
美 [slɪk]英 [slɪk]
  • adj.华而不实的;虚有其表的;取巧的;花言巧语的
  • adv.润滑地(转动);灵活地;熟练地;径直地
  • n.浮油膜;一小片湿而亮的地方
  • v.使(头发)平整光溜
  • 网络光滑的;光头胎;圆滑的

比较级:slicker 最高级:slickest 复数:slicks 现在分词:slicking 过去式:slicked



1.华而不实的;虚有其表的;取巧的done or made in a way that is clever and efficient but often does not seem to be sincere or lacks important ideas

2.花言巧语的;能说会道的;油滑的speaking very easily and smoothly but in a way that does not seem sincere

3.娴熟的;灵巧的;流畅的done quickly and smoothly

4.滑的;滑溜溜的smooth and difficult to hold or move on


GRE 同义词总结大全 ... cliche n 虑焕牡鱝 陈腐的 | slick a 光滑的,熟练的,陈腐的 mediocre adj. 平庸的,平凡的 ...


光头胎slick)是指没有花纹的轮胎(仅限于路面干燥时)。由于没有花纹,因此在颠簸很少的赛道上,光头胎与地面的接触 …


Politics: Gordon Brown 政治:布朗-英语点津 ... riding high in opinion polls 民调支持率高 slick 圆滑的 honeymoon 蜜月(期) ...


油字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 油桐〖 tungtree〗 油头滑脑slick;flippant〗 油箱〖 fueltank〗 ...


滑字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 滑利〖 smooth〗 滑溜〖 smooth;slick;slippery〗 滑落〖 slough〗 ...


GRE 同义词总结大全 ... cliche n 虑焕牡鱝 陈腐的 | slick a 光滑的,熟练的,陈腐的 mediocre adj. 平庸的,平凡的 ...


Chicago_在线英语听力室 ... ) matron 女舍监,女总管 ) slick 聪明的 ) jury 陪审团,陪审员 ...

