western Region has always been a region where a number of religions exist side by side. 西域地区总是会有很多的宗教信仰存在。
It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch. 这是第一次严重分裂40多年的耕作并肩,分享机制,与贸易劳动和货物的需要顺利。
Create a productive side-by-side configuration that lifts screens up to where they're easier to see while reclaiming valuable work surface. 创建高效的并排配置,将屏幕升到更方便观看的位置,同时节省宝贵的台面空间。
"The Watchung store is the first existing Toys R Us store in the state to be converted to the side-by-side format, " she said. 说:“沃昌店是第一玩具反斗城在现有的状态存储将转换为的副作用,方格式,”她说。
Diplomats, development experts, and others in the United States Government must be able to work side by side to support a common agenda. 外交官、发展专家和美国政府的其他人员必须一起努力来支持公共事务。
They started as side-by-side beds, then after a few months we made them into bunks to get a bit of floor space back. 原来是两张并列的床,几个月之后,做成了上下铺,比较节省地方。
Thus, thousands of these devices can be built side-by-side with silicon transistors for high-bandwidth on-chip optical communications. 所以,数以千计的这类设备能够通过使用为芯片上光学通信的高带宽而设计的硅晶体管(silicontransistors)并行地进行生产。
The four have lived side-by-side for a month without a single act of hostility , she said . 这四个小家伙已在一起呆了一个月了,没有一点不友好行为。
In particular, genes do not seem to sit side by side on DNA like discrete beads. 特别是,基因似乎没有上并排安装的DNA一样离散珠子。
Now I have two tall screen monitors, side by side, and I feel like the operator of a nuclear power station. 于是我现在有了两台“高屏”显示器,“肩并肩”摆在一起,我感觉自己就像核电站的操作员。
you think it normal that two women walk down the street hand in hand or two men walk side by side. 你认为两个女人手牵手或者两个男人肩并肩在大街上走是很正常的。
The correct way to conduct the trial would have been a side-by-side comparison between the defendant and the competing system. 进行审理的正确方式是将被告与竞争体制作同等比较。
The paste command pastes lines from two or more files side-by-side, similar to the way that the pr command merges files using its -m option. paste命令可以并行粘帖来自两个或多个文件的行,其方式类似于pr命令使用其-m选项合并文件。
Five lonely grass huts in which Fishermen sometimes rest, are standing there side by side, at the side of a pretty bay with white sand. 在海湾的沙滩两边,有着许多的茅草屋,钓鱼的人们经常会在里面休息。
As it is now, if I select "family" , it will bring albums tagged "family" mixed with photos tagged "family" , side by side, in a big mess. 目前来看,如果我选择了“family”,它就会给我相册标记的“family”和相片标记的“family”杂糅在一起。
His conclusion was that they would end up side-by-side in the middle, with each customer going to the nearest stall. 霍特林的结论是,他们的摊位最终将背靠背地设置在(海滩)中央,每个消费者都会去最近的摊位。