
美 [kɔː(r)s]英 [kɔː(r)s]
  • adv.〈口〉当然
  • n.过程;航向;球场;【教】课程
  • v.(某种液体)流下;(某种感觉)突然变得很强烈;(带着猎犬)打猎
  • 网络一道菜;路线;经过

复数:courses 现在分词:coursing 过去式:coursed

take course,change course,complete course,follow course,attend course
elective course,undergraduate course,full course,short course,long course


n. v.


1.[c]~ (in/on sth)(有关某学科的系列)课程,讲座a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject

2.[c](大学中要进行考试或取得资格的)课程a period of study at a college or university that leads to an exam or a qualification


3.[u][c][ususing](船或飞机的)航向,航线a direction or route followed by a ship or an aircraft

4.[c][ususing]方针;行动方向the general direction in which sb's ideas or actions are moving


5.[c]行动方式;处理方法a way of acting in or dealing with a particular situation


6.[sing]~ of sth进展;进程the way sth develops or should develop

菜肴part of meal

7.[c]一道菜any of the separate parts of a meal

比赛for races

8.[c]比赛场地;跑道;赛船水道;泳道an area of land or water where races are held

江河of river

9.[c][ususing]江河流向the direction a river moves in

医疗medical treatment

10.[c]~ (of sth)(医疗、服药等的)疗程a series of medical treatments, pills, etc.

墙壁in wall

11.[c](砖、石等墙的)层a continuous layer of bricks, stone, etc. in a wall


in course of sth

在…的过程中going through a particular process

in/over the course of…


in the course of time

总有一天;最后;终于when enough time has passed

in the ordinary, normal, etc. course of events, things, etc.

按通常情况;在一般情况下;通常as things usually happen

of course

(强调所说的话属实或正确)当然used to emphasize that what you are saying is true or correct

of course not

(强调不同意)当然不used to emphasize the fact that you are saying ‘no’

on course for sth/to do sth

(因为已开始做而)很可能做成(或做)likely to achieve or do sth because you have already started to do it

run/take its course

任其发展;听其自然to develop in the usual way and come to the usual end


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... pray vi 祈祷;恳求;请 course n 一道菜;过程;课程 breast n 胸部;胸怀 △ ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... pray vi 祈祷;恳求;请 course n 一道菜;过程;课程 breast n 胸部;胸怀 △ ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... pray vi 祈祷;恳求;请 course n 一道菜;过程;课程 breast n 胸部;胸怀 △ ...


Given name是什么意思? -外语-英语-天涯问答 ... given name 名字 course n. 课程; 路线 =first name 名字 ...


仁爱英语七年级下册单词_百度文库 ... workbook 练习册,作业本 course 过程,经过,课程 of course 当然 ...


TOEFL词频表 - 豆丁网 ... counterpart 对应的人(或物) course 发展,进程 cowhand 牧牛工 ...


学生成绩管理系统 - 阿德的日志 - 网易博客 ... 班级号 Class_No 课程名称 Course_Name 分数 Result ...


高尔夫规则_百度百科 ... 比赛者( Competitor) 球场Course) 携带品( Equipment) ...

