
美 [krɑp]英 [krɒp]
  • n.作物;庄稼;产量;嗉囊
  • v.剪裁;剪短;啃吃(青草或其他植物上面的部分);有收成
  • 网络农作物;谷物;农作物生产

复数:crops 现在分词:cropping 过去式:cropped

produce crop,grow crop,plant crop,gather crop,cultivate crop
good crop,bumper crop,poor crop,record crop,heavy crop


n. v.

庄稼plants for food

1.[c]庄稼;作物a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food

2.[c](谷物、水果等一季的)收成,产量the amount of grain, fruit, etc. that is grown in one season

一群人group of people

3.[sing]a ~ of sth(同时做某事的)一群人,一批人;(同时发生的)一些事情a group of people who do sth at the same time; a number of things that happen at the same time


4.[c](骑手的)短马鞭a short whip used by horse riders


6.[sing]a ~ of dark, fair, etc. hair/curls短而密的头发hair that is short and thick


农_互动百科 ... 农作【 farming cultivation of crops】 农作物crops;farm plant】 农忙【 busy season(in farming)】 ...


807词汇 - 豆丁网 ... association 协会 crops 庄稼 girlfriend 女友 ...


新托福IBT听力场景词汇-返学费网资讯频道 ... organism 有机物 crops 谷物 corn 玉米 ...


威海一中信息网 ... Crop Agribusiness 农作物农业商务 Crops 农作物生产 Dietetics 营养学 ...


家具英语--供参考2 - 行业交流 -... ... crooked timber 弯曲木材 crops 作业区 ! F1 _+ T/ N7 Q" crossarm 横担 ...


方块图片 G4 Cube 2 - 图蛙 ... 闹市奥马哈图片 Downtown Omaha 作物图片 Crops 没有经验曼图片 The Green …


中学英语教学评价试验项目... ... look through 流览 crops 收割庄稼 gather oneself 使振作 ...

Latin America comes out of the exercise relatively well: the yields of its main crops are expected to fall by only a few percent. 拉美的预演结果相对不错:主要作物产量只会降低几个百分点。
They also grow more quickly, allowing two or three crops a year from land that used to produce only one crop. 这些新品种生长迅速,以前只能收一季的田地现在可以一年收二至三季。
The flail is often not used today, but in the past it was indispensable for grinding crops. 连耞虽然平时不常使用,但在打碾庄稼的时节,谁家也离不开它。
What if they cut back only a portion of the native trees, let the rest mature, and planted crops between them? 如果只砍伐部分本土树木,让其余的生长,在树间套种粮食作物呢?
To make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are planted each year where possible. 为了尽可能最大限度地利用土地,在可能的地方每年种植两季或者多季作物。
The whole family had experienced such a storm before, with dark memories of the damage it had caused to stock and crops. 全家以前都经历过这样的风暴,每个人都记得它给农作物和储备的东西造成的损害。
The terraced hill sides, as we went up in a jhampan, were all aflame with the beauty of the flowering spring crops. 我们坐着轿子上山时,沿路的山坡,都映照在春天里稻花盛开的美景中。
Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind. Surplus trees can be cut down and used to provide wood. 防护林不仅能来保护耕地和农作物免受风的侵蚀,另外,多余的树枝可以砍下来并能提供木材。
Miao word as the name implies, is a species of field crops, in ancient times, the word represents the Miao ethnic group paddy - Miao people. 苗字顾名思义,就是田里种的庄稼,因此在上古时代,苗字代表了种水稻的族群-苗民。
But the additional land available for cultivation is unevenly distributed, and much of it is suitable for growing only a few crops. 但大量可供种植的土地分布不均,而且大多只适合种植少数农作物品种。
The claim that GM crops give higher yields is often uncritically repeated in the media. But this claim is not accurate. 媒体往往不加鉴别的重复声称转基因作物提供更高的产量的说法。但是这种说法并不准确。
Some of the immediate causes of the price spike for rice are similar to that of other crops. 米价上升的一些直接原因和其他粮食极为相似。
If you plant some seeds every week or two, you will have crops ready to eat one after another. 如果你每隔一两周就撒些种植,就就可以接连不断的有莴苣吃。
For homeowners looking at planting trees or other crops, consider checking to see if local irrigation district water is available. 对于业主看种植树木或其他作物,考虑检查,是否对本地灌区水可用。
She used to grow crops on seven hectares of common land; when the pond was built, she lost the land. There was no compensation. 她过去在七公顷公用土地上种植庄稼;建池塘时,她失去了土地,而且没有得到任何补偿。
Controlling the flow of transgenic genes into the wild via pollen and seeds has been a major source of public opposition to biotech crops. 控制改造基因通过花粉及种子流入自然界是转基因作物反对者们的主要呼声之一。
We also assume responsibility for bringing to the house of the Lord each year the firstfruits of our crops and of every fruit tree. 又定下每年要把我们田地初熟的果子,各样果树上一切初熟的果子,都带到耶和华的殿。
The true test of civilization is, not the census, nor the size of the cities, nor the crops, but the kind of man that country turns out. 文明的真正标准不在于人口的数目,城市规模的大小,或生产粮食的多少,而在于国家培养出何等的人才。
Like all the generations of my family back to the pharaohs, I used to plant my crops and never know if I would harvest. 我过去种庄稼,从来不知道能不能收。我的祖辈以至古代的法老也都是这样。
If it doesn't rain within the next few weeks, the crops will have to be watered if they are to survive. 如果在近几个星期不下雨的话,要使庄稼生长下去就要给它浇灌了。
"There has been a lag, but now the substitution effect is taking place, boosting the demand of indigenous crops, " he said. 他表示:“这里面有滞后因素,但如今替代效应正在显现,从而推高了对本土粮食作物的需求。”
Wheat is widely cultivated in the world and the total volume of its annual trade is higher than any other cereal crops. 小麦作为世界上分布范围最广泛、总产量最高、贸易额最大的粮食作物,在世界经济中占有重要的地位。
"Other people's crops, and the child's own good, " said the old old saying is true at all. “庄稼别人的好,孩子自己的好”老古语说的一点都没错。
"There is no evidence that the antibiotic resistance genes used in approved GM crops pose a problem for human health, " she said. 她指出,“没有证据表明在已经获准种植的转基因作物中,具有抗生素抗性的基因对人类健康带来了威胁。”
But winter was coming and neither the houses nor the crops would be ready if everyone continued to work with one arm behind their back. 但是冬季就快来临,如果每个人还是继续以一只手放在背后来工作的话,不管是屋子或是农作物都将赶不及准备好。
About Yao to the age of 10 appeared in the sky the sun, burned crops, baked dead vegetation, people have no food. 到了帝尧的时代,天上出现了十个太阳,烧焦了庄稼,烤死了草木,人民没有了食物。
Young, educated consumers who are driving much of the organic market have no interest in eating crops derived from a laboratory, he said. 他表示年轻有学识的消费者对食用实验室里培育的食品并没有兴趣,他们是有机食品市场消费的主力军。
It can be effectively grown on marginal lands that are considered undesirable for food crops, making it a viable option as a new biofuel. 它可在粮食作物不理想的边缘地带高效生长,使它成为生物新能源的可行选择。
In the poorest areas, some highways are often empty but for the crops farmers spread out on them to dry in the sun. 在最贫穷的地区,一些高速公路上常常车辆稀少,农民都将粮食铺在道路上烘晒。
"Wo is a registered " and " Wo " is millet, millet, rice, sorghum crops like the general term " landing " means that mature. “禾乃登”的“禾”指的是黍、稷、稻、粱类农作物的总称,“登”即成熟的意思。