
美 [kju]英 [kjuː]
  • n.暗示;提示;信号;(戏剧的)提示
  • v.给(某人)暗示(或提示)
  • 网络球杆;线索;凯迪拉克用户体验(Cadillac User Experience)

复数:cues 现在分词:cueing 过去式:cued

take cue


n. v.

1.暗示;提示;信号an action or event that is a signal for sb to do sth

2.(戏剧的)提示,暗示,尾白a few words or an action in a play that is a signal for another actor to do sth


(right) on cue

恰好在这时;就在这时候at exactly the moment you expect or that is appropriate

take your cue from sb/sth

模仿…的样子做;学…的样to copy what sb else does as an example of how to behave or what to do


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... compete v. 竞争 cue n. 提示, 暗示 v. 给提示, 给暗示 ...


TOEIC词汇汇总 ... conductor 指挥家 9. cue 暗示;提示 10. drama 戏剧;剧本 11. ...


斯诺克_互动百科 ... 滑石粉( Chalk) 球杆Cue) 加杆( Extension) ...


心理学专业词汇翻译辞典 - MBA智库文档 ... cue 暗示 cue 线索 cue reduction 暗号减缩 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... cucumber 黄瓜 cue 暗示;信号;榜样 culture 修养,教养;文化,文明 ...

凯迪拉克用户体验(Cadillac User Experience)

值得一提的是,凯迪拉克XTS新车率先应用凯迪拉克最新研发的CUECadillac User Experience)用户体验系统。在这些领先 …


医学考博英语1万词汇 - 豆丁网 ... cucumber n. 黄瓜 cue n. (人或车等候着的)长队;发辫 cuff n. 袖口;护腕 ...

A cue collector, who has 5 of my QP Cues, revisited for a week, bringing this one with him. 一位拥有5根我的球杆的收藏家曾来访过过一个星期﹐随身带著本杆。
The depth cue of each region is composed by features of the region and that of its neighbors. 单个区域深度线索由每个区域的自身特征和与其相邻的区域的一些特征组成;
She takes her cue from her mother to participate the speech contest. 她听从她妈妈的劝告,去参加了演讲比赛。
Taking their cue from the innocent Johnny, they sat down on the fallen palm trunks and waited. 他们从天真的约翰尼身上得到启示,坐等在倒下的棕榈树干上。
The depth cue of each pair of neighboring regions is extracted with feature similarity and boundary information of the two regions. 相邻区域深度线索利用每两个相邻区域的特征相似性和边界信息来获取;
Her eyes lit up as she recognized the cue for the start of another "l love you more" match. 当她意识到另一场关于“我爱你”的口舌之争拉开序幕时,她的眼睛闪闪发亮。
"Cue, " said the prompter, close to her side, but she did not hear. “该你了,”提示员在她身边说,但她没有听到。
Desperate to feel him inside me, I lifted one leg from the floor and he took this as his cue to screw me. 于是我翘起一条腿,他很好地理解了这个信号。
The handcuffs are a reminder of this , worn underneath his dress shirts , a daily cue not to leave his job or take clients to another firm . 手铐就是这样一种提醒,戴在衬衫的下面,每天暗示自己不要离开工作岗位或者把客户带到另一间公司。
But there's something very forgiving about this one. Maybe it's a cue as your place in TV history. 但这句流行语让人觉得不那么糟糕,也许这会成为你在电视史上的地位的一个暗示。
As if on cue, the biting wind abates , and Taiwan's most provocative TV celebrity appears with a microphone to mingle among his fans. 彷佛是有暗号般,当刺骨的风减弱时,这个台湾最会挑动人心的电视名人拿著麦克风从人群中走出来。
As if on cue, a pair of fighter jets roars into the sky from the Naval Air Station. 就在这时,一对战斗机呼啸着从海军航空站飞向天际。
Melody seems to act as a path or a cue to evoke the precise information we are trying to retrieve. 音乐似乎作为路径或暗示要让你精确的信息我们正试图挽回了。
There was a brief pause in her intense monologue. He shyly took it as a cue for a conversation entry. 就在这短暂的停顿时刻,她丈夫胆怯地趁此开始谈话。
Yet he did not always take his cue from Thalia, the muse of comedy. 然而,他并不总是把他从塔利亚,缪斯的喜剧线索。
when you are ready to shoot , strake the cue by holding the S key down and moving the mouse back and forth. 准备好击球的时候,按住S键,并前后移动鼠标,进行出杆。
When he turns around, it's a cue for her to come out of the door. 当他转身时,那便是在暗示她该从门里走出来。
Despite the fact that the Sun has been virtually asleep, embarrassingly quiet, they are on cue getting ready to blame it all on the Sun. 虽然事实上太阳几乎是处于沉睡状态,令人尴尬地平静无恙,他们果然准备把责任一股脑儿推在太阳身上。
As if on cue, the clouds broke up and a bright sun shone on what felt like a liberated city. 恰好在这个时候,乌云散了,金色的阳光倾泻在这个重获自由的城市上。
When she did not weep on cue, no one suggested she might have been suffering from shock or trauma. 当她并没有在此时哭泣时,没有人知道她可能已经遭受打击或创伤。
Once again this was the cue for a campaign of negative briefings against the transaction by at least two of the losing banks. 这再一次导致至少两家出局的银行开始诋毁此笔交易。
Some of the videos indicate problems with production value. Bin Laden misses a cue in one and another shows him with a wrinkled backdrop. 一些视频也显示了制作水平的问题。本·拉登在一个视频中错过了一个暗示;在另一个视频显示了他满脸皱纹的背景。
A symmetrical face is a health cue, as are a good head of hair and masculine features such a strong jaw and a deep voice. 匀称的脸型是一种健康暗示,不错的发型及挺拔的下巴和低沉的声音这些男性气质亦是健康暗示。
It may seem obvious, but the most essential skill a good snooker player can have is to be able to hit the cue ball dead centre. 虽然看似是显而易见的,但优秀的斯诺克选手可以掌握的最重要技能还是那种可以直击主球球心的能力。
Without a visual cue like this, it's likely to be unclear to the user which row is currently selected. 如果没有这样的可视化提示,用户很有可能会弄不清楚哪一行是当前选中的行。
Not driver pulled the car up to the side of the plane. On cue, the door of the plane opened, stairs gently tilting down to the tarmac. 司机并没有开到飞机的旁边停下来,果然,飞机的舱门打开,楼梯缓缓向下倾斜到地面。
The soldiers took their cue from the general and began to fight with great bravery. 士兵们按照将军的指示,开始勇敢地进行战斗。
You can use it as sort of a cue card or "study sheet" - to remind yourself of important points you want to include in the interview. 你可以把它作为类似提示卡或者“学习表”来使用——以便提示你自己在面试中要注意的重点。
And then suddenly the amateur orchestra was playing my cue, and I moved onstage and began to sing. 突然业余演奏队弹奏起了我要演唱的歌曲曲调,我走上舞台,开始了表演。
A cue-bid advance of a takeout double shows at least game interest and creates a force until either a suit is bid twice or game is reached. 扣叫为至少有成局兴趣,除非再叫原花色或止叫成局,否则一路逼叫。