
美 [hoʊp]英 [həʊp]
  • n.希望;期望;希望的东西;期望的事情
  • v.希望
  • 网络盼望;霍普;希望镇

复数:hopes 现在分词:hoping 过去式:hoped

hope see,hope give,hope bring,lose hope,best hope
sincerely hope,realistically hope,fervently hope
great hope,fresh hope,vain hope,sincere hope,false hope


v. n.

1.[i][t]希望,期望(某事发生)to want sth to happen and think that it is possible


hope against hope (that…)

(尤指某事希望渺茫但)依旧抱一线希望to continue to hope for sth although it is very unlikely to happen

hope for the best

希望某事顺利;寄予最大的希望to hope that sth will happen successfully, especially where it seems likely that it will not

I should hope so/not|so I should hope

希望如此╱不如此;但愿如此╱不如此used to say that you feel very strongly that sth should/should not happen




盼望Hope)则往往为人所误解,所谓神所赐的盼望,正确的解释应是,一定会成就的、美好的事情,必定要发生在我们的 …


霍普Hope)发现了撒迦利亚 (Zachariah)的谎言后,他知道自己必须说服她,他们的未来应该在一起„ 媒体评价: “闪烁 …


期冀_百度百科 ... 期求〖 expect〗 期望hope;expect〗 期限〖 timelimit〗 ...


希望镇HOPE)一日游(一):奥赛罗隧道(Othello Tunnels)老地方的新意思:渔人码头&Boundary Bay Park 拿什么来爱你…


呵宝HOPE)991 打磨最光滑实木无漆多功能婴儿床可变书桌 送蚊帐 好孩子必备 床+五件套史努比已有1923人评价(90%好评…


七年级英语单词表 ... pass 通过 hope 希望;盼望;期待 koala (澳洲)树袋熊 ...

