
美 [rɑk]英 [rɒk]
  • n.岩石;【乐】摇滚乐;【食】棒糖;〈非正式〉宝石(尤指钻石)
  • v.摇动;震撼;使…摇晃;使…摇动
  • 网络摇滚乐(rock-and-roll);洛克;我为喜剧狂

复数:rocks 过去式:rocked 现在分词:rocking

rock boat


n. v.

硬物hard material

1.[u][c]岩石the hard solid material that forms part of the surface of the earth and some other planets

2.[c]石山;礁石a mass of rock standing above the earth's surface or in the sea/ocean

3.[c]巨石块;岩块a large single piece of rock


4.[c]碎石;石子;小石块a small stone


5.[u]摇滚乐a type of loud popular music, developed in the 1960s, with a strong beat played on electric guitars and drums


6.[u]棒棒糖a type of hard sweet/candy made in long sticks, often sold in places where people go on holiday/vacation by the sea/ocean


8.[c][ususing]可信赖的人;靠山a person who is emotionally strong and who you can rely on


(caught/stuck) between a rock and a hard place

进退两难;左右为难in a situation where you have to choose between two things, both of which are unpleasant

get your rocks off

达到性高潮to have an orgasm

on the rocks

(关系或生意)陷于困境,濒临崩溃a relationship or business that ison the rocks is having difficulties and is likely to fail soon


首先摇滚rock)的根源是blues传统的摇滚跟今天听的pop rock 或者重型音乐有很大的区别如果把摇滚分类可以从地域或者说 …


CGTextures|CGmap|CG贴图网 ... 墙 Wall 岩石 Rock 织物 Fabr.. ...


有了摇滚乐Rock)和乐与怒(Rock ‘N’ Roll)之后,这节奏组就跑到前面来,而且更往往取代了乐队的地位,变成乐队就是 …


洛克ROCK)兔子小矶系列 手机保护套 适用于三星GALAXY Note2/N7100/N7108/N719 白色已有147人评价(96%好评) 加入 …


彼特·丁拉基_百度百科 ... 冰与火之歌:权力的游戏第三季 / Game of thrones Season 3 我为喜剧狂/ 30 Rock 宋飞正传/ Seinfeld ...


英文名字含义 - Cc的日志 - 网易博客 ... Rhoa 罗达,含义:玫瑰 Rock 罗克,含义:石头 Rory 罗里,含义:红色的 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 2107 earthquake n 地震 2108 rock v 震动,摇动 2109 as if conj 好像,似 …

