
美 [sɪn]英 [sɪn]
  • n.罪;罪行;过失;过错
  • abbr.正弦
  • v.犯戒律;犯过失
  • 网络新加坡(Singapore);原罪;罪恶

复数:sins 过去式:sinned 现在分词:sinning

forgive sin,commit sin,confess sin


1.[c]罪,罪恶,罪过(对神的冒犯或对宗教戒律、道德规范的违犯)an offence against God or against a religious or moral law

2.[u]罪行,犯罪(违犯宗教戒律、道德规范的行为)the act of breaking a religious or moral law

3.[c][ususing](informal)过错;过失;恶行an action that people strongly disapprove of


be/do sth for your sins

(表示所做的事无异于惩罚)自作自受,活该used to say that sth that sb does is like a punishment

(as) miserable/ugly as sin

可怜得╱难看得要命used to emphasize that sb is very unhappy or ugly


新加坡航空(SQ)经新加坡SIN)中转可达Delhi(DEL) / Calcutta(CCU) / Mumbai(BOM) / Chennai(MAA) / Ahme…


锐角三角函数_百度百科 ... 余割( csc) 正弦( sin) 余弦( cos) ...

(Sin):亚当与夏娃在伊甸园中违逆上帝出于爱的命令,偷吃禁果,想要脱离造物主而获得自己的智慧,从此与上帝的生命源 …


  原罪(sin)的概念,是由教父圣奥古斯丁(St Agustine)从创世纪及罗马书5:12-20勾勒出来,再经不同神学家发展及阐释,原罪在 …


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... simultaneous 同时的 sin 罪恶 since 自从 ...


业字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 职业〖 occupation;profession〗 罪孽sin〗 使从事于,以…为职业〖 engagein〗 ...


VBS基础教程 ... Log 以e为底的对数 Sin 正弦函数 Cos 余弦函数 ...


