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中国证监会(China Securities Regulatory Commission)

中国证监会(CSRC) 3周前首次严肃谈论重启IPO的问题以来,中国媒体上每天都有关于哪家公司将率先上市、及发行规模有 …


金融英语 - 金融学 考研论坛 ... Cross trade 交叉盘 CSRC 中国证券监督管理委员会 Currency option 货币期权 ...

China Security Regulatory Commission

The China Security Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has already attempted to influence firms’ dividend policies through the ap...

The document is not on CSRC letterhead and does not clearly indicate where it was directed, said the sources. 信息来源说,这份文件没有中国证监会的抬头,没有明确显示是哪个部门出具的。
That may be so but the CSRC remains cautious on hedge funds, unsure as to quite how much risk they pose. 情况也许会是这样,但证监会对对冲基金仍持谨慎态度,不确定它们会造成多大的风险。
The CSRC report, if genuine, suggests the matter is more serious since regulators are indeed pushing to restrict the structure. 如果中国证监会的报告是真实的,说明事情更为严重,因为监管者们确实在推动限制这种结构。
The CSRC did not respond to a Reuters request to confirm whether or not the report is genuine. 中国证监会对路透要求确认这份报告是否属实没有做出回应。
The CSRC statement said the fine was for breaking rules on information disclosure but did not mention more serious abuses. 中国证监会在处罚决定中表示,罚款的理由是杭萧钢构违反了信息披露规定,但并未提及更严重的违规行为。
Well, sort of. The China Securities Regulatory Commission certainly seems to have taken a step back. 嗯,在一定程度上是这样。中国证监会(CSRC)看上去确实后退了一步。
The securities regulator, the CSRC, is still considering setting up a stabilisation fund that would buy shares to support the market. 中国证监会(CSRC)正考虑成立平准基金,购买股票支撑市场。
The CSRC shall make afterward inspections on the timeliness, integrity and authenticity of the annual report of the Company. 第十三条中国证监会对公司年度报告的及时性、完整性和真实性进行事后检查。
Prospectuses prepared by the Company shall comply with the relevant provisions of the CSRC. 公司编制招股说明书应当符合中国证监会的相关规定。
China AMC's international push coincides with a ban by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on launching new funds in its home market. 华夏基金拓展国际市场的举动,适逢中国证监会(CSRC)禁止其在国内市场发行新基金之际。
The China Securities Regulatory Commission did not respond to requests for comment. 中国证监会(CSRC)没有答复记者请其置评的请求。
China's securities regulator, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, did not make the final decision to introduce the tax. 作为证券监管机构,中国证监会(CSRC)并没有做出提高印花税的最终决定。
The Company shall present the annual report to the appointed accounting firm before filing the annual report with the CSRC. 公司应将年度报告报送中国证监会之前,将其递交聘任的会计师事务所。
China's securities regulator is likely to grant the first licences to trade index-based futures within the next month. 中国证监会(CSRC)可能在下月发放首批股指期货交易牌照。
No unit or individual may establish or establish in a disguised form a futures exchange without obtaining the approval of the CSRC. 未经中国证监会批准,任何单位或者个人不得设立或者变相设立期货交易所。
To crack down on insider trading, the consultation paper says the CSRC will expand its supervision of fund managers. 为了打击内幕交易,征求意见稿表示,中国证监会将扩大对基金经理的监督范围。
The Credit Suisse approval is the first since the CSRC last December introduced new regulations governing foreign investment in the sector. 自证监会去年12月颁布有关外资投资证券业的新规定后,瑞信是首家获批的公司。
CSRC, together with PBOC and SAFE, will review application documents and decide whether to approve the applications or not. 中国证监会会同中国人民银行和国家外汇局审核申请文件,作出批准或者不批准的决定。
The chairman and vice chairmen of the board of supervisors shall be nominated by the CSRC and be adopted by the board of supervisors. 监事会主席、副主席的任免,由中国证监会提名,监事会通过。
Guo Shuqing, who took the helm of the CSRC in late October, said in a first public address this month that he wanted to clean up markets. 10月末开始执掌中国证监会的郭树清,本月在第一次公开讲话中表示,他要清理市场。
Those meeting certain criteria will be allowed to register with the CSRC and may get approval to offer public funds. 那些符合特定条件的私募基金,将获准在证监会注册,并可能获准公开发行基金。
The chairman and vice? chairman of the board of directors shall be nominated by the CSRC and elected by the board of directors. 理事长、副理事长由中国证监会提名,理事会选举产生。
Other responsibilities as prescribed by the CSRC or the SAFE in light of the principle of prudent surveillance. (十)中国证监会和国家外汇局根据审慎监管原则规定的其他职责。
The chairman and vice chairman ( chairmen ) of the council shall be nominated by the CSRC and be adopted by the council. 理事长、副理事长的任免,由中国证监会提名,理事会通过。
The CSRC has also tried to support the market by assuring investors that it will control the pace of approvals for initial public offerings. 中国证监会还试图通过安抚投资者来支撑市场。该机构表示将控制首次公开发行(IPO)的审批速度。
any other circumstance as prescribed by the CSRC. (四)中国证监会规定的其他情形。
Credit Suisse has secured approval to set up a securities joint venture, after the CSRC ended a two-year ban on their creation. 在中国证监会结束了为期两年的针对合资公司的禁令后,瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)已获准成立一家合资证券公司。
First , the institutional autonomy of the CSRC will be a crucial indicator of Beijing's commitment to post- crisis reforms . 首先,作为一家机构,中国证监会能否自主,将是衡量中国政府在危机之后改革承诺上的关键信号。
The China Securities Regulatory Commission is circulating for public comment additional draft measures regarding public takeovers. 中国证监会(CSRC)发布了有关公开收购上市公司股份的增补规定草案,向社会公开征求意见。
The deal is still waiting for the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). 这份交易仍在等待中国证监会的批准。