When she saw her hope unfulfilled, her expectation gone, she took another of her cubs and made him a strong lion. 母狮见自己等候失了指望,就从他小狮子中又将一个养为少壮狮子。
This time let see how these two commie brothers showing us how much they 'love' each other . . . and hope the under dog V. 这次让我们瞧瞧两个共党兄弟到底“爱”得有多深。
I'm glad to hear that, I hope you can change yourself from now on, the only thing I can say is stick to yourself. 听到这我可真高兴啊。我希望你们都能从现在开始改变,而且我也会督促你们的。
I suppose you hae been more than rewarded for your attendance today. And hope to see you again next meeting. 我想此次与会者收获一定不小,希望下次能再见到各位。
The boat had sailed round the Cape of Good Hope , up the western coast of Africa , and finally to England . 船在驾船环绕好望角,非洲西海岸,最后到英格兰。
"So in this sense, actually we hope to see a strong dollar, " Reuters quoted Mr Zhou as saying. "We support a strong dollar. " 路透社援引周小川的话报道称:“因此,从这个意义上讲,实际上我们希望看到强势美元。我们支持强势美元。”
The small force will excel in deep maneuvers into vulnerable enemy territory , with the hope that the enemy will give chase and surround it. 小型化军队在深入易受攻击的敌方境内机动方面有优势,敌人总是希望能够追击并包围它。
I hope you can still see the point I'm trying to make notwithstanding the technical error. 我依然希望你能够明白我试图解释的这一点,尽管有个技术性的错误。
I believe that what is called experience is often but an avowed fatigue, resignation, blighted hope. 我还认为所谓的经验往往不过是大家承认的疲劳、无可奈何(辞职)与破灭的希望。
Laura: I hope so. I've got itchy feet. It's been a year since my last holiday. Stop, stop! That tickles! 罗拉:但愿如此。我非常想去旅游,上次放假已是一年前了。住手!住手!那使我发痒呀!
He said there is always hope for talks, but said it is up to Iran to accept the conditions to start real negotiations. 他说,举行会谈的希望总是有的,但是,这将取决于伊朗是否接受条件开始真正的谈判。
Thank you for standing behind me In all that I to I hope you are as happy with me As I am with you! 谢谢你的支持和帮助,希望我能给你带来快乐,就像你给我带来的快乐一样!
Those expressions of faith and hope were a strong testimony of that young athlete's priorities and values. 那位运动员表现出的信心和盼望,强烈表明了他关注的焦点和价值观。
I put Peggy to bed and set up her gifts around the tree and a sweet peace flooded me like a benediction. I had some hope again. 我安置好佩吉睡觉,将她的礼物放在圣诞树的周围。一种甜蜜的宁静笼罩着我,像在给我祝福,我心里又燃起了希望。
Thank you Paul, it has been a pleasure to be able to put these questions to you. I hope we can do it again in the future. 这是很愉快的谈话,很荣幸能讲这些问题递给你,我希望以后还能有机会。
We have decided to make a further concession of 2% in the hope that this will help you push the sale of our products. 我方决定再作2%的让步,希望这将有助于你方推销我们的产品。
Illinoisans can only hope the matter with Mr Burris is resolved soon. There is other work to be done. 现在,伊利诺斯人只能希望Burris先生的麻烦尽快解决,毕竟,还有其它工作要作。
In this inexplicable fear, the only snow of the winter that's happy to re-ignite the fire of my hope, I feel perfect security. 在这种莫名其妙的恐惧里,唯有那些有雪的冬季里的快乐能够重燃我的希望之火,让我感到无懈可击的安全。
When it can actually be a bit intimidating and scary but you just try to get on with it and hope people remember I'm just a normal person. 有时候场面是有点惊慌吓人,但你要试著去适应它,而且我希望人们明白,我也只是个普通人。
This they saw as the only hope of financing a turnaround in Ford's core North American business (Europe, at least, was already improving). 他们认为这是拯救福特北美业务转型计划的唯一希望(至少欧洲已经有所起色)。
Yes, it may be so. I hope Your Majesty will forgive my wrongdoings and allow me to finish what I have to say. 是的,也许会有吧。希望大望原谅我的罪过,让我把话说完。
(A year after the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico, let's hope we've learned how to do that, at least. ) Tow the platforms back to shore. (墨西哥海湾的石油泄漏事件之后一年,让我们希望至少我们还能做到这点)把深海油井平台拉回海岸。
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but this seems at least superficial evidence of rigging the game in the hope of favorable electoral results. 你可以说我是个阴谋论者,但至少我们可以将这些不充分的证据应用于该推导游戏,期待选举结果会带来好消息。
But six months after his arrest, prosecutors still do not know exactly how much money Madoff took or what his victims might hope to recover. 但是在麦道夫被捕6个月之后,检察官们仍然无法弄清麦道夫拿走资金的确切数字,也不知道受害人可能希望他们发现什么。
No follow-up development and hope that the exchanges will be a waste of your money and feelings of love is called vanity. 没有后续发展和希望的交往,会浪费你的钱和感情,这叫爱慕虚荣。
I believe that someday this door will open for me, if I did not that day, I would sincerely hope that the doors after you. 我相信总有一天这门会为我打开,如果真没有那一天,我会衷心地祝愿门后的你。
And I would just say it's my hope, and I would ask you guys, to please, you know, reach out a hand. 我想说我的希望是,我请求大家,拜托,你知道,伸出手来。
China's economic growth is still hope, but far from immediate help for the current metal markets did not boost the role. 中国的经济仍有希望保持增长,但是远水救不了近火,对于目前的金属市场并没有提振作用。
Writing several best-selling books has been one of my dreams and I hope to finish writing my first by the end of the year. 写几本畅销书一直是我的梦想,我希望今年年底完成我的首作。
Of course I am very proud of him for wanting to do that, and I hope he is able to do it. 当然,我为他愿意这样做而感到非常骄傲,我也希望他能够做到。