It was an intense month, I constantly moved between Milanello and Coverciano but the course helped me to understand theoretical things more. 这是繁重的一个月,我频繁往来于米兰内洛和科维尔奇亚诺之间,但是这课程让自己更了解了理论知识。
Of course it would be nice to win every game, but on a wider scale there's nothing for me to be unhappy about ". " 能赢下每场比赛当然会更加美妙,但总得来说没什么让我感到不快。
Perry: "I wanted this. And you know, of course it wasn't what I expected it to be. And that was weird, too. " 这角色是我想要的的。你们也知道那这当然不是我所希望的角色。而且这也有些怪异。
How much does the course cost? 这门课学费是多少?
Of course, the best way to explore a program is to do something with it, so this series gets into the code to make a few changes. 当然,研究程序的最佳方法就是使用这个程序来做些事情,因此本系列文章将研究一些有所不同的代码。
Of course, Sure, me too. And I dare say that I've never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah? 当然,硕儿,我也是。我敢说,我从来没有这么开心,能在我的生活。我打赌你这么做了,是吗?
That of course doesn't answer your question of light, but it does say something about the ritual of looking. 这当然没有回答你关于光的问题,但是它指涉到了观看的仪式。
On account of his youth, he was not allowed to take the senior course. 由于他年轻,故不允许他学习高级课程。
You can get a good deal of fun out of observing the course of events in which you are no longer intimately concerned. 你可以冷眼观察一些和你不再密切相关的事态发展,从中得到乐趣。
She was, of course, aware of her mother's quiet disapproval, so she made sure that they parted as soon as the waltz was over. 当然,她也察觉到了她母亲的不满,华尔兹一结束,她就决定和他分开了。
Then he realized that he needed to get a real business education so he came up to take Ben's course at Columbia, where we met in early 1951. 稍后,他发觉需要接受真正的商业教育,于是参加了格雷厄姆在哥伦比亚大学开办的讲座,我们便相逢于1951年初。
So it was not so difficult, but of course we needed to be careful that if something did go wrong, we at least had some margin. 比赛不是很困难,但是我们必须小心翼翼,以防万一出什么问题的时候至少我们还留有余地。
Of course, I have had to give up a good deal of my own life, on that account. 当然,我因此不得不放弃了很多自己的生活。
The discovery of this formula and of the general principles upon which it is based has, of course, no emotive value. 当然,这个(新发现的)公式和其背后的那些普遍规律并不包含研究者的政治态度。
of progress, the referee may pick up the robot and move it to a nearby point on the black line for it to attempt to complete the course. 在进展中断情况下,裁判可将机器人拿起并移至附近的黑线,使其继续完成任务。
"The Doctor had been pondering, and had made up his mind to a certain course" (Henry Kingsley). “这个医生已经苦思冥想了一段时间并已决定要采用某种方法”(亨利·金斯利)。
The less a person smiled, it turned out, the more likely he or she was to have been divorced over the course of a lifetime. 结果发现越不笑的人在一生之中离婚的可能性更大。
I cannot, of course, speak for every other individual on this earth, but I do not believe that I am a very difficult person to understand. 当然我不能对这个世界上的其他人说,我不相信我是一个难理解的人。
If you are trying to do just enough to get by then all it takes is one bad exam and you are now failing the course. 如果你仅仅是做到蒙混过关,那么你得到的将只是一个糟糕的考试成绩,这些课程你失败了。
Southerners, of course, continued to be cotton exporters interested in having cheaper access to imported manufactures. 当然南方人仍然是棉花出口者,他们对于可以获得更廉价的进口工业品很关心。
Of course, there have been sighs of despair at the politically correct nature of the debate, as there always are. 当然,对于这场辩论上纲上线的劲头,也有人表示无语。这种事情向来如此。
It has a special feeling for the manager and Ricardo and Paulo and of course it may give them that extra bit of pleasure if we beat Porto. 这对教练和卡瓦略,费雷拉都有特殊的感觉。当然,如果能够打败波尔图他们会更加高兴。
Of course, midnight came and went and I was still at the bar. I knew my wife will going to kill me if she found out. 当然啰,半夜早就过了,我人也还在酒吧里。我知道如果被老婆发现就死定了。
Haoshouqiongjing in the classical scholars, of course, a way of life, it is now is still very tempting to call the young students. 皓首穷经于经典当然是学者的一种生存方式,它如今仍很有诱惑力地召唤着青年学子。
What Truman meant by that, of course, was that ultimately the bureaucracy rules Washington. 杜鲁门那话的意思,无疑是指官僚主义主宰着华盛顿。
And, of course, cinema itself is a doorway, a threshold to another world where anything is possible. 当然,电影院本身就是一个门廊或出口,通向一切皆有可能的另一个世界。
There were, as I recall, fourteen students in a course that ran fourteen weeks each semester and met for two hours once a week. 我记得上这门课的共有14名学生,每学期14周,每周两课时。
The opportunity came a week later, on that never-to-be- forgotten Friday. Of course it was a Friday. 一个星期后,机会果然来了。那是在一个永远不能忘记的星期五,当然是一个星期五。
Of course I am very proud of him for wanting to do that, and I hope he is able to do it. 当然,我为他愿意这样做而感到非常骄傲,我也希望他能够做到。
It is, of course, the realization of the four modernizations, or as I said before, the realization of a Chinese type of modernization. 当然就是实现四个现代化,或者像我在前面说的,实现中国式的现代化。