
美 [tru]英 [truː]
  • adj.的确;符合事实的;确实的;如实的;真实的;正当的;诚实的;没有错的;真正的;正当的;诚实的;没有错的;真正的;正当的;诚实的;没有错的
  • v.整形;配齐(工具,车轮等);校准;配准;校准;整形;配准;校准;整形
  • adv.确实地;正确地;正当地;笔直地;不偏不斜地;直言相告;实话实说;确实地;正确地;正当地
  • 网络校准器;整形器;真的

比较级:truer 最高级:truest

true love,true friend,true story,true meaning,true value



1.符合事实的;确实的;如实的connected with facts rather than things that have been invented or guessed


2.实质的,真正的(而非表面上的)real or exact, especially when this is different from how sth seems

3.[ubn]名副其实的;真正的having the qualities or characteristics of the thing mentioned

承认事实admitting fact

4.(承认事实或说法正确,但有更重要的考虑)确实,的确used to admit that a particular fact or statement is correct, although you think that sth else is more important


5.忠诚的;忠心耿耿的;忠实的showing respect and support for a particular person or belief in a way that does not change, even in different situations


6.~ (to sth)精确的;与正本无异的;逼真的being an accurate version or copy of sth

7.[nubn]正而准straight and accurate


come true

实现;成为现实to become reality

too good to be true

好得难以令人相信used to say that you cannot believe that sth is as good as it seems

your true colours

本性;本来面目your real character, rather than the one that you usually allow other people to see

true to form

跟往常一样;一如既往;合乎本性used to say that sb is behaving in the way that you expect them to behave, especially when this is annoying

true to life

真实的;逼真的;惟妙惟肖;活灵活现seeming real rather than invented


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(T) ... tube plate=tubeplate 管板 truer 校准器 truetime 视时 ...


进出口行业词汇英语翻译(T) ... trueing machine 整形机 truer 整形器 trueran dyed khaki 染色棉涤纶卡其 ...


真的的英文怎么写?_百度知道 ... forsooth 确实, 的确, 真的 truer 真的,确实的 truest 真的,确实的 ...


真的的英文怎么写?_百度知道 ... forsooth 确实, 的确, 真的 truer 真的,确实的 truest 真的,确实的 ...


truer什么意思及同义词_翻译truer的意思... ... water supply for diamond truer 金刚钻修正器供水 truer 的例句: ...

