
美 [spred]英 [spred]
  • n.传播;蔓延;扩展;散布
  • v.传播;扩散;展开;散布
  • adj.广大的;大幅的;(宝石)薄而无光泽的
  • 网络套利;差;差价期权

第三人称单数:spreads 现在分词:spreading

news spread,spread word,disease spread,virus spread,spread risk
quickly spread,widely spread,evenly spread,rapidly spread,thinly spread


v. n.


1.[t]~ sth (out) (on/over sth)展开;打开to open sth that has been folded so that it covers a larger area than before

2.[t]~ sth (out) (on/over sth)摊开;使散开to arrange objects so that they cover a large area and can be seen easily


3.[t]~ sth (out)张开;伸开to move your arms, legs, fingers, etc. far apart from each other

在人们中间among people

4.[i][t]传播;散布;(使)流传to affect or make sth affect, be known by, or used by more and more people

覆盖大面积cover large area

5.[i][t](使)蔓延,扩散,散开to cover, or to make sth cover, a larger and larger area

6.[t]~ sb/sth使分散;使分布to cause sb/sth to be in a number of different places

7.[i]~ (out) + adv./prep.延伸;伸展;扩张to cover a large area

稀软的层面soft layer

8.[t][i]涂;敷to put a layer of a substance onto the surface of sth; to be able to be put onto a surface


9.[t]分(若干次)进行;由(若干人)分摊to separate sth into parts and divide them between different times or different people


spread like wildfire

像野火般蔓延;迅速传开to become known by more and more people very quickly

spread your net

考虑到多种可能;大面积地排查;撒开网(寻找)to consider a wide range of possibilities or cover a large area, especially to try to find sb/sth

spread your wings

展翅高飞(更自信地尝试新事物)to become more independent and confident and try new activities, etc.

spread the word

散布消息to tell people about sth

spread yourself too thin

样样都抓哪样都抓不好to try to do so many different things at the same time that you do not do any of them well


套利( spreads):指同时买进和卖出两张不同种类的期货合约。交易者买进自认为是"便宜的"06.24期货套利提示 2010-6-24 15:3…

欧洲债券定价是以外币所属国的对等 政府债券价格加上率Spreads )为准则。该率差 一般介于0.50%--0.75%之间。




希腊国债对德国国债的息差(spreads)在1000点以上,市场基本认为减债(haircut)是大概率事件。希腊今后2个月需要大量发新债 …


价差策略spreads):外汇选择权可以在时间或空间上进行套利交易。在同一交易所内,有各种不同交易条件之选择权契约, …


根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整,通... ... worry 担忧 spreads 传播 building 修建 ...


