
美 [rum]英 [ruːm]
  • n.房间;室;空间;客房
  • v.租房;合住
  • 网络余地;地方;场所

复数:rooms 现在分词:rooming 过去式:roomed

single room,double room,dark room,same room,spare room
tidy room,rent room,decorate room,let room,furnish room


n. v.

建筑物in building

1.[c]房间;室a part of a building that has its own walls, floor and ceiling and is usually used for a particular purpose


2.有…室的;有…个房间的having the number of rooms mentioned

旅馆in hotel

3.[c]客房a bedroom in a hotel, etc.

居所place to live

4.[pl](租用的)住所,寓所a set of two or more rooms that you rent to live in


5.[u]空间;余地empty space that can be used for a particular purpose


6.[u]~ for sth可能性;机会the possibility of sth existing or happening; the opportunity to do sth


7.[sing]房间里所有的人all the people in a room


no room to swing a cat

没有活动的余地;连转身都很难when sb saysthere's no room to swing a cat , they mean that a room is very small and that there is not enough space


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... floor n. 地板;地面 room n. 房间 TV abbr. 电视;电视机 ...

仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... computer 电子计算机;电脑 room 房间,,空间,地方 hall 大厅,会堂,礼堂;过道 ...


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... computer 电子计算机;电脑 room 房间,室,空间,地方 hall 大厅,会堂,礼堂;过道 ...


高中英语单词表 ... root n. 根;根本,根源 v.(使)生根,(使)扎根 room n. 房间,室,空间,地方;余地 roller n. 滚筒,滚轴;海 …


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... computer 电子计算机;电脑 room 房间,室,空间,地方 hall 大厅,会堂,礼堂;过道 ...


服装英语_百度百科 ... RVRT=revert 回复 rm.=room 场所 rn.=reference number 参考号 ...


屋_百度百科 ... 屋宇[ house] 屋子[ room] ⑴ 终止[ stop] ...

