still love you

  • 网络依然爱著你;依旧爱你;爱你依旧

still love youstill love you

still love you


阳光的预言 Easy life-8... ... 没有你的午后( Afternoon without you) 依然爱著你( Still love you) 往事已矣( Past clients) ...


stillloveyou是什么意思 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... you 是你的意思 still love you 依旧爱你 still 是坚持 永久的意思 ...


Find your love._英文网名吧... ... Heaven Island hollow( 空岛空心) Still love you爱你依旧) The heart is he( 心是他) ...


- Download Songs and Music Videos for... ... Shu guang 曙光 Still love You 还爱着你 Description:smosh 的歌ㄟ!! ...


Crazy about Jin cheng Wu 金城武☆Don't... ... 爱我吧 Love Me Do 仍然爱你不变 Still Love You 燃烧激情 Burning passion ...

I still love you , but i dont like you anymore , and i dont want to be with you anymore . 我依然爱你,但是我不再喜欢你,而且我也不再想和你在一起。
But I feel very upset, so, I swear, if I still love you after tests words, so I'll go for you. 可是我很心痛,所以,我发了誓,如果我中考过后还喜欢你的话,那么我会去找你的。
this picture is to let you know that i still love you in deep heart after all of these years , although we have been apart. 虽然分开了这么多年,依然要让你知道,纵使时光荏苒,在我内心我却爱你如初。
I never have courage put together with you, but my heart at the moment still love you. 我再也没有勇气跟你提出在一起,但是我的心此时此刻依然爱这你。
I'd like to tell you that I still love you! Without you, I really feel very lonely, lonely without you beside me and I lived a hard! 没有了你,我真的感到很孤独很孤独,很痛苦,没有你在我身边我活着好辛苦呀!
Maybe she will less contact you when working or playing with friends. But don't care. She is always like this. But she still love you. 当她工作起来时,或者和朋友在一起玩时,会很少给你联系,不要介意,她总是这样,但她是爱你的。
This card is to let you know that I still love you after all of these years. 这张卡片是想让你知道,纵使时光荏苒,我亦将爱你如初。
I'll still love you, and you'll torlerate me because of how much I love you. 我仍然会爱你,我会分一点儿爱给孩子但是我仍然会爱你的。
As in Randy Pausch said in the The Last Lecture, critics "are the ones telling you they still love you and care" . 就像RandyPausch在Thelastlecture里讲的那样,批评“是有人在告诉你他们仍然爱你并且关心你”。
I just wanted to let you know that I really and truly still love you but I know you will never be mine. 我只想让你知道我是真的真的很爱你,但是我知道你永远都不会是我的。
I love you, until all the oceans dried up, until all the stars fall from the sky until the end of life, I still love you . . . 我爱伱,直到所有的海洋干涸,直到所有的星陨,直到生命的尽头,我依然会深爱伱…
The point is people will still love you even though you don't do so much jobs every year. 我想说的是即使你每年不做那么多的工作大家还是会照样喜欢你。
Even if you will leave me, but I still love you, I will wait for you, because in this life of a person you love me! 即使你会离开我,但我仍然爱你,我会等你,因为在此生活的人你爱我!
even if you were horrifically disfigured in a freak accident and looked like thiiiis, i'd still love you. 即使你在意外中毁容,变成一个怪物,哪怕是这样,我依然爱你。
This card is to let you know that I still love you after all these years. 这张卡片是要让你知道,纵使时光荏苒,我却爱你如初。
Even if the sky were to fall, I would still love you forever. 即使天崩地裂,我爱你的心永远不变。
You silly elephant, I still love you, you know. 你真是一个傻傻的大象,你知道吗,我还是会喜欢你的。
Is I is not good, ask you to forgive me, baby, I love you forever, love you I still love you so. 都是我不好,请求你原谅,宝贝,我对你的爱一直不变,深爱你的我依旧死死地爱着你。
I was all over you several years ago. I don't know whether I still love you today. 多年以前,我曾经为你着迷。我不知道我现在是否还爱着你。
Do not give me that English " I still love you" . Thank you! 不要给我那些英语,我仍然爱你。谢谢。
Of course, your appearance is not important for me, no matter how long you look, I still love you, and love forever forever. 当然,你的外表对于我来并不重要,无论你的外表长得怎么样,我仍然爱你,而且是永远永远的爱。
Dear, in fact, you know, you know I still love you. 亲爱的,其实,你知道的,你知道我还是很爱你的。
Since you have chosen to break up and I have to agree, but I will not give up I still love you . . . 既然你选择了分手,我也只好同意了,但我不会放弃我还爱你…
Maybe I've never said it in my heart to you love, but I still love you, my mom! 也许我从没对你表示过我心中的爱,但是我依然爱你,我的妈妈!
She said, ''Baby, I still love you'' 宝贝,我依然爱你。
You know i still love you baby , and it will never change . 你知道,我仍然爱你的宝贝,它永远不会改变。
Jim: This is to let you know that I still love you after all these years. 我送你花是想让你知道,过了这么多年我依然很爱你。
I still love you, but please give me a reason for me to keep waiting. 我依旧爱你,但是请给我一个继续等待的理由。
The rose will always say "I still love you" , and the water will say, "I still need you" . 玫瑰会永远说:“我还爱着你”;水也会永远说:“我还需要你”。
And when I let you down, it will not be because I desire to hurt you, nor because I do not still love you. 当我令你情绪低落的时候,不是因为我渴望伤害你,也不是因为我不再爱你。