Let's call this record a collection of Sophia's tears, drop by drop upon her heart, rather than a diary of her life. That would be truer. 在这本日记里,与其说是莎菲生活的一段记录,不如直接算为莎菲眼泪的每一个点滴,是在莎菲心上,才觉得更切实。
and blushed to think how much truer a knowledge of his character had been there shewn than any she had reached herself. 对于埃尔顿先生的品格,有人看得比她准确得多,她想到这里脸就红了。
If your loved one claims to "only have eyes for you" this Valentine's Day, it might be truer than you think. 如果你的情人在这个情人节对你说“他的眼里只有你”,可别以为他是在哄你。
If that were true in 1972 when China's economy had been laid low by mad collectivist experiments, how much truer it is today. 如果在1972年中国经济被疯狂的集体主义实验拖下水时,这种说法属实的话,那么如今这种说法更加正确。
To see it as more would be to admit she had been wrong after all, that the Regent's course was the truer one, the predestined one. 毕竟要更多地承认她之前是错的,才能明白瑞金特走的路线更正确,是命中注定的。
As you work through this process, note that it requires moving your ego a bit into the background and your truer identity into the fore. 当你们通过这个过程工作的时候,注意到要求你们的小我向后移动,而你们那真实的自我需要向前移动脱颖而出。
Far from moving towards a world in which religion is absent or marginal, it would be truer to say that the secular era is in the past. 我们远远不是向着一个没有宗教或宗教边缘化的世界迈进,更确切的说法应该是,世俗时代已经过去。
The declines tend to be more orderly, and when you connect them with a trendline, you get a truer picture of that uptrend. 中途的下跌比较有序,当你用趋势线来连接,你会发现清楚的上涨趋势。
If you let the individuality and uniqueness of each chart speak to you, your readings will become a truer reflection of the person. 如果你允许每一个星图中的个别性向你讲述,你的解读就会变成对此人的真实反映。
The fame of Washington stands apart from every other in history shining with a truer lustre and a more benignant glory. 华盛顿在历史人物中独树一帜。他的声望放射出更为纯正的异彩和更为慈祥的光辉。
America has no truer friend than Great Britain. Once again, we are joined together in a great cause. 美国再没有比英国更真诚的朋友了,如今,我们再次因为一项伟大的事业而走到一起。
It would be truer to say that behind every great fortune there is a psychological aberration. 也许这样说更加贴切,每笔财富都有一个心理失常人。
when the sword becomes a burden, let the warrior lay it aside that another with a truer heart might take it up. 「当剑成为了战士的负担,就让他放下吧,好让更加真诚的人能拿起来。」~大天使蕾荻安。
The older I get, the truer this sentence seems to be. 随着年龄的增长,我越来越感到这句话的正确性。
In the case of Captain Ernie Blanchard, the U. S. Coast Guard's top spokesman, that was even truer than usual. 在船长的厄尼布兰查德,美国海岸防卫队的首席发言人,这甚至比平常更真实的情况。
So when the old man asked me in person what I really wanted, I found other, truer words. 因此当老人亲自问我,我想要什么,我找到其他更真诚的话来说。
If you make up a story that isn't true, handing it down over a number of centuries doesn't make it any truer! 如果你创作了一个假的故事,让它流传很多个世纪,丝毫不能让它变得更真实!
The old dark perspective can swiftly be discarded and a truer way of regarding Gaia can take its place. 旧有的黑暗的视角将快速的被丢弃,代之以一种对待盖亚更加符合真相的视角。
The saying about those who fail to understand UNIX being condemned to reinvent it poorly is even truer when it comes to X11. 那些错误理解UNIX的人因为对UNIX的不良改造而受到谴责,这一现象对于X11来说更加真实。
Well this has never been truer than for camera equipment. 这对于照相器材再合适不过了。
Speaking from the vantage point of my own truth, I find some things are truer than others. 从我自己的真理来说,我发现有些事物比其它事物更加真实。
That practical action speaks louder than symbolic words, and is truer to his vision. 实际行动比象征性词语更有力,在他眼里更真实。
Apparent Ileal digestibility provides a truer indication of the amino acid availability between feedstuffs and processing methods. 表观回肠消化率能较真实地反映加工方法对原料中案基酸可利用性的影响。
Besides, private spending was a truer representation of consumer wants than government spending. 与之相反,私人支出更能够体现消费者的真实需求。
To get a truer picture of a bank's condition, you would need to look at the banks' actual revenue, unaffected by loss reserves. 要想知道银行业真正的经营状况,就需要了解各银行储备资金补亏之前的真实收入。
I am not to must be mixed certain person is truer , saying I see however, of heard a few lives true. 我并不是一定要和某些人较真,而是在说我看到的,听到的一些生活的真实。
And some will see this dreamtime as the truer reality as for it is as real as anything else within the matrix. 而部分灵魂看见这梦想期间跟他们是真实那样更加真实的实相,就好象其它别的东西在矩阵里那样。
That name alone would give a truer sense of their value than the speculative number embossed on them. 单单就是这一称呼,就比硬币上的投机数字更具价值感。
CM: One step forward and two steps back is truer of human civilization than would be readily admitted by most. 向前一步,向后两步是人类文明更真实的写照,比起大部分人容易接受的说法而言。
If anything, it's even truer nowadays, with new technology giving professional traders an overwhelming advantage over individuals. 如今如果有什么事情是更加正确的话,那就是用新的技术武装的专业交易员对于个人投资者具有压倒性的优势。