
美 ['krɪtɪsaɪz]英 ['krɪtɪsaɪz]
  • v.批评;批判;挑剔;指责




1.[i][t]批评;批判;挑剔;指责to say that you disapprove of sb/sth; to say what you do not like or think is wrong about sb/sth

2.[t]~ sth评论;评价to judge the good and bad qualities of sth


新编大学英语单词表(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... correspondent n. 通讯员 criticise v. 批评 curved a. 弯曲的 ...

The US was a fine one to criticise, some offshore centres said, given the lax reporting standards in Delaware and many other US states. 一些离岸中心称,鉴于特拉华州及其它美国许多州的报告标准颇为宽松,美国正是应该批评的对象。
as it may be to criticise those who set out to do good, many charities behave as if they were unaccountable. 许多的慈善机构表现得很不负责,虽然我们这样责备这些从事善行的人可能显得不礼貌。
It was the first time since they had set up housekeeping that she had dared to criticise one of the master's acts. 自从他们开始组织家庭以来,敢向家长采取批评行动她这还是第一次。
Alarm about this is rising to the point where business representatives are increasingly prepared to criticise policy publicly. 关于这个问题的忧虑情绪已经上升到一定高度,以致商界代表日趋准备公开批评政府政策。
My wife asked Dr Sun if he was using the two comments to criticise me. He said: No, not entirely. But I was a typical example. 注四:我太太曾问先生这两条批注是否在说我。先生说不全是,但我是个典型的例子。
I understand if he was depressed he might have taken something so I don't want to criticise Andre for taking crystal meth. 我知道,如果他情绪低落,他可能服用了一些东西,所以我不想就安德烈服用冰毒一事发表评论。
You only know how to criticise others, but how much thing? 你只知道批评别人,你自己做了多少事?
Zhang Chuanwen: China used to criticise the "urban disease" of the west, but now it seems to be suffering from the same affliction. 张传文:看来中国以前指责西方的“城市病”,现在落在自己身上了。
Churlish as it may be to criticise those who set out to2 do good, many charities behave as if they were unaccountable. 也许去批评那些一心想做点好事的人是很无礼的,但是许多慈善团体表现地似乎一点责任感都没有。
Even South Africa, whose spineless president, Thabo Mbeki, is still refusing to criticise Mr Mugabe outright, has begun to turn against him. 甚至连南非都开始反对他了,南非总统塔博·姆贝基是个软弱的家伙,他一直拒绝直率的批评穆加贝先生。
Likewise, China has no right to criticise American policy when its own economy remains unbalanced. 同样地,中国没有资格在自身经济失衡的情况下指责美国的政策。
What Totti did can happen, it's not my place to criticise but he lost his head, " Mourinho added. " I did not like how the game started. 托蒂所做的随时都可能发生,他当时可能失去了理智,但这不是我该评论的,”穆里尼奥接着说,“我不喜欢这场比赛的方式。
He countered that the Czech Republic and Poland, which had very few Muslims, did not criticise Israel. 他反驳说,只有极少穆斯林的捷克和波兰,从不批评以色列。
I'm not going to criticise him or speak badly of him. 我不会去批评他或说他的坏话。
By June the Communist Party's main media mouthpieces were beginning to criticise a plethora of television dating shows. 在六月份党内主流媒体已经对电视上一些夸张的相亲选秀节目开始议论纷纷。
I criticise to better this country as a concerned citizen, and shall continue to do so regardless of these frivolous cases. 我是一个关心国家的公民,我的批评会使国家更好。所以,我不会在意这个无聊的案子,我会继续做下去。
Suppliers lined up to criticise the new owners and many refused to do business with them, instigating new 'pre-pack policies'. 供应商排队等候批评的新主人和许多拒绝这样做与他们的交易,煽动新的预包装的政策。
Even white writers- Andre Brink, for instance -- who have dared to criticize, or appeared to criticise, the apartheid society have suffered. 甚至敢于批评或似乎要去批评种族隔离的白人作家也遭受了不幸,安德烈。布林克就是个例子。
After reading Schelling and other idealists , he found a way to criticise the over mechanical view of the Enlightenment. 在阅读过谢林和其他唯心主义者之后,他发现了一种批判以往启蒙运动的机械观点的方法。
But it is not unfair to criticise the monarchy and its advisers for having created a system where the king is so sorely needed. 但是,因创造了对国王如此独依的体制,所以指责这个君主政体与那些顾问们实不为过。
You did not criticise your parents; instead, you helped with the housework. 你不一定批评父母,但可以帮助父母做家务。
It is of course unfair to criticise him for this. 当然,如果此而对国王大加斥责是不公平的。
But the president went on to criticise, more generally, male politicians who seek to take medical decisions on behalf of women. 但总统也进一步从更广泛的角度批评了那些越殂代疱为女性作医疗决定的男政客。
Politicians do not like to criticise public opinion but everyday public opinion is sometimes a poor guide to policy. 政界人士不喜欢批评民意,但日常的民意调查有时是一个不好的政策指引。
Rarer still is the idea that an opposition that sets out to criticise the man in power can count as loyal and patriotic. 认为指责当权者的反对派会忠诚,爱国,这种想法真是太少有了。
Others attack because of their own unhappiness; they criticise in an attempt to ease their own pain, to feel better about what they are. 他们是为了自己的好心情采取攻击他人,因为批评他人可以让他们减缓自身的痛苦,让自己更好过一点。
This forbidding figure speaks in the voice of your deepest doubt, your greatest fear or your own propensity to criticise yourself. 这个难以接近的形象来自于你内心深处的质疑、你最大的恐惧或者“谴责自己”这一倾向。
The company started to criticise the deal in public and lobby China Eastern's shareholders to vote against it. 因此,国航开始公开批评此项交易,并游说东航股东们投票反对。
Historians criticise the factual basis of many of his claims about the publishing industry, about economic history and bourgeois culture. 史学批评的事实依据的,他的许多索赔的出版业,对经济的历史和资产阶级的文化。
There are many reasons why people criticise each other but it does not mean there is something wrong with you if they do criticise you. 人们为何相互批评是有很多理由的但并不意味着他们一旦批评你,你就有问题。