
美 [rɪr]英 [rɪə(r)]
  • v.抚养;养育;饲养;培养
  • n.屁股;后部;臀部
  • adj.后面的;后部的
  • 网络背面;后方;后轮

复数:rears 现在分词:rearing 过去式:reared



1.[sing]后部the back part of sth

2.[c][ususing](informal)屁股;臀部the part of the body that you sit on


bring up the rear

站在队尾;落在最后;殿后to be at the back of a line of people, or last in a race


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普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... reappear 再出现 rear 后面;养育 reason 理由 ...


暖通空调系统设计手册 -广州空气净化工程公司 ... ream 铰孔,扩孔 rear 后部,背面,后部的 rear arch 后拱 ...


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全新版大学英语第二版综合教程一单词_百度知道 ... self-reliance 依靠自己,自力更生 rear 养育,抚养 make up for 补偿,弥补 ...


《背诵为王全套文本》全文在线阅读及txt下载 ... burglar 窃贼,夜盗 rear 后面的,背面的 right away 立刻,马上 ...


大棚王拖拉机批发 - 中国制造网拖拉机 ... 前轮 Front 后轮 Rear 欧 III ...

The base plate and the horizontal plane form a certain angle, and the front end of the base plate is higher than the rear end thereof. 所述底板与水平面成一定的角度,且其前端高于其后端。
His mother was so annoyed with him that she swatted his rear end. 他的妈妈被他惹恼了,狠狠地揍他的屁股。
The Buick she was travelling in crashed into the rear of a tractor and went underneath it. 她所乘坐的别克轿车冲入了一辆拖拉机的轮下。
In the AntiJapanese War, the antique market in Xi'an continued to be rather prosperous for Xi'an was located in the rear of the war. 抗战中,在沦陷区区域市场萎缩之际,西安古玩市场因地处后方,故能维持一定繁荣。
The Rear Derailleur barrel adjuster is the same as found on the brake calipers, and is large and super-easy to adjust. 后变速器的只线张力调整部分与煞车夹器部分相同,够大且超级容易调整。
The vehicle will feature a pair of suicide-style rear-hinged doors in the back, and is designed to comfortably seat five adults. 的车辆将采用双自杀式后轮门窗后面,其目的是要舒适座椅五个成年人。
The chamber of the automatic sand pumping vessel is divided into a front chamber, a middle sand chamber and a rear power chamber. 该自动抽沙船的船舱分为前舱、中部沙舱和后部动力舱。
Viewed from the front or rear, the legs are straight and parallel to the median line of the body, never turned inward or outward. 从前面或后面观察,前腿直且平行于身体中心线,既不向内、也不向外。
At this moment, Shanhu ran out from the rear room and knelt down in front of her mother-in-law. 这时,珊瑚从后边屋里跑出来,跪在婆婆面前。
The silicon iPad case shows a space for a rear-facing camera at the top, and a speaker grille on the bottom rear side. 这个硅胶的iPad保护套在背面上方有个给后置摄像头的开口,背面下方还有喇叭的栅状开口。
He navigated his way through the shelves, toward the rear of the massive expanse, and stopped at a black metal door. 他沿着书架,巡视着,朝着后面巨量的书籍走去,在一扇黑色的金属门前,停了下来。
An air-cooled engine is fixed in a suspended manner to the lower portion on the rear end side of a backbone section of a vehicle body frame. 空冷式发动机以悬吊状态固定在车体框架的骨架部的后端部侧的下部。
It hit the president in the upper right rear of his head, and blood was everywhere. 它击中了总统的后脑勺的右上方,血溅四处。
Mr. Liu from his get a little tiger's head, and carefully to rear, it was found that the end of females. 刘先生从他那弄到一尾小虎头,精心养大之后,发现是尾雌鱼。
and, after a little consultation, one and all tumbled down the fore companion thinking, no doubt, to take us on the rear. 他们大吃一惊,商量了一会儿之后,一起从前升降口冲下去,无疑是想从后面袭击我们。
The key is often strung around the child's neck or left hidden under a mat (or some other object) at the rear door to the property. 孩子都把钥匙挂在脖子上或者藏在房子后门的门垫(或其它物件)底下。
Then he handed Samuel the forceps and told him to pull up on the skin between the rear legs to separate it from the muscle. 随后他递给塞缪尔手术钳,告诉他先把后腿之间的皮肤扯起来,使之与肌肉分离。
Some views of the device. . . it is all made of plastic, with glossy on the front, chromed in the middle and velvety in the rear. 有些意见装置…这是所有的塑料制成的,具有光泽的正面,铬在中东和天鹅绒般的后方。
As in all standing poses, both of your feet should bear equal weight on the front of the heel and the rear of the ball of the foot. 在所有的站姿,双脚应该均匀地承担重量,重量在脚跟的前面和脚球的后面。
Jesus went to the front to pray; Peter, James and John went to the middle to watch; the rest sat down in the rear to wait. 主耶稣往前面去祷告:彼得、雅各、约翰在中间儆醒,其余的在后面等着。
And as a rule the tail tends to move more than the front so stay away from the rear if motion is a problem for you. 根据规律,飞机尾部的摆动幅度比前部还要大,所以如果你容易晕机就不要坐在飞机尾部。
The head design should not be unified. A flat front design with a rear-end engine works just as well. 车头的设计不应该统一标准,前面平坦的设计和后部引擎都好。
You may be sent out to the advance, flank or rear, and a great amount of flexibility and independent thinking will be required. 你可能被指派为先头部队,也可能负责侧翼或者垫后。你将会碰到很多需要你灵活机动和独立思考的时候。
The final visual touches are a new rear wing and a pair of double-barreled exhaust tips peeking through the revised rear skirt. 最后是一个新的视觉接触尾翼和一双如今通过修订排气技巧就后方的裙子。
Robert Jordan, the United States Youth Volunteers in the Spanish army, engaged in blasting activities in the enemy's rear area. 美国青年罗伯特·乔丹志愿参加西班牙政府军,在敌后搞爆破活动。
The front and rear of the building meanwhile, terrace back allowing each storey to have visual or actual access to greenery. 同时我们设计好了建筑的前方和后方,让每个楼层都能看到绿色植物。
Use the front and rear and is the difference between the two locations are used to calculate the actual distance between the anchors. 用后、后两个场所之间差值用于筹算不退位标志之间本质间隔。
The increase in ash depth from the rear to the front changes the resistance of the fuel bed plus the ash to the air flow. 灰层由后而前增加,这样就改变了燃料床(或者叫燃料层?)加上炉灰对(炉内)气流的阻力。
A four-wheeled open carriage with the seat or seats attached to a flexible board running between the front and rear axles. 平板马车一种轻便的四轮马车,车身为一有弹性的平板,上设座椅,无顶盖
The boy looked destroyed. Silently, he put his savings book in a rear-pocket and walked out of the bank. 这孩子看上去被击垮(绝望)了。他默默地将存折放进后面的裤兜里,走出了银行。