
美 [ˈkɑmˌbaɪn]英 [ˈkɒmbaɪn]
  • v.组合;合并;兼备;兼有
  • n.联合收割机;集团;联合企业
  • 网络结合;使结合;化合

复数:combines 现在分词:combining 过去式:combined

combine system,combine business,combine technology,effect combine,combine value


v. n.

1.[i][t](使)结合,组合,联合,混合to come together to form a single thing or group; to join two or more things or groups together to form a single one

2.[t]兼有;兼备;使融合(或并存)to have two or more different features or characteristics; to put two or more different things, features or qualities together

3.[t]~ A and/with B同时做(两件或以上的事);兼做;兼办to do two or more things at the same time

4.[i][t]合并;协力to come together in order to work or act together; to put two things or groups together so that they work or act together


九年级英语单词表 ... homophone 同音异型异议词 combine 结合;组合 symbol 象征;标志;符号 ...


2、在合并combine)菜单下,点“高光和阴影”(如Highlights & Shadows - Auto )项目。作为备选,也可以试试另一种合并方法…


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... com-,con- 表示"共同" combine 联合,结合 compassion 同情 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... homophone 同音异型异议词 combine 结合;组合 symbol 象征;标志;符号 ...


人教版高中英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... comb n. 梳子 combine vt. 使联合;使结合 comedy n. 喜剧 ...


字根字尾构词法.doc - 豆丁网 ... collusion 共谋,串通 combine 化合,结合 commend 称赞 ...


大学科技英语 ... penicillin 盘尼西林 青霉素 combine 康拜因 联合收割机 laser 莱塞\镭射 激光 ...


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... comb n. 梳子 combine vt. 使结合, 兼有 comedy n. 喜剧, 喜剧场面 ...

It's easy to come up with a task which is useful and original - just combine existing ideas in a new way, perhaps with some minor twists. 一般来讲,创造出一个有用的应用并非难事,只需要把已有的点子组合在一起,或许再来一点小的改动。
We exactly combine the user "s short-term and long-term interests, trying to accurately reflect the use" s present interest. 并有机结合用户的长期偏好与短期偏好,力图准确地表现用户当前的偏好倾向。
To prevent this happening, Mr Feng decided to combine his hands-on management style with some elements of western business culture. 为了防止这种情况,冯军决定把自己“亲力亲为”的管理风格与某些西方企业文化要素结合在一起。
How to cooperate between buyer and planner, this was one of the reason buying & planning combine together. 采购员与计划员如何合作?这就是为什么我们过去一直是计划采购不分的原因。
We combine years of relevant experience with a deep understanding of your needs for workwear, linen and floorcare. 我们深切理解您对工作服、布草和防尘消毒地毯养护的需求,并将其与我们多年的相关经验结合。
To fix a violation of this rule, try to combine namespaces that contain a small number of types into a single namespace. 如果需要修复这个问题,可以尝试将几个命名空间合并一个单独的命名空间中。
To combine two or more sets of items into one set of any form. 将两个或多个项目集合并成一个任何形式的项目集。
In this sense he seems to combine the affable nature of Rijkaard and the Teutonic steel of Schuster. 从这个意义上说,他似乎融合了里杰卡尔德谦逊可敬的天性和舒斯特尔身上德意志人的坚定。
The ideal approach would be to combine the two techniques within the SOAP framework, but normal document models aren't set up to allow this. 理想的方法是在SOAP框架中同时使用这两种技术,但普通的文档模型不支持这种用法。
After selecting the raw materials for a particular geographical area, the next step is to combine them into a commercial glass. 在根据特定的地理区域选择好原材料以后,下一步就是把他们制成商品化的玻璃。
By contrast, China's size, economic success and authoritarian ideology combine to make it a formidable challenger to the US. 相比之下,中国的规模、经济成就和威权意识形态结合在一起,使中国成为美国的强大挑战者。
In our customization example, we combine these two approaches in such a way that the retrieval is a foreground process for up to 15 seconds. 在我们的定制例子中,将这两种方式结合起来,获取操作在最多15秒内作为前台过程。
It should be easy to combine application updates and BPM updates into a single transaction. 它应该很容易将业务流程的更新和应用程序更新结合到一个单一事务里面。
Limited rest combine with appropriate exercise and medication is often the primary method of therapy. 有限的休息组合与适当的锻炼和疗程经常是疗法主要方法。
The bank also plans to pull out of fixed-income proprietary trading in the US and combine its equity and debt underwriting operations. 该银行还计划撤出美国固定收益自营业务,并将股票和债券承销业务合并。
List all the ways you receive information, evaluate each to see if it gives you value, and find ways to combine or eliminate inboxes . 列出所有你收集信息的途径,评估每一条途径带来的价值,合并某些收件箱或者删除那些无用的收件箱。
And on top of that smaller families combine with greater wealth to reinforce the imperative to produce a son. 较小的家庭与较大的财富相结合,强化了必须生一个儿子愿望。
To fix a violation of this rule, try to combine namespaces that contain just a few types into a single namespace. 若要修正此规则的违规情形,请尝试将包含少数型别的命名空间合并成单一命名空间。
Threshing unit is one of the core parts of the combine, which has direct influence on the working performance of the combine or other parts. 脱粒装置是联合收割机的核心部件之一,它直接影响整机和其它部件的工作性能。
How much do you know about Top Combine [TC], the popular boy band ? 你知道多少顶级组合,最受欢迎的(TC)经过两个男孩乐队是?。
Take a look at this little sample to see how you could combine these techniques to make an interactive menu. 看一下这个小例子以了解如何综合使用这些技术制作一个交互菜单。
This might include code to paginate a form or to combine form elements into a menu. 这可能包括将一个窗体分页或将多个窗体元素组合为一个菜单的代码。
Some folks have thought to combine the concept of a movie poster with the minimalist look and what came out is extremely cool. 有些人考虑将电影海报与极简主义概念结合起来,出来的作品非常之酷。
Multiple filter operations are permitted, though it is often more efficient to combine them into a single compound-filter operation. (允许多个筛选操作,但是将它们组合成一个复合筛选操作通常会更有效)。
Combine your basic BD Compact with an air cylinder of your choice, and the face mask best for your requirements. 结合你的与你的选择的汽缸,以及最有利于你的要求的面罩紧密的基本的BD。
Salty food because of high sodium content, easy to combine with the calcium out of the body, leading to calcium loss. 因为偏咸的食物钠含量过高,容易与钙结合排除体外,导致钙的流失。
That seemed promising. I thought , maybe I'll do it inside, and I can even combine the fold outs with the only partially-open book . 我觉得这个不错,值得一试甚至可以和折叠页结合起来用。
You are trying to play one part of a multipart file. Use a newsreader or other program to combine the files, and then try again. 你正在试图播放多个文件中的一部分。使用新闻阅读器或其它程序去组合这些文件,然后再试。
They make it easy to combine different programs together to do useful actions. 它们可以简单地将不同的程序组合在一起执行有用的操作。
I am pleased that the Bank Group was able to combine its global knowledge with financing to support countries with these major challenges. 我很高兴世行集团能够将全球知识与资金相结合,帮助各国应对这些严峻挑战。