
美 [krʌst]英 [krʌst]
  • n.壳;表面;厚颜无耻;〔美国〕雪壳
  • v.用外皮覆盖;结成硬皮;生痂儿;形成硬壳
  • 网络地壳;面包皮;外壳

过去分词:crusted 现在分词:crusting 第三人称单数:crusts

continental crust



1.[c][u]面包皮the hard outer surface of bread

2.[c][ususing]糕饼(尤指馅饼)酥皮a layer of pastry , especially on top of a pie

3.[c][u](尤指软物或液体上面、周围的)硬层,硬表面a hard layer or surface, especially above or around sth soft or liquid


托福词汇_百度文库 ... geologist 地质学家 crust 地壳 mantle 地幔 ...


生活英语单词大全 - 豆丁网 ... 提拉米苏 Tira Misu 面包皮 crust 华夫饼干 waffle ...


《趣味背单词》(免费) - 豆丁网 ... thrust( 戳) 凿开地的 crust( 外壳) 拂去厚厚的 dust( 尘土) 原来是废铁 ...

常见皮肤病英语_行业相关_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... contact dermatitis 接触性皮炎 crust cryotherapy 冷冻疗法 ...


热门 ◆五个字母的英文单词◆ - 豆丁网 ... cruel a. 残忍的,残酷的 crust n. 外皮,壳;地壳 curve n. 曲线,弯曲(物)v.弄弯,成曲形 ...


LSAT红宝书1 - 豆丁网 ... criticality 危险程度 crust 外壳,硬壳,面包皮; crux 症结 ...


甲字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 甲库〖 armoury;arsenal〗 甲壳〖 carapace;crust〗 甲鱼〖 soft-shelledturtle〗 ...

The continental crust has an average composition similar to that of the igneous rock, andesite. 一般说来大陆地壳的组成成分是火成岩和安山岩。
Put a tray of hot water into the bottom of the oven to make it steamy . This gives the buns a thin, soft crust. 请在烤箱下方放置一盘水让烤箱有点蒸气,这样会考出来的面包皮会薄又软。
This sudden movement of the core of the Earth, dragging the crust with it, takes place in the span of an hour, the hour of the shift. 地球的核心拖着地壳突然移动起来;该情况发生在一个小时的时间范围内---也就是极移的那个小时。
It is the same with the Earth's crust, as the atmosphere moves with the Earth, creating no more than hurricane force winds on the surface. 地球的地壳也是一样的道理,在大气随着地球运动的时候,在地表产生的不仅仅是飓风。
This contraction compressed the surface and thrust some sections of crust over others, creating long curving cliffs like the one shown here. 收缩挤压着表层使得部分地壳压在其余部分形成了这样长长而弯曲的悬崖。
Assemble Drill To break through the first layer of crust, the crew deploys a steel pipe with an 11-inch-wide drill bit at the bottom. 为了突破第一层地壳,船员们使用底部装有11英寸宽的钻头的钢管。
Only the outer crust need move, just as the loosely peeled skin of an orange could be slid around the unmoved inner slices. 只有外壳需要移动,正如松弛的桔皮不动摇内部就能在周围滑动。
His solution was to scrape crust off the top of the paddy and with it construct the road. 他决定加快进度,其解决办法是想办法清除掉稻田上层的泥土,然后在修建公路。
Do not use a rolling pin , which squeezes the carbon dioxide out of the dough and results in a very boring crust. 不要用擀面杖,因为那会把二氧化碳挤出去,面饼的效果会很差。
And our nearly global imaging coverage of the surface after this flyby has given us fresh insight into how the planet's crust was formed. 和我们几乎覆盖全球成像表面后,科学家给了我们新的深入了解地球的地壳形成。
The interior of plates is often thick crust, which likewise can give this magnetic signature. 板块的内部通常是厚重的外壳,这同样会显示磁异常。
Finally, cut up the bread crust, and put a sausage into the bread crust and a hot dog is a recipe for a great hot dog. 最后,把面包壳切成两半,将火腿肠放到两瓣面包壳中间;如此一来,一份热狗就完成了。
We suggest that indian crust may under thrust the surface expression of the IYS. but probably does not do so as an intact plate. 我们提出印度地壳可能俯冲到缝合带地表之下,却不可能是整体俯冲。
Sometimes the fusion crust will have "Flow Lines" where the surface has melted and looks to have flowed around the meteorite. 有时融合地壳将有“流线”里的表面已经融化,并期待已流周围的陨石。
The outer core heats the mantle's bottom rocks into buoyant putty, which rises toward the crust, as if in a lava lamp. 外核加热地幔底部岩石,使其变成具有浮力的灰泥,灰泥涌向地壳上方。
If magma is going to erupt, it will start to move within the earth's crust and force its way up to migrate to the surface. 如果岩浆即将喷发,它会先在地壳内流动,然后向上流向地球表面。
In the diagram below you can see that the continental crust is beginning to separate creating a diverging plate boundary. 你现在看到的这个图解中,大陆的地壳已经开始分离,从而创造了一个板块边界的分野。
The body of the machine adopted stainless crust easy for cleaning protecting not easy to be corrupted. 机身可采用不锈钢外壳,便于清洁,保护机身不被腐蚀。
They look like fine wavy lines in the crust and will occasionally seem to originate from the front and stream towards the back. 他们看起来像在地壳细波浪线,并会偶尔似乎来自正面和背面朝流。
(also known as a quake, tremor, or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. (又称地动、地振动)是地壳快速释放能量过程中造成的振动,期间会产生地震波。
She had the crust to ask me for an excuse. 她竟有脸请求我的原谅。
One recent creation is constructed out of a cardboard-based crust layered in Oreo cookie crumbs and drizzled with a wax-like substance. 一项最新的产品是使用纸板外壳对奥利奥饼干屑分层并撒上蜡一样的物质而形成。
The whole-phase grade has been used to define ore bodies of a weathering-crust-type rare-earth deposit and to calculate its reserves. 一直以来,风化壳型稀土矿床均以全相品位来圈定矿体,计算全相储量。
It was more like the entire contents of our refrigerator on a round crust. 更像是把所有冰箱里的东西放在一个圆面饼上。
The big question is how much of that salt is still mixed with water and how much now forms a crust on the uranium fuel rods. 主要的问题在于这些盐中又多少还溶于水中,又有多少现在在铀燃料棒表面形成了一层外壳。
He thought the aurora borealis, or northern lights, was caused by the escape of this gas through a thin crust at the poles. 他认为极光或北极光由这些逃逸出来的气体通过位于极地的薄地壳引起。
Most people do not think of Earth as a red planet, but much of the continental crust is red. Soil and vegetation hide this native hue. 大多数人不认为地球是红色的行星,但其实大陆地壳大多是红色的,只是土壤和植物遮掩了原始的颜色。
The multicycle opening-closing movement of the crust is the key to understand the basin reformation and its hydrocarbon evolution. 地壳的多旋回开合运动是认识盆地改造和油气复杂演化过程的钥匙。
The theory of Crustal Displacement states that the entire crust of the Earth can shift in one piece like the lose skin of an orange. 地壳位移理论表明地球的整个外壳能以块状改变就像那剥掉皮的桔子一样。
Source area diversification, except from continental crust, especially with the basin of a strong magma activity related. 源区多样化,除来自大陆地壳组分外,与盆地较强烈的岩浆活动相关。