
美 [ˌprepəˈreɪʃ(ə)n]英 [.prepə'reɪʃ(ə)n]
  • n.准备;制剂;预备;准备工作


good preparation,final preparation
make preparation,complete preparation



1.[u]~ (for sth)准备;预备the act or process of getting ready for sth or making sth ready

2.[c][usupl]准备工作things that you do to get ready for sth or make sth ready

3.[c](医药、化妆品等)配制品,制剂a substance that has been specially prepared for use as a medicine, cosmetic , etc.

Diet is recognized as a vital part of every athlete's preparation to help improve their training qualities and performance. 在为帮助运动员提高训练质量和成绩做准备时,饮食是至关重要的一部分。
For that alone, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice deserves credit for her months of arm-twisting preparation. 单凭这一点,美国国务卿赖斯数月来施加压力的准备工作就值得称赞。
Capello denied that keeping everyone guessing about his line-up right up to the last minute had affected his goalkeeper's preparation. 将首发悬念留到最后一刻是否影响到门将的准备工作?卡佩罗予以否认。
It is possible that California is going to get hit hard, so if you live there, be in preparation. 加州是可能的,所以如果你住在加州,请做些准备。
The point of the official warnings and preparation was to save lives, he said. 官方的预警及预备措施旨在减少人员损失,他说。
Exhibition organizer Wang Hui said it took two years of preparation and a hefty investment to bring the works to China. 展览组织者王晖说准备工作耗时两年花费了巨额资金才把把这些作品运到中国。
The present invention relates to a synthetic resin emulsion used for preparing building binding agent and its preparation method. 本发明涉及一种用于制备建筑粘合剂的合成树脂乳液及其制备方法。
To achieve this, pellets containing nutrients and an oleophilic(hydrocarbon soluble) preparation have been used. 为了达到这一点,需要使用含营养成分和亲油性物质的小弹丸。
The child gel is a new Chinese medicine preparation, which can resolve the children's difficulty when taking medicine. 儿童口服型凝胶剂是针对儿童服药难的问题研发的一种中药创新剂型。
Such a thing in the "relocation" in common, we have the psychological preparation of you also got used of this kind of things. 这样的事情在“动迁”里屡见不鲜,我们也有心理准备大家也见怪不怪了。
But a little advance preparation can go a long way in helping you get through all that pre-flight rigmarole with minimum fuss. 但稍微提前做些准备就能有很大的帮助,让你在通过起飞前的繁杂手续时少一些慌乱。
Now it was the day of preparation for the Passover; it was about the sixth hour. And he said to the Jews, Behold, your King! 那日是逾越节的预备日,约在早晨六时。彼拉多对犹太人说,看哪,你们的王!
The original Bretton Woods lasted three weeks and was preceded by more than two years of technical preparation. 当年的布雷顿森林会议历时三周,之前还经过了两年多技术上的准备工作。
I got a chance this week to see what computer chip maker Intel has up its sleeve in preparation for the next tech boom. 本周我有幸看到电脑芯片制造商英特尔如何准备为下一个高科技繁荣期大干一场。
The business is like a leaf of boat in a rough sea, it may be swallow by the billow anytime when you have no preparation at all. 生意就像波涛汹涌的大海中的一页小舟,随时会在你全无准备的时候被肆虐的海浪吞噬。
Man should begin to examine how much his role has contributed in this dual preparation. 人类该认识到他在这个双重的准备过程中尽了多少职责。
As the only person who didn't make enough preparation for the moment, I'm totally in a mass and feel blue. 作为唯一一个没有做好充分准备的人,我完全陷入了一片混乱和忧郁之中。
The invention relates to reinforcing filler used for a rubber latex product, a preparation method thereof and application thereof. 本发明涉及用于橡胶胶乳制品的补强填充剂及其制备方法与用途。
On recordings, how much preparation and arranging do you do before you go into the studio? Or it is mostly an outline of songs? 关于唱片,在去录音棚录歌前你会做多少准备和安排?只是大概的列一下曲目就可以了吗?
Your goal in this preparation is to know as much or more than most employees in the company you are about to interview with. 在准备期间你的目标是和你同一公司的大多数应聘者比起来你知道的不亚于他们知道的甚至比他们更多。
Conclusion The preparation can be used for the quality control and was an ideal external used medicine for tuina treatment. 结论该制剂是较理想的推拿科外用药物,工艺可行,质量可控。
Once your space is organized, you are ready to begin the other significant preparation phase of your project, the mental preparation. 一旦你的物理空间已经打理完毕,你就要开始准备进入你的工作的另一个重要的阶段,那就是心理准备阶段。
The weather was fine, but like the cold. The new branch, I started the preparation and prepare for a new journey, I would be a miracle it? 天晴了,可是一样的冷。新的分公司,我开始了筹备和准备,一段新的征程,会是我的奇迹吗?
While this theory appears to have validity, it seems to me to be hyperbolic and rather useless with regard to planning and preparation. 尽管此理论上似乎有有效性,似乎给我是指双曲和而无用与计划有关和准备工作。
My horse and I graciously stood in the garden very early for preparation, calmly waiting for the sounding of Mozart's music. 我和马儿很早就优雅地站在花园里准备,从容地等待莫扎特的音乐响起。
To win, we have to line up our ducks. We've got to be ready. This case is going to require a lot of preparation. 想赢,我们就必须拿出全力,我们必须要准备好.这个案子需要很多的准备工作。
For smoking cessation without adequate mental preparation and physical preparation, whim camel began to think of quitting. 对戒烟不作充分的思想准备和物质准备,心血来潮般地想到戒烟就开始。
News Reporter: Part of that preparation is to figure out what audiences really want when they listen to a speech. So what do audiences want? 记者:准备工作的一部分是找出听众到底想通过听演讲得到些什么。那么什么是听众想要的呢?
Obviously preparation plays a part of it, but yes, I've had a little bit of luck. 很显然,做好充分的准备是其中一部分,但是,我有一些幸运的成分!
The invention is characterized by good effect of cleaning ink, easy- to- get raw material, easy preparation and convenient utilization. 本发明不仅对油墨清洗有效果显著的作用,而且成本低廉、原料易得,制作简单,使用方便。