Given enough time, "the wind will have plenty of opportunity to blow [the oil slick] any direction it wants. " 而只要有足够的时间,风就有可能将浮油吹向任何方向。此外,环流也在不断地变化。
The wave and monkeys, o master (chan) -- a martial arts, slick warrior, his task is always remind of, is nothing. 阿波的身边还有猴子大师(成龙)——一位武艺高强、身手敏捷的武士,他的任务就是时时提醒阿波的一无是处。
Brazilian officials said the debris including metal fragments , plane seats as well as the jet fuel slick. 巴西官员称:残骸包括金属碎片,飞机座位和漏的燃油。
It was great theatre, much like the rest of her slick and brilliantly effective campaign. 这真是一场伟大的演出,十分符合她在其辉煌而一帆风顺的竞选活动其他场合中的风格。
When the oil slick is not in that part of the image, it may be imperceptible against the dark background of the ocean. 当浮油没有在图片部分区域里,可能是被黑色背景大海依着而难以察觉。
I could feel the beginning of a slick of sadness seeping through and around my insides, a sensation which would never leave me completely. 我可以感受到一种悲伤之情开始慢慢漫过我心,这种感觉我永生难忘。
The idea is to see if the slick can be broken up before it even reaches the surface. 利用这种方法是为观察能否利用分散剂在漏油浮出水面前将其分解掉。
Your hair is so greasy, if you went for a swim in the sea, they'd think you were an oil slick. 你的头发油太多了,如果你到海里游泳,人们会把你当作一块浮油。
IKEA combines slick marketing with a solid concept to sell not just a product, but a lifestyle. IKEA把灵活的行销手段和固定的概念结合在一起,它所销售的不只是一种产品,更是一种生活风格。
Asked this week if he's committed to it, Obama's slick chief negotiator, Jonathan Pershing, said the US was still looking at the science. 当本周内被问及是否会对此做出承诺时,奥巴马的首席谈判代表,精明的乔纳森·潘兴说,美国仍然在寻求科学证据。
Students watched a YouTube video that compares how much humanitarian aid could be bought for the $150, 000 cost of a slick music video. 学生们观看了YouTube网站上的一个视频,这个视频中,人道主义援助可以发挥的价值被比作为在一个华而不实的音乐录像机上花费15万美元。
A navy pilot on a routine flight had given in to mild curiosity and dipped his aircraft to inspect what he thought was an oil slick. 海军一名飞行员在例行飞翔途中,看见海面上似乎有浮油,微觉奇怪,忍不住稍稍低飞察看。
The oil slick covers thousands of square miles and is big enough to be easily seen from space by NASA satellites. 浮油已经覆盖了数千平方英里的海域,它们大到很容易就能用NASA的卫星进行监测。
If the wind changes and pushes the slick west towards Texas's beaches, that might be manageable. 即使风向发生轻微变化,浮油向西漂到数个得州海滩,威胁也或许易于处置。
To think "Sunday at the Mintons" is one of two prize stories to be put in a big national slick! 想想看,《明顿家的星期天》竟是一家全国性通俗刊物的两篇获奖小说之一!
But shiny floors are scary to somebody who's not sure if it's going to be, you know, slick footing for them. 但是,有光泽楼层可怕,人谁不知道它会怎样,你知道,他们娴熟的基础。
It's a fast and slick app, although the icon is so hideous you'll probably want to keep it out of your main dock. 这个应用程序快速而灵活,但它的图标却可怕得叫人不想把它放在主页面上。大抵是用了便宜的承包商吧。
I was happy with that. On a wet, slick highway, driving to France for a weekend, she was involved in an accident and died instantly. 一个周末,她驱车去法国,在湿滑的高速公路上,她遭遇了一场车祸,当场死亡。
After two years of ups and downs, he as if the rivers and lakes into a sophisticated human - "slick Bob. " 经历了二十年的风风雨雨,他俨然变成了一个老于世故的江湖中人――“滑头鲍伯”。
The Reverend Pat Robertson referred to me as Slick Willie and said I had a radical plan to destroy the American family. 帕特.罗伯逊牧师称我为“狡猾的威利(一个抢劫银行的惯犯)”,说我有一个毁掉美国家庭的激进计划。
But a stumbling witness is often more credible than a too-slick one. 但一个不善辞令的见证人,往往比一个说话圆滑的人更可信。
Black oil is washing ashore, at least one person drowned in the viscous oil slick, and efforts to clean up the mess are floundering. 黑色的油污冲刷着海岸,至少有一人在黏稠的浮油中溺死,清理残局的工作目前困难重重。
"No, no, no. . . " She stumbled backwards down the front steps, falling as her bare foot slipped on the slick dew-drenched grass. “不,不,不要…”她磕磕绊绊地向台阶下退,脚踩在露水打湿的草地上,立刻滑了个跟斗。
The wind is currently coming from the north-west, pushing the slick. towards the mouth of the gulf and away from danger. 现在的风是来自西北方向,正驱使着沾满浮油的海水涌向墨西哥湾的人口处,消除潜在威胁。
Although responsibility for the accident plainly lies with BP, a slick of recrimination now laps around the White House too. 尽管事故责任明显得由英国石油公司承担,但是白宫目前也笼罩在相互指责声中。
It transforms your browser into a 3-D photo wall allowing you to zoom, click and drag photos easily in a slick format. 你的浏览器会变成3-D图片墙,你可以轻松而流畅地放大、点击、拖拽相片。
In a meaningless battle in the slums where they lived, the gang leader had slit the throat of a boy he thought was too slick . 在他们居住的贫民窟进行的那场毫无意义的战斗中,黑帮老大把一个他认为太圆滑的男孩的喉咙切断了。
There was no need to sync to a desktop for most of your data, but there was no easy, slick way to transfer media. 大部分数据是没必要同步到桌面电脑里的,但现在要传个媒体文件也不是个简单的事啊。
Mike is trying to be slick but good. home is the most open baskets smart! 麦克很滑头但是却善良。开箩是家里最聪明的!
They were willing to listen to slick hedge-fund managers who promised to make 30 percent a year on high velocity yak-hide arbitrage. 他们会倾听狡猾的对冲基金经理“短线投资yak-hide套期保值一年30%回报率”的保证。