
美 [ˈriˌdʒekt]英 [ˈriːdʒekt]
  • v.排斥;拒收;拒绝接受;不予考虑
  • n.废品;次品;不合格者;被剔除者
  • 网络驳回;抛弃;抵制

第三人称单数:rejects 现在分词:rejecting 过去式:rejected

reject offer,reject proposal,reject application,reject idea,reject hypothesis
absolutely reject,emphatically reject


v. n.


1.~ sth拒绝接受;不予考虑to refuse to accept or consider sth

找工作者sb for job

2.~ sb拒收;不录用;拒绝接纳to refuse to accept sb for a job, position, etc.

不用;不出版not use/publish

3.~ sth(因质量差)不用,不出售,不出版to decide not to use, sell, publish, etc. sth because its quality is not good enough

不爱not love

5.~ sb/sth不够关心;慢待to fail to give a person or an animal enough care or affection


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... (subject 主观+ ) reject v 拒绝,驳回 ) judicial a 司法的;法官的 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... (subject 主观+ ) reject v 拒绝,驳回 ) judicial a 司法的;法官的 ...


《电子行业英语词汇大全》 - 豆丁网 ... R:Range 全距(极差) 96 Reject 拒收 97 Repair 返修 98 ...


攘字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 攘为己有 rǎngwéijǐyǒu 排斥,努力消去〖 reject〗 止〖 stop〗 ...


人教版高中英语必修5单词_百度文库 ... adj. cautious 小心的;谨慎的 adj. reject 拒绝;不接受;抛弃 vt. universe 宇宙;世界 ...


2009年宫东风词汇讲义(词汇测试1答案) - 豆丁网 ... 支援, 加强[ enhance] 拒绝; 抵制[ reject] 释放;发行[ free] ...


rejuvenate中文 ... rejuvenation ||保持 青春... reject 拒绝,不受,丢弃 relapse 复发,故态复萌... ...


星尘的天空 - 博客园 ... 11:bastard n 私生子 13:reject 拒绝,抵制;否决 14:defence 防护,防御 ...