With its vast, uninhabited coastline, mainland Australia would seem to have ample room to take over the task itself. 凭借广阔而且无人居住的海岸线,澳大利亚大陆似乎有足够的空间来自己接受这个任务。
He went up to his room, and, avoiding the children, who were coming up the stairs, threw himself on the bed. 回到楼上自己的房间里,听到孩子们正走上楼梯,为了避开他们,他便一歪身躺倒在床上。
So afraid was Amy for her own safety that she did not leave her dorm room for a full week after the threats. 因为极度担心自己的安危,艾美在受到恐吓后一周都没迈出过卧室半步。
He said that hotels are struggling in the number of passengers will be locked himself in the room to avoid terrorists. 中英文对照:他说,仍受困在旅馆的若干旅客都将自己反锁在房间里,躲避恐怖份子。
Without looking at him she piled a tray with food and marched into the front room. 她看也不看他一眼,便用托盘托了一盆饭菜,走到前面房间里去。
She was a very house proud woman; everything in her room was just so. 她是讲究庭摆设的妇女;她房中的一切都井井有条。
Roger went quickly to the door of his mother's room and looked in. The window was open but the room was warm. 罗杰急忙走到他母亲的门前往里看,窗户是开着的,可房间里是温暖的。
Tsao is a gracious host as he welcomes his guests to the living room of his simple but comfortable apartment in the western part of Peking. 曹是个热情的主人,他邀请他的客人们到他在北京西部简单而舒适的家里做客。
He shut the door very hard, went into the living room and sat down. (到了家以后)他用力地把门关上,走进了起居室,坐了下来。
Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig's explanation of why his foot touched that of an undercover policeman in a men's room. 涉嫌勾搭男同性恋者的爱达荷州共和党参议员拉里。克雷格,对他在公共卫生间为什么脚会碰到一名便衣警察脚的解释。
This has happened to me a few times, such as with a phone ringing or the kids making too much noise in the next room. 我有过这样的经历,主要是由于电话铃声或是小孩子的喧哗。
Perhaps the servants sleep in room 13, Anderson thought. He decided to ask the landlord about it the next day. 大概是服务员住在13号客房吧,他决定明天向老板询问一下。
You know, my mother used to make me clean my room every night when I was in high school and that drove me nuts. 我念中学的时候我妈妈让我每天晚上打扫房间,让我很受不了。
It is acceptable to not model any docking port at all only if you reserve some room for such a docking port on the front of your ship. 如果你没有设计对接口,也可以,只要在飞船前方留出其空间即可。
He never tidies his room and his mother never tries to make him . 他从不整理自己的房间,而他母亲也从未想逼他。
He came into my room, saw the fear and apprehension on my face, and recited a short prayer with me for my grandma and his mother. 他来到我房间,从我脸上看到了害怕和忧惧,他和我一块给我的奶奶他的母亲做了一个简短的祷告。
As she was about to turn off the music, her father burst into he room and shouted at her, "Can't you turn down the music a little bit? " 当她就要关掉音乐时,她父亲冲进她的房间,朝着她喊道:“难道你就不能把音乐关小一点?”
However, it looks like the site still has room to grow - we noticed that they were missing a few of our favorites. 不过,网站似乎仍有上升的空间——我们注意到,它遗漏了一些我们的最爱。
The issue of society balance is quite complicated, but the knot to solve complicacy is usually very simple: have room for maneuver. 社会平衡非常复杂,但复杂的事情道理往往很简单,无非是:进退得当。社会发展过快就会透支生力、过犹不及,无异于拔苗助长。
He said to me, 'you won't believe the great atmosphere in the changing room, I've rarely experienced anything like this'. 他跟我说,‘你不会相信更衣室里的伟大气氛,我还没经历过这样的事。’
After one hour the Queen went out of her room. She called one of the servants, and said, "Take Snow-white into the forest and kill her. " 一小时后,王后从她的房间走出来,她叫来一个仆人说:“把白雪公主带到森林中杀掉。”
It describes the fire smoldering in the hearth, mysteriously seeming to suck every bit of warmth out of the bleak, dank room. 壁炉中的火在闷烧,诡秘地似乎要将这惨淡而阴冷的房间里的每一丝温暖都吸走。
There was a rapid patter of bare feet, and an unseen hand opened the door into the huntsmen 's room. 可以听见一双赤脚仓促地啪嗒啪嗒地走动起来,一只看不见的手打开了通往仆人住所的门。
Mike's mom had a spare room in the basement that no one used. We cleaned it out, and began piling hundreds of comic books in that room. 迈克的妈妈在地下室里有间空房子,我们把它清理出来,把几百本的小人书搬了过去。
Right after he got the news, a truck rear-ended his car at a stoplight, sending him to the emergency room with a painful case of whiplash. 在获悉这个消息后,乔希的车在红灯前又被一辆卡车追了尾,他不得不由于剧痛的颈椎过度屈伸损伤而到急诊室接受治疗。
Women are most burdened by cooking and would be greatly pleased to see their husbands clean the room during holidays, said the interviewees. 主妇们称过节时最大的压力是准备饭菜,最希望丈夫做的是打扫房间。
We sincerely hope to work with you to leverage our global resources to develop simultaneously more room! 我们热忱地希望与您合作,利用我们与全球同步的资源共同开发更广阔的空间!
China has been running conservative fiscal policies in recent years, which gives it a lot of room to expand spending in a downturn. 最近几年,中国一直实行保守的财政政策,这让中国获得了在经济低迷时期扩大支出的空间。
I figure I can help you out on the farm, and I'll pay you for room and board as soon as I get my dad is insurance money. . . 我认为我可以帮农场的忙,当我拿到父亲的保险金后,我会付房租和饭钱…
It was submitted by a reader who's son is mugging for the camera - and look what showed up behind him in a fully lit room full of people! 有人提出的读者是谁的儿子是抢劫案的相机-看看哪些出现在他身后的一个完全点燃室挤满了人!