
美 [ˈsɜrt(ə)n]英 [ˈsɜː(r)t(ə)n]
  • adj.肯定;确定;确信;无疑
  • pron.(不提及人或事物的名称时用)某些
  • 网络确定的;肯定的;一定的



1.确实;确定;肯定that you can rely on to happen or to be true

2.确信;确定;无疑firmly believing sth; having no doubts

3.(不提及细节时用)某事,某人,某种used to mention a particular thing, person or group without giving any more details about it or them

4.(与人名连用,表示说话者不识其人)某某,某位,一位叫…的used with a person's name to show that the speaker does not know the person

5.轻微的;微小的;显而易见却难以描述的slight; noticeable, but difficult to describe


for certain

肯定;确定;无疑without doubt

make certain (that…)

弄确实;弄清楚;弄明白to find out whether sth is definitely true

make certain of sth/of doing sth

确保(做某事)to do sth in order to be sure that sth else will happen

of a certain age

不算年轻的;年纪不轻的;中年的if you talk about a person beingof a certain age , you mean that they are no longer young but not yet old


项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Centralized 集中的 Certain 确定的 Certainty 确定性 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... ceremony n. 典礼,仪式;礼节 certain a. 确实的;肯定的 certainly ad. 一定,必定;当然 ...


新概念英语第2册词汇手册_百度文库 ... century n. 世纪,百年;一百个 certain a. 某一个,一定的 champion n. 冠军,拥护者,勇士 ...


高一英语词汇表 ... nationality n. 国籍;国家;部落;民族 certain adj. 确定的;无疑的;某(种) make fun of 取笑;嘲笑 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... offend 冒犯;得罪 certain 某些;某个 structure 结构;构造 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... offend 冒犯;得罪 certain 某些;某个 structure 结构;构造 ...

The only way of avoiding this problem would be if, for some reason, the stars did not shine before a certain time. 唯一避免这种问题的办法是,因为某些原因,星体在一端时间以前是不发光的。
A PHP function that can output how much a user would need to donate to get a certain amount of GD. 一个PHP函数,可以输出多少用户需要获得捐赠一定数额的GD。
Well, not until a certain git by the name of Lockhart took over as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, at any rate. 呵呵,直到有天有个叫洛哈特的饭桶当了黑魔法防御术老师,情况就不同啦。
As the modern logistics develops to a certain stage, Logistics Park is beginning to be produced. 物流园区是现代物流发展到一定阶段的产物。
This overseas experience can be extended by up to a year, allowing students to complete an MBA at certain academic partners. 海外经历可以延长至一年,允许学生在学术伙伴处完成工商管理硕士学位。
Nutritional deficiencies do seem to be the cause of certain cases of low testosterone. 营养不良看来确实是导致某些病例睾丸激素偏低的原因。
And then, like every leader, they've got to have a certain sort of pizzaz that gets people excited. 就像所有领导人,他们必须有能振奋人心的特质。
So, if you have recombination at a certain frequency, I can say exactly how much that helps or hurts the fitness of the population. 因此,如果你获得一定水平的重组率,我可以准确得出它在多大程度上促进或损害人口的适应性。
After a certain number of points, the players changed round so that neither could benefit unduly from the wind or the position of the sun. 达到一定比分后,运动员就互换场地,这样双方都不致由于风向和阳光的位置而独得优势。
Interestingly enough I also discovered what appeared to be uncensored internet available at a certain library in Tehran. 有趣的是,我发现德黑兰某些图书馆的计算机网络,并没有受到过滤审查的机制的影响。
NA: At a certain point the "Warhol" films began to be directed, wholly or largely, by your friend and fellow Factory worker Paul Morrissey. 安:从某个时候开始,“沃霍尔”电影开始全部或大部分由你的朋友、“工厂”合作伙伴保罗-莫里西(PaulMorrissey)执导。
GDP refers to the total values of all the ultimate products for a certain period of time of all the permanent units of a country. GDP是指一国所有常住单位在一定时期内生产的全部最终产品的价值总和。
In marrying you, she was in this mix-up and might have remained so but for a certain break. 嫁给你之后,她一直就是浑浑噩噩的,而且,除非分手,否则还会这么浑噩下去。
It have been found that there was a certain relation between the dyeing properties and crystal phase, particle size of acid dyes. 试验表明酸性染料的染色性能与染料的晶相和粒子大小有着一定的关系。
I'm certain that the destiny of each one of us and Asia as a whole will depend on how well we adjust to this very profound transformation. 我确信我们每个人的命运,以及整个亚洲的命运取决于我们能在多大程度上适应这一深刻的转变。
Certain materials are electroluminescent, and this electroluminescent effect has been used in the construction of backlights for displays. 某些材料是电致发光的,电致发光效应在显示器的背光的结构中被使用。
Just a few more minutes of catching fireflies on a lazy summer evening. So what if that certain TV show was on? 要是再多一会儿,和孩子们在夏日慵懒的晚上一快捉萤火虫,即便那定时要收看的电视节目已经上映了又何妨?
The unauthorized alteration of certain system files is one of the symptoms of an active attack, or compromise upon a system. 对系统特定文件的未授权改变是对系统进行攻击和危害活动的表现之一。
Try to be able to provide certain theory and carry out a reference for Chinese occupation basketball harmonious, healthy development. 试图能为中国职业篮球的和谐、健康发展提供一定的理论和实践参考。
More to the point, could any modern writer be certain their lives would still be interesting to anyone so long after their death? 举例来说,哪位现代作家能确定自己的生平事迹在自己去世后如此之久仍有人感兴趣呢?
You can apply styles to an individual component using a class selector, or to all components of a certain type using a type selector. 你可以通过一个类选择器将样式应用于单独的组件,或所有的组件。
If twins had been born to the family insured, the company would have had to pay a certain amount of money to the parents. 如果投险家庭生出双胞胎,保险公司将必须支付一定数量的钱给父母。
Scientists, doing the best they can up to this point, have found certain codings within certain portions of the DNA. 科学家,这表明他们可以在这点上做得最好,已经发现内部DNA某个部分某个编码。
Hazard assessment has a certain purity, but that purity is often irrelevant to real risk. 危险性评估有其确定性,但这种确定性常与真实风险不相关。
You're committed to losing those excess pounds, but every time you go out with a certain friend, she tries to get you to order dessert. 你下定决心要减肥,可每次你和某位朋友出去吃饭,她总是试图让你点甜点。
It is always just a small difference: Top performers just do certain things a certain way a little bit better each day. 永远只是差一点:表现好的人只是用特定的方式做特定的事,每天取得一点进步。
When a man swindles the public out of a certain amount he begins to get scared and wants to return parts of it. 当一个人从大伙身上诈骗了相当可观的数目时,他就不免有点胆怯,总想吐出一部分。
cuts a good flat piece of paper, the situation is much better, at least it has a certain storage after cutting. 如果直接购进分切好的平张纸,情况要好得多,至少它分切后有一定存贮过程。
There was a certain wisdom in his mother's words, he thought. 他想,母亲的话中有一定的哲理。
Under certain scenarios it is possible for a Word file to be modified in such a way that a macro could run with no warning issued. 在某些方案中,有可能会在不发出警告的情况下运行某个宏来修改Word文件。