And if the goods are found not in conformity with that of the contract, we are entitled to lodge a claim with you or reject the goods. 并且如果发现货物与合同不符,我们可以向你们提出索赔,或拒绝接受货物。
Nevertheless, I do feel obligated to point out to you that she did not reject you. 尽管如此,我还是有责任向你指出,她并没有拒绝你。
However, the fact that Nufarm did not reject the revised offer outright is likely to provide Sinochem with some confidence. 然而,Nufarm没有立即拒绝修改后报价的事实,可能会给中化增添一些信心。
Many of you seek Him and He presents Himself yet you reject him for fear that he does not align with your conception. 你们中的很多人寻找他;于是他呈现了他自己,你们却因为恐惧他不与你们的感知相校准,而拒绝了他。
But Thumbelina did not like that haughty fellow. Yet she was unable to reject what the field mouse woman wanted. 拇指姑娘当然不喜欢那高傲的家伙,然而她无法拒绝田野鼠女人要求。
For the good of Japanese democracy, not to mention its own future, the DPJ must reject Mr Ozawa and all that he stands for. 为了日本的民主,更为了他们自己的未来,民主党必须阻止小泽和他所代表的一切。
If you reject the notion that this nation's promise is reserved for the few, your voice must be heard in this election. 如果你们不愿意接受政府的承诺是满足少数人的,那么你们必须在大选之日喊出你们的声音。
As long as you do not refuse to help other people's sincere, kind-hearted people will not reject them on the likes of you. 只要你不拒绝帮助别人的诚心,善良的人们就不会拒绝他们对你的喜欢。
If doctors can predict which patients are beginning to reject the transplanted organ, they could try to head it off, she said. 如果医生们能够预测患者何时开始器官排斥,那么它们就会试图解决此问题。
If I can't trust that you won't reject me, I'll never be able to share my deepest self with you. 如果我不坚信你不会拒绝我,我将不会与你分享最真实的我。
This account of modern economies is so unappealing that many people reject it out of hand. 这种对现代经济的解读如此令人反感,以致立刻遭到许多人的排斥。
It used to be that the goal in econometric work was to get results that were statistically significant, to reject the null hypothesis. 过去,搞经济计量学时,目标往往是争取让获得的结果,在统计上有显著意义,这样就能拒绝零假设。
I began to reject, to renounce, to set aside what I had gathered and little by little I approached my goal. 我开始拒绝,放弃我所积累的东西,把他们放在一边。一点一点地我接近了我的目标。
I reject this thesis as a false choice (and I come from a family who doggedly built one of the world's largest firms in its sector). 我觉得这个理论是一个错误的选择(我出生于一个创建了世界上最大的公司之一的家庭,我觉得我有这样说的资本)。
Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears. The best revenge is not to become like the one who wronged you. 忘了被伤害的感觉,伤害即逝。最好的复仇是不变成那个损害你的人。
A relief effort led by the U. S. and Pakistani governments would do much to convince Pakistanis to reject groups like the Taliban. 美国和巴斯坦政府主导的救灾行动将使巴基斯坦人远离塔利班这样的组织。
He explained, again, the kind of bank he would accept. He said the states must have the right to approve or reject bank offices. 总统再次解释说,这样一种国家银行是他所能接受的:各州必须有权批准或拒绝在本州开设国家银行的办事处。
But he did not reject the approach out of hand, saying that Wang Xiaolu had ideas and techniques that the NBS could learn from. 但是他没有对这种方式提出反对,说王小鲁的想法和方式也有可供统计局借鉴之处。
They said, no, it's got to be about Jesus, so they're already doing something that modern historical critics would then reject. 他们认为,这一定是关于耶稣的,所以他们已经在做一些,现代历史批判者会反对的事情。
A week after the transplant it started to grow -- a clear sign that his body did not reject the new face. 脸部移植一周后,它便开始长了——很明显,他的身体并未排斥这张新面孔。
Then I would rather be dead. I must have been mad to kill him! But I don't want to be alive when you reject me for it. ' 那样,我情愿死去。我一定是疯了,我把他杀死了!可是如果你因此抛弃我,那我也不想活了。
From this point you can go through and accept or reject changes as you could normally. 之后,可以按正常过程进行接受或拒绝改变的操作。
It is often claimed that there is the malediction prohibition in Daoism, and Buddhist monks simply reject such business. 通常人们以为道教实行禁咒,佛教徒拒绝诸如此类的把戏。
You just have to make up your own damn mind to either accept what I'm going to tell you, or reject it. 所以接受还是不接受我接下来要告诉你的话,这主意得你自己来拿。
Unique identifiers are attached to the ME to help the receiving component detect and reject replay of a duplicate request. 唯一标识符会附着在ME上,以帮助接收组件检测和拒绝重复请求的再次出现。
After they find out who I write for, Hamburg bites into a piece of Four Seasons bacon and proclaims himself bravely as a film school reject. 当他们知道我要采访谁之后,Hamburg咬了一口四季酒店的咸肉,然后很勇敢的宣布他曾被许多电影学校拒绝过。
Arab Iraqis reject this dream, fearing that Kurdish secession would destroy their country and, by the by, cost it a lot of oil. 伊拉克阿拉伯人反对这个梦想,担心库尔德人的脱离将毁灭他们的国家,且由此损失很多石油资源。
Had the discussion taken place before a vote to reject the trade ban, this would at least have counted as an honourable victory. 如果该讨论在贸易禁令被否决之前进行,它至少能算作值得尊敬的胜利。
We do just enough to earn the paycheck, or to satisfy the boss, or to produce a meal that our family won't reject. 我们只做够支票以内的事,或刚好让老板满意,或挣出我们的家庭尚能忍受的食物。
The Romantics did not reject science, as Richard Holmes demonstrates in his remarkable new book, The Age of Wonder. 浪漫主义并没有拒绝科学,就像里查德.福尔摩斯在他著名的新书《奇迹时代》中所表现的那样。