
  • abbr.(=Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)中国人民政治协商会议
  • 网络中国人民政治协商会议(Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference);政协;全国政协



中国人民政治协商会议(Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)

虽然在中国人民政治协商会议CPPCC),妇女代表占的比例从第九届的15.5%(中国妇女日报,2002年9月3日)增加到2003 …


People | Chinese Dictionary ... 平民 ordinary people;commoner;civilian 政协 CPPCC 解放军 people's Liberation Army ...


博鳌亚洲论坛 ... 全国政协常委 Member of the Standing Committee 全国政协 CPPCC 陈锦华 H.E. Mr. Chen Jinhua ...


...执掌全国人民代表大会(NPC);第四的俞正声任全国政协主席CPPCC);刘云山接替李长春的位置,继续掌控整个国家 …

中国人们政治协商会议(Chinese People's Political Consultative Committee)

Chinese People's Political Consultative Committee (CPPCC)Proper noun 专名 政要 政治 政治局 政治化 政治家 治 知识分子 知 …

全国人民政治协商会议(the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)

温总理答记者问:乞火不如取燧,寄汲不若凿井... ... 全国人民代表大会( NPC) 全国人民政治协商会议( CPPCC) 中国共产党( C…

As you know, there are more than 2, 000 journalists from China and abroad covering the NPC and CPPCC sessions. 据我知道,参加两会采访的中外记者有2000多名。
Therefore, it should be highlighted and made clear that the CPPCC is in essence an "united front organization" . 因此,“统一战线组织”是人民政协的根本属性需突出明确。
GT: Education equality is always one focus of the NPC and CPPCC. One important aspect is the educational gap between urban and rural areas. 教育公平一直就是全国人大与政协关注的焦点,其中一个重要的方面就是农村与城市之间的教育差距。
He said that the CPPCC shares traditional friendly relations with the ROK National Assembly. 他说,中国全国政协与韩国国会有着传统友好关系。
CPPCC members noted with satisfaction that China is in a strong position to avoid the bleak conditions in some countries. 政协委员们满意地说,中国完全有能力避免他国所面对的萧条现象。
Raising the threshold has been a hot topic since this year's political meetings of the NPC and CPPCC in Beijing. 从今年在北京举行的全国人民代表大会和中国人民政治协商会议开始,提升个人所得税免征额就成为一个热点话题。
"The government has not got back to us since we raised objections in March at the CPPCC, but they are afraid of people's power, " she said. “自从我们3月份在全国政协会议上提交了反对提案之后,当地政府一直没有回复我们,但他们害怕人民的力量,”她表示。
Miao Chinese singer, waits in line for her information package for the CPPCC. 中国苗族歌唱家宋祖英排队领取全国人大政治协商会议信息袋。
while a proposal to the CPPCC National Committee, the top advisory body, is not legally binding whether it is adopted or not. 而政协全国委员会是执政协商机构,提交上来的提案无论通过与否都不具有法律约束力。
The public's opinions have been sought through the Internet during the annual sessions of the NPC and CPPCC. 每年全国人民代表大会和中国人民政治协商会议期间,都通过互联网征求公众意见。
In a proposal to the ongoing National Committee of the CPPCC, Xie urged the whole country to think seriously about the situation. 谢广祥在向全国政协全体会议提交的议案中呼吁,全社会应认真考虑这一问题。
CPPCC Standing Committee member and State Council counsellors Ren Yu Ling-high prices of the three major causes of that city. 政协常委会委员、国务院参事任玉岭深入指出城市房价超高的三大原因。
recently, leading to the organs of the Municipal CPPCC "will be hard to do, hard work, thrift activity, running through the text. " 日前,市政协领导向机关提出了“勤俭办会、勤俭办事、勤俭办活动、勤俭办文”的要求。
The Measures is a national initiative of its kind to regulate CPPCC committee members' participation in consultation on local legislation. 据悉,该办法以管理办法的形式将政协委员参与地方性立法先行协商进行规范,系全国首创。
He indicated hope that active exchanges and cooperation can be held between the Singaporean Parliament and the CPPCC. 李显龙表示,他希望新加坡议会与中国全国政协积极开展交流与合作。
Every CPPCC member is provided with a laptop and an USB flash disk, the first time for the CPPCC sessions to go paperless. 据悉,每位政协委员都配有手提电脑和U盘,首次实现了政协会议“无纸化办公”。
CPPCC member and Vice Chairman of China textile industry association Wang Tiankai belonging to Trade Union group at the meeting. 全国政协委员、中国纺织工业协会副会长王天凯在会上分属工会组。
The CPPCC earnestly implemented the Party's ethnic and religious policies, and energetically promoted ethnic unity and religious harmony. 中国人民政协认真贯彻落实党的民族政策和宗教政策,大力促进民族团结和宗教和睦。
According to CPPCC members, the house price to income ratio in Beijing has surpassed that of Tokyo. 一些政协委员们表示,北京的房价和收入之比甚至超过了东京。
Lei Liangyu, deputy director of Municipal People's Congress, CPPCC Vice Chairman Xiao river city attended the meeting. 市人大常委会副主任雷良玉、市政协副主席肖长河出席会议。
Many press conferences are held during the annual meetings of NPC and CPPCC and about other important affairs at home and abroad. 在我国每年“两会”期间及国内外重大事务中都要举行多场次的记者招待会。
However, the current legal status of the CPPCC is not incommensurate to the political role it plays in practice. 然而人民政协当前法律地位如其在实践中发挥的政治作用不相称。
Ladies and gentlemen, friends of the press. First I'd like to thank you for your hard work in covering the NPC and CPPCC sessions. 女士们、先生们,记者朋友们,首先感谢大家在中国两会报道中所付出的辛劳。
CPC members, the Gujiao City coking plant director and secretary of the party branch, the Gujiao City CPPCC members. 中共党员,古交市焦化厂厂长兼党支部书记,古交市政协委员。
The CPPCC and deliberative democracy have a natural connection, so it is an important form of practice of deliberative democracy. 这些使人民政协与协商民主具有天然的联系,它是实践协商民主的重要形式。
The CPPCC has a national committee and local committees. With a functioning term of 5 years, the committees hold annual plenary sessions. 人民政协设全国委员会和地方委员会,每届任期5年,每年举行一次全体会议。
The news was released from members of Shenyang Municipal Committee of CPPCC who were inspecting subway construction site. 这是记者昨天从沈阳市政协委员视察地铁建设现场了解到的。
Even some of the CPPCC delegates have complained the conference has become a club for celebrities. 即便是某些政协会议代表也抱怨称,年会已成了名流俱乐部。
at the airport apron, continuous spring, the provincial CPPCC committee chairman Hu Biao, said in an interview. 在机场停机坪,绵绵春雨中,省政协主席胡彪在接受采访时说。
Fourth, the democratic parties participate in consultation on major state issues through the CPPCC. 第四,民主党派通过中国人民政治协商会议参与国家主要问题的协商。