...不对称的条件下不断调整其双向报价,来获取最 大化的价差收入(Spreads)?但是,由于做市商面对的是可能拥有某种信息优势的 …


把期权和股票结合在一起,使用的期权战略也很多,其中包 括差价法Spreads)蝶形分析法(Butterflies),秃鹰法(Condor…

In a brief, he wants to let the ball flow smoothly, he wants the ability the place that the ball spreads to most easily get a goal. 简单地说,他要让球流动得顺畅,他要能将球传到最容易得分的地方。
Until recently, Anopheles, the mosquito that spreads malarial parasites, has been seen by those trying to eradicate the disease as a target. 疟蚊能够传播疟原虫,因此要彻底根除疟疾的人们一直把它当作一个打击目标。
On any normal business day the spreads would be only a few hundredths of a percentage point. 在通常的交易日,(利率)波动往往只是几个基点而已。
With incredible spiritual power in its inner part, it spreads out just like lava, ardent, unyielding, and ready to make troubles. 它又像一触即发的活火山,蕴含着不可思议的内在精神力量,好像熔岩般滚滚而出,炙烈、刚强,蠢蠢欲动!
This dance spreads to today from then on. Due to the total exposed belly while dancing, It is called " belly dance . " as well. 时至今日埃及这个舞蹈就流传了下来,由于跳舞时候总露出肚脐眼,于是名称叫“肚皮舞”。
On top of that, there have been wild swings in government bond yields, a jump in debt spreads and the continuing decline of the dollar. 在此之上,是政府国债收益的狂野摇摆,债务扩散的幅度剧烈和美元的持续贬值。
If it spreads elsewhere in Europe, it could become a wider agricultural calamity, like the foot-and-mouth epidemic in Britain of 2001. 如果疫情扩展到欧洲其他地区,将演变成一个影响广泛的悲剧性的农业灾难。就如同2001年在英国的口蹄疫一样。
If the cancer spreads to distant sites in the body, like the liver, lungs and brains, the chance of survival becomes drastically worse. 如果癌细胞扩散到身体其他器官,如肝脏、肺脏和大脑,则治愈的希望更加渺茫。
The new study shows that happiness spreads through social networks like an emotional virus -- a virus people would be happy to catch. 这个新研究显示了快乐通过社交网络的传染就像情绪病毒--一种很容易被人们感染的病毒。
Rush through the bone setting eye of words in this words up, the front spreads one pure ask "is a Zhen son? " 就在这话赶话的接骨眼上,前方传来一声清问“是蓁儿吗?”
When something a little out of the ordinary takes place at a bar, the sense of it spreads quickly. 酒吧间发生的事情稍微有点异常,人们很快就会感觉出来。
MAHINDA RAJAPAKSE, Sri Lanka's president, shakes out his white outfit and spreads his bare toes with a satisfied air. 斯里兰卡总统拉贾帕克萨身着传统的白色服装,将他裸露的脚趾惬意的舒展在空气中。
Inflation will only become a problem if it spreads beyond food, but there is little sign of that at the moment. 只有在扩展至食品之外的领域时,通胀才会成为问题,但目前几乎没有这方面的迹象。
The virus will now basically duke it out with ordinary flu, to see who spreads fastest. 现在H1N1病毒会跟一般流感进行比拼,看谁传播的速度最快。
As one of the forms of intercultural communication, advertising spreads across two or more different cultural groups. 作为文化传播的一种样式,广告同样需要在两个或两个以上不同文化群体中进行传播。
There is nothing negative about him and that whole enthusiasm spreads among the camp. 对于他来说,永远不可能有消极的事情,而这种热情也感染了整个集训营。
When a bridge dissipates force it spreads it out over a wider area. Transference involves moving force from a weak area to a stronger area. 当吊桥消散压力时,它会将压力扩展到更广的区域,而转移是指将压力从较弱的区域移到较强的区域。
Place the light under, or above, so the light spreads out over it giving a diffused effect illuminating it, a bit like a movie screen. 将灯放置在上方或下方,灯光照在画上,光线四散开来,有一种散光效果,有一点像一幅电影屏幕。
The question now is how much wider those spreads get. 现在的问题是:这些利差到底扩大了多少?
The top-coal in the front of the wall appears the failure area in the effect of the abutment pressure that spreads over the coal seam. 煤壁前方顶煤在支承压力作用下产生破坏区,遍布整个煤层;
The news will have been beating U. S troops at the front completely when news of antiwar protests spreads through over radios someday. 当有一天反战抗议的新闻透过广播广泛发出时,美军前线军队将已经被彻底打败。
He keeps walking back and forth, with the seed in a pouch and spreads the seed, back and forth, all day long. 他一边撒种,一边来来回回地踩踱田地,从早到晚走个不停。
It spreads by composing emails using a complex set of rules and sending them out with its built-in SMTP engine. 随后通过其内建的SMTP引擎,按照一套复杂的规则编写并向这些地址发送电子邮件,以此实现自我传播。
But the credit crunch sucked the wind from its sails, sending spreads soaring and triggering a round of cancellations among issuers. 但是,信贷危机导致风向逆转,推动息差飞速扩大,并在发行者中引发了一轮注销浪潮。
A common technique for discovering leakers is to tell each suspect some unique piece of information (a tidbit) and then see if it spreads. 如果想要逮到洩漏机密的人,最普通的技巧是分别告知每位顾问一条独家的消息,然后再看看发生什麽结果。
But at least part of the rise in spreads reflected concern that countries might find it hard to pay back their borrowings. 但是收益率差距扩大至少部分反映了人们对欧元区一些国家可能很难偿还借款的担忧。
The electrocardiogram can reflect the function appearance of the process and heart that an excitement spreads in the heart. 心电图能反映出兴奋在心脏内传播的过程及心脏的机能状态。
PSTN spreads all over the country, which insures that the address of lifts to be monitored is not limited. PSTN遍布各处,保证了被监控的电梯所在地点不受限制,而且它现成可用,数据传输可靠。
If it spreads much further, and no countermeasures can be developed, then the potato crisp itself could become an endangered species. 如果“斑马片”进一步传播,又没有防治手段,马铃薯片就会成为濒危食品。
Bear in mind that this monetary reboot is a stopgap: as the abundance spreads, the need for such forms of wealth will decrease. 用心记住,这只是一个临时货币启动应急措施:随着丰饶的不断扩散,对于财富的追求会下降。