
美 [preɪ]英 [preɪ]
  • n.猎物;受害者;受骗者
  • v.折磨;掠夺;捕食 (on, upon);损害 (on, upon)
  • 网络被捕食的动物;掠食;掠夺者

第三人称单数:preys 现在分词:preying 过去式:preyed



n. v.

1.猎物an animal, a bird, etc. that is hunted, killed and eaten by another

2.受害者;受骗者a person who is harmed or tricked by sb, especially for dishonest purposes


be/fall prey to sth

被捕食;成为猎物to be killed and eaten by another animal or bird


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... previously 先前地 prey 猎物 price 价钱 ...


英语翻译 - 蓝海蓝天的日志 - 网易博客 ... Tell 诉 Prey: 被捕食的动物 Clock-watcher: 老是看钟等下班的人 ...


掠食prey) 游戏的下载地址 不是掠食二收藏 转载到QQ资料卡 转播到腾讯微博 待解决 10 [ 标签:prey, 游戏, 下载地址 ] …


掠夺者Prey)功略` 2006-7-29 13:24 提问者: PT风恋舞 问题补充: 最后在有秘籍``如有好答案可以多给分。


希望英语杂志单词_百度知道 ... the success depends on 成功与否取决于 prey 猎物 牺牲者 warthog 疣猪 ...


托福阅读分类词汇精选_新东方网 ... predator 捕食者 prey 被捕食者 acquatic 水生的 ...


放个FPS游戏列表_fps吧_百度贴吧 ... Pariah( 魔域反攻) Prey掠食者) QUAKE:Rocket Arena( 雷神之锤:火箭竞技场) ...

This is quite worrying, you know, if the town lags behind in its development it becomes easy prey for the enemy. 这相当令人烦恼,你知道,如果城镇老是发展落后的话将会给敌人很多的机会。
its body like modern raptors catching prey, with its long leg feathers sticking out to the side. 他说,这种恐龙像现代猛禽一样,把腿折叠到身体下面,而它腿上的长长羽毛则侧向突出。
The main reason was that fishermen were still able to exploit their relatively new ability to find and catch their prey. 重要的原因是捕鱼者仍然有能力利用他们相关的发现和捕捞的新技术。
Now he goes by the name Angel, and he fights to protect the helpless from those who would prey upon them as he himself once did. 如今他改名Angel行走人间,努力保护那些无助的人免受迫害,就像曾经他折磨他们那样。
Birds of prey are the hunters of the sky, powerfully equipped carnivores whose roots reach back to the age of the dinosaurs. 猛禽是装备精良的空中猎人,其起源可以追溯到恐龙的时代。
Congratulations! The eaglet started trying to eat by himself, tearing and swallowing his prey like a real raptor. 可喜!小鹰开始尝试自己吃食物了,撕咬、吞咽,展现出猛禽的天性。
One would have said that it was an appetite following its prey, and purposely without wearing the air of doing so. 就象一个馋嘴跟着一个猎物,但又不显出有意这样做的神气。
She brought up one of her cubs, and he became a strong lion. He learned to tear the prey and he devoured men. 在他小狮子中养大一个,成了少壮狮子,学会抓食而吃人。
It was close enough to see their prey, but not close enough to be seen and scare off their victims. 这个距离可以看清楚其猎物,但是却不至于被猎物发现而把它们吓跑。
If anything, they actually seem to benefit from the poisons, becoming less likely to fall prey to their greatest enemy, the least weasel. 要说有什么变化,实际上,它们似乎受益于这些毒素,变得不太容易成为最大敌人伶鼬的腹中之物了。
When people throw to the prey with such a stone, the sound of a whistles was made by the air flowed through the cavities. 当人们用这种石头扔向猎物时,气流通过它的腔形成一种像口哨的声音。
They are particularly effective at night, when their light-reflecting eyes allow them to see better than much of their prey. 尤其是在晚上,其成效显著,因为它们反光的眼睛能使它们比大多数猎物看的更加清楚。
I'll teach him a lesson about just what'll happen if he lays his hands on someone else's prey. 我会好好地教他,乱动别人的猎物时,会有什么下场。
I am standing on the monitor below the lens occasionally look back and stare, and with a puzzled expression . . . it is as if I was prey. 站在监视器下面的我偶尔会回过头盯一下镜头并带着疑惑的表情…彷佛我就是它的猎物。
When the Hawks live up to the age of 40, it's claws start aging, unable to effectively seize the prey. 当老鹰活到40岁时,它的爪子开始老化,无法有效地抓住猎物。
Imagine watching the sun set over the horizon whilst you capture the moment of a pride of lions stalking their prey. 想像一下,你一边欣赏日落一边看狮群跟踪它们的猎物。
Their roar is like that of the lion, they roar like young lions; they growl as they seize their prey and carry it off with no one to rescue. 他们要吼叫像母狮子,咆哮像少壮狮子。他们要咆哮抓食,坦然叼去,无人救回。
Perhaps the real reason why they did not plant their footprints on the dinosaur freeway is that they might have ended up as prey, as well. 它们为何没有在恐龙公路上留下足迹呢?真正的原因或许是它们同样亡于其它掠食者。
A mighty beast rises out of the water, ready to pounce on some unsuspecting prey. 一头凶猛的怪兽破水而出,并随时准备给毫不设防的猎物致命一击。
I got the video camera to take a picture of it only to capture it capturing its prey, a blue jay, where the hawk began to feast. 我的视频摄像头采取了它的照片,只捕捉到它捕获猎物,一个蓝色的周杰伦,鹰开始盛宴。
The tactical plan is incredibly bad; the battery is not deployed for anti-tank defense at all and is going to be an easy prey. 作战计划也显得非常的糟糕,炮兵连没有构筑任何反坦克的工事,很容易被敌人击溃。
She bit her lips; she seemed to hesitate, as though a prey to some sort of inward conflict. 她咬着自己的嘴唇,似乎拿不定主意,内心在作斗争。
Historically, he said, the squid and tuna competed for the same prey. 他说,乌贼和金枪鱼历来争抢同样的猎物;
Evolution did not narrowly require that insects fly or swim, only that they somehow move quick enough to escape predators or catch prey. 若非为了逃避捕食者或捕获猎物而需要它们设法跑得足够快,进化不会强求昆虫飞行或游泳。
Tiny spiders dripped from the wand and scurried toward their prey, growing rapidly as they went until each was the size of a man's hand. 一群群微小的蜘蛛从法杖上落下,急迫地扑向猎物,边跑边长大,直至每个都变成手掌大小。
And Chaldea shall be a prey: all that prey upon her shall be satisfied, saith Jehovah. 迦勒底必成为掠物;凡掳掠他的都必心满意足。这是耶和华说的。
And she didn't even give it a second thought. Straight into that pool, with or without a crocodile, after her prey. 而她根本想都没想。直接跳入一个有或没有鳄鱼的水池中追逐猎物。
Endurance, concentration and a sharp mind are the virtues of a real hunter, who keeps his eyes on the prey and kills it. 耐力,浓度和敏锐的思考的美德是一个真正的猎人,谁使他的眼睛上的猎物并杀死。
And once the croc is a up to see its prey materializes once more. Reaction time is also quick, to match its warm blooded prey. 鳄鱼一加速,猎物就在劫难逃,为了适应捕杀热血动物的需要,鳄鱼必须在极端时间内做出反应。
The word "Nian" was originally the name of a monster that started to prey on people the night before the beginning of a new year. “年”原本是一种在新年前夜开始出来捕食人类的怪兽。