put down

  • na.平定;贬低(的话);(飞机的)降落
  • 网络放下;镇压;记下

第三人称单数:puts down 现在分词:putting down

put downput down

put down


初中英语短语大全 ... 60.cut off 切断 61.put down 放下 62.go camping 去野营 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... put away 把…收起;储存,积攒 put down 记下;镇压;杀死 put forward 提出(要求、事实等) ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... put away 把…收起;储存,积攒 put down 记下;镇压;杀死 put forward 提出(要求、事实等) ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... pass down 传下来 put down 记下,写下,镇压 calm down 平静下来 ...


平_平[汉字]_互动百科 ... 【calm down】 平稳安定 【put down平息 【judge】 评议审定 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... put away 放好,收好;储存 put down 记下,放下;镇压,平定 put forward 提出 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... put away 放好,收好;储存 put down 记下,放下;镇压,平定 put forward 提出 ...

Ms. Tao said that by divorcing, one of them would be able to purchase a first home and put down less money and get a better interest rate. 弗兰西斯·陶说,通过离婚,他们其中一人就能按照买第一套房的政策买房,支付较低的首付,利率也较低。
All that music playing in his head would ultimately wake him up to notes he would put down on the paper. 所有那些在他的脑袋中弹个不停的音乐会最终将他唤醒,催促他将那些曲调音符一个个记录在纸上。
Europe's sluggish performance is often put down to the poor business climate. 欧洲的拖沓表现往往让商业氛围也随之下降。
Jane put down the apple that she was secretly eating to see what Paul and Jenny were doing. 珍妮放下她刚刚看保罗和自己在做实验时正在偷吃的苹果。
From the beginning, the effort is filmic , not literary, although the preparatory ideas can be put down and worked out in writing. 从一开始,努力的方向就应该是电影化,而不是文字化,尽管准备阶段的创意可以用书写的方式记录和发展出来。
The fire burns through dozens of homes before frantic villagers are able to put down the blaze. 在狂乱的村民扑灭大火之前,这场火又烧毁了几十家。
Given all that, I suppose a better way to describe us is gypsies who like to put down roots. At least for a month or two. 鉴于这一切,我认为最好将我们比作喜欢到处扎根的吉普赛人。至少在一、两个月中是如此。
Her eyes looked from my face down to my foot, with the chalk gripped between my toes. She put down the pot. 她把我从头看到脚,这时,我的脚趾还紧紧地夹着那支粉笔。
On the beach, Mark found a place to put up their beach umbrella and put down their beach chairs. 在沙滩上,马克找了个地方来立起沙滩伞、放置沙滩椅。
How much do I put down? =How much down? 头期款多少?
He threw his entire attention upon his work, now, as if determined not to be put down by the mirth. 于是他集中全副精力来干这桩事情,似乎是下了决心,不因大家的嬉笑而泄气。
Out of the blue he said, "I really want you to have this house, and if you'll put down what you have, I'll finance the rest of it myself. " 突然开发商说:“我真想让你们拥有这套房子,如果你把你们有的钱付掉,其余的由我来支付。”
A wise man turns down the current into, a fool to put down when despair - you can put down how much, happiness is how many. 智者把放下当前进,愚者把放下当绝望——你能放下多少,幸福就有多少。
Being tired all the time is often put down to anaemia and women think they should take more iron, but that could do more harm than good. 女人总将长时间的疲劳归因于贫血,自以为多摄入点铁元素就没事了,但是这样做弊多利少。
He would often dictate the text from memory for his Chinese scribes to put down in Chinese characters. 他常常能从抄写员口中听到经书原文,然后凭记忆译为汉字。
It is hoped that you choose to give up, then you can come up with to put down, the end of our feelings for more than a year. 我们希望您选择放弃,然后你可以想出放下,我们一年多的感情结束。
Put down in black and white, this looks horrible. But is there really anything unfair about such a diagnosis? 白纸黑字地将这些话记下来,这种想法显得可怕,但是这个诊断是不是很公平呢?
But I've also gotten this flow experience when a writing project has taken on a life of its own, or when reading a book I can't put down. 当我有了想写的课题或读一本爱不释手的书的时候,我也会得到这种状态。
I do not want to put down to my account either nostalgia or bitterness, and I merely want to see clearly. 留恋也好,苦涩也好,我不想将此二者归于我的帐上,我只是想看得明明白白。
Hearing that there was an emergency case, the doctor put down his chopsticks and left at once. 听说有急诊,医生撂下筷子就走。
If only he had put down for that job, he might have been a director now. 要是他申请了那个工作,他现在或许就是个主任了。
Again, a lot of this can be put down to the players Rooney plays with each week compared to that of Messi. 在这项数据的比拼中,和每周表现出色的梅西相比鲁尼又落下了一大截。
Men don't forget how much they like you. So put down the phone. 男人不会忘记他有多喜欢你。所以放下电话,他喜欢你会主动找你。
How much should I put down on the house? 这个房子我应该首付多少?
"Put down pugilism - if I have to wear it night and day, " said the Moral Sentiment of the Community, sternly. “取缔拳击——不然我将日夜不安,时时蹙眉。”这位“社区道德情操”如是说,语带严苛。
promised to give it up. so i put down the poker we were playing, and went back my room, locking the door. 真正的起因很简单,他在我面前抽烟,而他之前承诺过他会戒掉。我丢下手里正在玩的扑克牌,回到房间把门锁起来。
Nevertheless, Rosenberg could not let the matter go: Why, he asked, had an honorable man like Musa been "put down like a dog" ? 无论怎样,罗森博格都不会善罢甘休:他叩问,为什么像穆萨这样德高望重的人会“像只狗一样被杀掉”?
Sometimes she reads a few lines, put down the book, walks a few steps and thinks for a while and then walks away with the book. 有时她看几行,把书放下,走几步,想一想,然后带着书走开。
Our dog developed a brain tumour and went out of his mind, so reluctantly we had to have him put down. 我们的那条狗生了个脑瘤发疯了,所以,我们不得不把它杀了。
But we only receive you to put down box's transport expense, the delivery port of destination you do not need to pay any extra expense. 但我们只收你平箱的运费,货到目的港你也不需要支付任何额外的费用。请帮忙翻译成英文。