regard as

  • v.当作
  • 网络认为;把…认作;视为

regard asregard as

regard as


仞_百度百科 ... 承认【 admit】 认为,当作【 regard as】 通“忍”【 tolerate】 ...


字典中 当 字的解释 ... (1) 主领;典领[ be in charge of] (4) 当作;算是[ regard as] (6) 抵得上[ match;be equal to] ...


regarde的用法_百度知道 ... in regard to 关于 regard as vt. 把…认作 as regards 至于,关于 ...


英语习语_单老师_新浪博客 ... 575.refrain from 自禁。 576.regard as 视为。 577.regardless of 不管,不顾。 ...

Chinese Final Exam flashcards | Quizlet ... 百 hundred regard as 贵 expensive ...


百度词典搜索_看 ... 看茶[ take charge of the tea] 看成[ regard as] 看出[ see;make out;perceive] ...


新世纪高一词汇及用法 - 豆丁网 ... 到...之前: by the time 3、 看作,认为是: regard as 4、 回绝: turn down 5、 ...

with a dictionary, he must regard as out of his mind. 在美国,无论什么时候,谁要是和一个字典争论,肯定被认为是疯了。
The Chief Executive will soon announce his Sixth policy address. Which aspect, do you think, should he regard as the point of focus? 特首即将要发表其第六份施政报告,你认为他应重点处理甚麽问题?。
Whatever stage we may regard as the beginning of the ear of interplanetary communication we shall never be able to reach its end. 无论把哪个阶段认为是星际交通时代的开始,我们都将永远达不到它的尽头。
I would provide a platform on which subjects can select the accusations they regard as important enough to be corrected. 我将提供一个平台,让他们选择他们认为重要到需要澄清的指责。
Object complement And I had not thought it, for his was not at all what one would regard as the figure of a soldier. 我确实没有想到这个,因为他与一个战士的形象相距甚远。
And yet this was precisely the reasoning behind Prohibition, which most people today regard as a terrible error. 但这的的确确是大多数人现在认为是可怕错误的禁酒背后的逻辑。
A third, much debated, explanation for Asian resilience is what some economists regard as a structural pick-up in consumer demand. 关于亚洲经济抗跌性的第三个解释备受争议,一些经济学家将其视为消费者需求的结构性复苏。
But he makes it sound as if Mr McCain is doing special favours for an industry many Americans regard as villainous. 但奥巴马的解说让人听起来更像麦凯恩特别关照了石油公司,这个行业目前被许多美国人视为罪魁。
The defender in him kept his remarks to the anodyne, or at least to what most people in most places would regard as the anodyne. 他作为门将的天性使得他的评论不痛不痒,或者至少在很多地方很多人看来都是不痛不痒的。
But he draws back the match to let the entire China shock, subsequently regard as an inopportune fool's day joke by the partial people. 但是他的退赛让整个中国震惊、继而被部分国人视为一个不合时宜的愚人节玩笑。
Therefore, "energy" must make the enemy to regard as "cannot" , "use" to let the enemy regard as "not to use" . 因而,“能”要使敌人看成“不能”,“用”要让敌人看作“不用”。
'It's the rising political awareness of our people that we regard as our biggest achievement, ' she said. 她说,我们将缅甸人民不断增长的政治意识看做是我们最大的成就。
As an application model of e-commerce, the mobilization of e-commerce has always been regard as the prospective fashion of e-business. 电子商务的移动化一直被看成是电子商务的主要应用方向,它也是电子商务的一种应用模型。
Maybe keeping up with a few good personal finance blogs will help in this regard as well. 也许与一些优质的个人金融博客齐头并进也能给你很大的帮助。
All this has been swept away along with the $10m bonuses that Wall Street investment bankers had come to regard as a birthright. 所有这一切,连同华尔街投行家视为与生俱来权利的上千万美元红利,均已荡然无存。
He regard as a sinner by oneself , should be punished, but does not dare to bear one's own responsibility for an offence publicly . 他把自看成一个罪人,应该受到惩罚,但又不敢公开承担自己的罪责。
I know Mermaid Xiaoyuer regard as the spiritual home of a dream, do not let this home business, become a mercenary place. 我知道小鱼儿把美人鱼当做了一个梦想中的精神家园,不想让这个家园商业化,变成一个充满铜臭的地方。
We shall regard as a personal favour any help you give Mr. Wang and will always be very happy to reciprocate. 您给王先生的任何帮助我们都将感同身受,并总是乐于给予报答的。
As the most vivid form of expression of the Universe life, it is obviously that the vitality of Art should be regard as the goal. 气是自然生命之根本,绘画以表现生命世界为根本目的就必须通过气象氤氲去捕捉大自然的生机活力。
It was a carefully thought out costume that I hoped others would regard as a casual wardrobe choice. 这是我经心构思的装束,我希望其他人认为这是非常一般的打扮。
Most of the world's biggest industrial groups have been attracted to a country that, even as growth slows, they regard as a beacon of hope. 大多数全球最大的工业集团都被吸引到了中国——即使增长放缓,他们仍视这里为希望的灯塔。
Regard as the social group website to use or regard as the diary to use, have been what I hesitate. 把视为社会小组网站使用或把视为日志使用,是什麽我犹豫。
Some couples with genetic disease in their families will choose cloning as a way of avoiding what they regard as "reproductive roulette. " 有些有家族遗传病的夫妇会选择克隆技术作为一种避免他们视为“生殖赌博”的方法。
Many women have such experience: a man they regard as one of their ordinary friends always takes their friendliness as sexual implication. 许多女性都有这种经历:自己把某个男子当作普通的异性朋友,但是他却把自己对他的好感当成性暗示。
Conclusion The determination of serum CRP can be regard as an early diagnosis index of strangulated intestinal obstruction. 结论C-反应蛋白测定可作为绞窄性肠梗阻早期诊断指标。
But if they regard as purely the responsibility "the responsibility" , in organization inevitably not in the least achievements. 而如果他们单纯地把职责看成“职责”,在组织中必然毫无建树。
A thorough treatment of the theory of sets would require a lengthy discussion which we regard as outside the scope of this book. 关于集合理论的透彻的分析需要进行冗长的论述,这已经超出了本书的范畴。
To these patterns with animals some of scholars of art history regard as just decoration not the meaning of religion or ideology. 部份美术史学者相信动物纹样是装饰性的几何变形,没有宗教或意识形态上的意义。
People can't go to see that princess, and also can regard as a strange affair. 人们不能去看那位公主,也可算是一桩怪事。
Individual instructional program on calcium nutrition could be regard as an effective model for intervention. 个体化营养指导是一个有效的干预模式。