He took a tiny stove out of his backpack, set it on a rock teetering on the edge, and made sweet mint tea and bitter Bedouin coffee. 他从双肩包里拿出一个小炉子,坐在悬崖边上一块摇摇欲坠的石头上,开始烧煮薄荷甜茶和贝督因咖啡。
The granite rock landmass, which has only a few pine trees and a sandy beach, is normally known as Eagle island. 遍布花岗岩的陆地上只有少量松树和沙滩。这里通常被称为“鹰岛”。
Stress builds up in the rock on both sides of the fault and causes the rock to break and shift in an earthquake. 压力在断层两侧的岩石中产生,并且引起岩石在地震中破裂和滑动。
The rock not made by human hands was formed by God himself in Mary's womb during the time of Rome's empire. 有一个非人手凿出来的石头是神在罗马帝国时期,亲自于马利亚腹中造成的。
Still, I can't fight the nagging feeling that it's risky to ask for anything in this job market, so I'm hesitating to rock the boat. 但是,我仍然害怕在这样的职场行情下提要求是件冒险的事情。您和其他读者是怎么认为的呢?
For these creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time. 对于这些生物成为石油,这是必要的,他们应该与岩石层监禁巨大的时间长度。
I wonder how much of rock music was ever about youthful rebellion. 我怀疑摇滚到底有多少是有关青春叛逆的。
In fact, the result that the smooth blasting is often relatively bad in the low intensity rock, exceed digging. 事实上,在低强度岩石中光面爆破的效果往往较差,出现爆破超挖。
Neil always was an outdoors type of guy, always up for a spot of cycling, hiking or rock-climbing. 尼尔是那种喜爱户外活动的男人,只要来点骑车旅行、远足或攀岩之类的活动,他就会情绪高涨。
And I watched her closely, to see what she thought, to see what I should think, her having always been my rock. 我仔细观察着她,想看看她会怎么想,然后再决定我该怎么想。她永远是我的主心骨。
An appointment was made for us, by an old Delaware to meet at the rock near the foot of this lake. 一位年长的特拉华人安排我们在湖边的一块岩石旁会面。
Look at the size of that rock in her ring. I guess her fiance must be very rich. 瞧瞧她戒指上那颗宝石有多大。我猜她的未婚夫一定很有钱。
He even had to park his car out in the street, as his garage was stacked up to the rafters with a multitude of samples of igneous rock. 他甚至不得不把车停在大街上,因为他的车库里堆满了各类各样的火成岩的标本,一向堆到房椽上。
The sea robber laughed as he looked back and saw that there was nothing to mark the place of the hidden rock. 海盗回过头看,看到那块暗礁什么标记也没有了,就大笑起来。
Salt has lower density than the surrounding rock, so it tends to flow upwards, pushing up the overlying layers of rock to form a dome. 盐的密度低于周围的岩石,所以会向上抬升,使覆盖其上的岩层形成穹顶状。
Also from his side, it's very rock-and-roll, you know - after all, I'm a songwriter! 同样从他的角度,生活可真如同玩摇滚一般,你知道--毕竟我是一名写歌的。
No matter how much risk they take or how they manage it, they can borrow at rock-bottom interest rates. 无论他们承担着多大的,怎样管理它的风险,它可以一最低的利率借款。
The moment I fell in love with a Chinese rock star. Fall of 1996. There was no turning back. 我和一个中国摇滚乐手谈恋爱的那段时间。那是1996年的秋天。但过去的不会再回来。
This rock, which to you and me looks like a solid, has tiny little pore spaces, and that's where the oil and gas pool. 在你我看来这种岩石似乎是实心的,而事实上它具有非常微小的孔隙空间,那里正是石油或气体郁积的地方。
Metallica, as you know, has been selected to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 正如你所知道的,已经被正式选入进入摇滚名人堂。
Her legs are caught up in her parachute and she smashes her knee into a rock. 她的腿被降落伞缠住,膝盖撞碎在岩石上。
For there creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time. 这些生物要变成石油,必须被密封在岩石之中很长时间。
All they found of him was a muddy set of prison clothes, a bar of soap, and an old rock-hammer damn near worn down to the nub. 他们只发现了他的一套沾满泥浆的狱服,一条肥皂和一把磨得几乎只剩下把儿的石锤。
In ancient times, a king and a boulder placed on a roadway . Then he did himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. 古时候,有一位国王命人将一块大古头放在路中间。然后他藏了起来,暗中观察是否有人会将巨石移走。
Due to the adoption of radial riveting machine, the surface are bright and beauty and stability while processing, have no rock. 由于采用径向结构,铆接工件表面美观,铆接过程稳定无晃动。
All the junk that goes with being human Drops away, hard rock wavers Even the heavy present seems to fail This bubble of a heart. 一切地渣滓,陪伴着人类滴,硬摇滚坚定即便目前地繁重掉败这个泡沫地心脏。
The cave narrowed after a while, but we were able to continue through a narrow gap by crawling into a water-filled fissure in the rock. 爬了不久,山洞变得越来越窄,爬过一条满是水的岩石裂缝,穿过狭窄的山口,我们得以继续前行。
Last summer I had reached the end of the rock garden and found a tiny little plant that I could not immediately identify. 去年夏天,我在接近石头花园边缘处发现一株我不能马上辨认出的细小的植物。
The only thing I never want to do again is listen to country rock. What was that bar called? 我唯一不想再做的事就是听乡村摇滚音乐。那家酒吧叫什么?
Until recently, scientists have been unable to devise a drill which would be capable of cutting through hard rock at great depths. 科学家至今仍未能发明一种能够很深地钻入硬石头的钻孔机。