小说的主题即罪过(sin)对人的心灵、道德与情感的影响。但同时我们也会注意到艾格伦丹的A字是挂在胳膊上的项链上,项链后来 …

Cantonese chef would consider it a culinary sin of the highest order to produce a dish that was overcooked or too heavily seasoned. 在粤菜厨师看来,食物煮的太久或口味过重都是烹饪大忌。
Narcissism is, in a sense, the converse of an habitual sense of sin; it consists in the habit of admiring oneself and wishing to be admired. “自恋”在某种程度上是习惯性罪孽感的反面,由赏识自己并希望被赏识的习惯而构成。
Now I realize that it is possible for the rich to sin by coveting the privileges of the poor. 现在我认识到,由于羡慕穷人的特权,富人也可能犯罪。
Now He is in Heaven, ready to forgive your sin and save you from that horrible punishment of everlasting death and hell. 现在,他就在天上,他要原谅你的罪,把你从永死和地狱的可怕惩罚中拯救出来。
Even now, some business heads feel compelled to say, "Is it a mortal sin to give a few gifts? " 到现在都还有企业主无奈地问,「企业送点礼,是大罪吗?」
Thus shall Aaron come into the holy place: with a young bullock for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering. 亚伦进圣所,要带一只公牛犊为赎罪祭,一只公绵羊为燔祭。
I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love. 我很好,但不是天使,我偶尔做做坏事,但也不是恶魔。我只是个小女孩,是个在这个大千世界里寻找爱情的女孩。
Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him , that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin . 因为知道我们的旧人和他同定十字架,使罪身灭绝,叫我们不再作罪的奴仆。
Now if I do what I do not want it is no longer I that do it but sin that lives within me. 若我去作所不愿意作的,就不是我作的,乃是住在我里头的罪作的。
Every little secret sin , my Lord God , I reveal them to you, so please forgive me for all that . 每一个小秘密,我的主,我都要把他们揭示给你,请为此而原谅我吧。
But God is a holy God, and a holy God will not allow those with unforgiven sin to share his eternal kingdom with him. 但是上帝是神圣的上帝,一个神圣的上帝不会允许那些带有不可原谅罪孽的人和他分享他那永久的王国。
Like the other counsellors , Zophar believed that Job's suffering was as a result of his sin. 和其他的商谈者一样,琐法也相信约伯的苦难,是他犯罪的结果。
But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you have obeyed from the heart the form of teaching into which you were delivered. 感谢神,你们从前虽然作罪的奴仆,现今却从心里顺从了你们被交于其中之教训的规模。
It is broad enough to receive the most hardened sinner, if he truly repents, and yet so narrow that in it sin can find no place. 那路也够宽阔,虽然是最硬心的罪人,若诚心悔改,也能进去;但这路也很狭窄,毫无容留罪恶之余地。
The whole concept of the Bible is of Christ taking our place on the cross and paying the punishment, the cost of our sin. 圣经的整个观念是要告诉我们,基督替代了我们,接受了十字架的刑罚,为我们偿还了罪的赎价。
I hope by now we are beginning to understand why the devil is so intent on using physical appeals to draw us into sin. 我盼望现在我们开始明白魔鬼为什么如此抱定决心要用身体的吸引来把我们拉进罪里了。
And yet, though we're never going back to the 19th-century, sin-centric character-building model, for breeding leaders, it has its uses. 虽然,我们永远不可能回到19世纪,但是,那种以克服恶为中心的品格培养模式在训练领导人方面还是有一定的作用。
When did eating butter become a sin, and a little bit of extra flesh unappealing, if not repellent? 什么时候吃黄油变成了一种罪恶,什么时候肉不经驱虫就变得一点吸引力都没有?
The greatest failure of Western foreign policy since the cold war ended has been a sin of omission. 自冷战结束以来,西方外交政策的最大失败就是疏忽之罪(asinofomission)。
He never condones sin but He is always ready to forgive those who come humbly to Him, acknowledging their sin and seeking forgiveness. 祂绝不宽容罪,可是,却随时准备好赦免那些谦卑在祂面前、承认自己的罪、寻求祂宽恕的人。
Adam`s sin in eating the apple left a mark on the front part of his throat, it is called the "adam`s apple" 亚当偷吃苹果的罪过在他的喉头前部留下了一个记号,称为“喉结”。
Most of us lie to cover up a sin, or to take advantage, or to make ourselves look better, or to spare others the hurt of knowing the truth. 大多数人会掩藏过失、去利用谎言、让自己看起来更不错,或者为了不伤害别人而隐瞒真相。
And he shall take off the fat of the calf for the sin offering, as well that which covered the entrails, as all the inwards. 以后取出作赎罪祭的公牛犊所有的脂肪:即遮盖内脏的脂肪,贴在内脏上所有的脂肪。
On a much grander scale, God's offer to liberate us from the slavery of sin is often met with resistance. 在更高的一个层面上,同样地,上帝要拯救我们脱离罪恶,祂也常遭人反抗。
If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin. 我若没有来对他们讲话,他们就没有罪;如今呢、他们的罪是无可推诿的了。
It was cold as sin, but it had an atmosphere of warmth that made Nora feel right at home. 天气冷得厉害,可是这热情的气氛却使劳拉感觉是到了家。
Come as quietly as you can, sir. I want you to hear, but Idon't want him to hear you. And sin-if he asks you to go inside-don't go! ' 先生,请您把脚步放轻点,我想让您听听,但您可别让他听见了。先生,要是他让您进去,千万别进去!
If I were to ask you, as a Christian, "when was the last time you were convicted of sin? " 如果我问你,作为一个基督徒:“你最后一次认罪是什么时候?”
Because out of the works of the law no flesh shall be justified before Him ; for through the law is the clear knowledge of sin . 所以凡有血气的,没有一个因行律法能在上帝面前称义,因为律法本是叫人知罪。
Wombed in sin darkness I was too, made not begotten. By them, the man with my voice, and my eyes and a ghost woman with ashes on her breath. 在罪孽的黑暗中孕育,我也是。是制成而不是生成的。由他们俩,一个是嗓音与眼睛和我相同的男人,另一个是呼吸中带有灰烬气味的女鬼。