cat and mouse

  • adj.折磨人的
  • 网络老鼠爱上猫;猫和老鼠;猫捉老鼠

cat and mousecat and mouse

cat and mouse


杜汶泽的所有电影?!_百度知道 ... 《下一站天后》 Next Station... Tin Hau 《老鼠爱上猫Cat and Mouse 《行运超人》 My …


首页-2012新款Crocs专柜正品代购-- 淘宝网 ... Princess / 三公主 Cat and mouse/ 猫和老鼠 Mitch Mini/ 米奇米妮 ...


猫捉老鼠Cat and Mouse) - 用B,近距离杀死一个正在检查你最后位置的敌人。 最后方位(Last Known Position) - 在1…


星球大战:克隆战争第二季_百度百科 ... 15 Senate murders 议会谋杀案 16 Cat and mouse 猫与鼠 17 Bounty hunters 赏金猎人 ...


... ... 1948年 耶洗别之死( Death of Jezebel) 1950年 猫和鼠( Cat and Mouse) 1955年 绝技( Tour De Force) ...


cat是什? - 已解决... ... old cat 脾气很坏的老太婆 cat and mouse 猫戏老鼠;恣意玩弄折磨(像猫对老鼠般) big cat 大型猫科动 …

The tenacious Obi-Wan Kenobi was back, and a daring game of cat and mouse played out among the rocky debris of the Geonosian rings. 紧追不舍的欧比—万·克诺比又来了,他与费特父子在吉奥诺西斯星环的碎石中玩起猫捉老鼠的游戏。
Gordon Chan said the mainland from the film " Cat and Mouse " when he began the ancient Chinese stories of interest to the notes. 陈嘉上说,从在内地拍《老鼠爱上猫》那一年起,他开始对中国古代的笔记小说感兴趣。
Watch carefully as this may appear something of a cat and mouse game. 仔细观察吧,因为这可能看起来像一场猫捉老鼠的游戏。
'Wu Xia' is a cat-and-mouse thriller about a repentant killer whose past catches up with him as he hides out in a remote village. 《武侠》是一部“猫捉老鼠”式的惊悚片,讲述的是一个躲藏在偏远山村希望悔过自新的杀手受到其过去经历纠缠的故事。
Part 4: Faces of Marja: Playing Cat and Mouse With the Taliban American troops try to stay one step ahead of the enemy. 马里加的面孔之四:与塔利班的猫鼠游戏。美军部队面对塔利班试图取得先机。
Tortured in his own mind, Raskolnikov went to the police station, where Porfiry played another game of cat-and-mouse with him. 拉斯柯尔尼科夫心中十分痛苦,他去了警察局。波尔菲里又像猫玩耗子似地对待他。
Yeah, that's the case. But you know, what you saw tonight was a game of cat-and-mouse, basically. 是的,就是这样。但是你知道,你今晚看到的基本上是一个猫捉老鼠的游戏。
Soon he discovered a pretty girl playing "cat and mouse" with a few other young women in a small woods comprised mostly of peach trees. 不久﹐他发现了一个非常秀丽的女孩与另几个年轻的女子在一座小桃树园内玩著“猫追老鼠”的游戏。
Our correspondent said the unions and the government were engaging in a game of cat-and-mouse over the fuel blockades. 我们住该地记者称,工会和政府正在围绕燃料封锁进行一场“猫鼠游戏”。
Customs officers call it a " cat and mouse game" . 海关工作人员戏称为“一场猫和老鼠的博弈”。
The ancient cat and mouse game between a man and a woman unfolds amidst sensual seduction. . . 古老的猫捉老鼠游戏在一个男人与一个女人之间的声色诱惑中展开……
China seems set on playing a game of cat-and-mouse with the U. S. , manipulating the system for every last penny. 中国看来正在和美国玩“猫和老鼠”的游戏,操纵体制以榨干最后一分钱。
The cruel struggle between Iraqi insurgents and U. S. troops is just like a time consuming cat and mouse. 伊拉克反叛武装和驻伊美军之间的残酷斗争,就像是在玩着一场旷日持久的猫鼠游戏。
There is a cat-and-mouse game going on between the state censors and a public testing the bounds of the permissible. 在政府审查机构和试探可允许范围界限的公众之间,正在上演一场猫捉老鼠的游戏。
At 2: 30, the police show up again, the next step in a game of cat and mouse that lasts much of the night. 2点半,警察又出现了,这样类似猫和老鼠的游戏在晚上会持续很久。
He would play cat and mouse with other riders, sometimes waiting until the fourth lap to come from behind and win. 他会和其他骑手玩“猫捉老鼠”,有时直到第四圈才从后面追上来并赢得比赛。
The cat-and-mouse situation went on for half a day before the police finally caught the singer and his entourage. 这场猫和老鼠的游戏持续了半天直到警察最终抓住了这歌手和随从。
But Twitter did prove to be a crucial tool in the cat-and-mouse game between the opposition and the government over enlisting world opinion. 但是在这项反对者和政府间的猫鼠游戏里,Twitter已被证明是一种决定性的工具来争取世界舆论。
He is interesting! What I liked most are cat and mouse this is film names. Do you know it? This is an actioner. 我最喜欢的是猫和老鼠这是电影名。你知道它吗?这是一个动作片。不要用机器翻译。人工翻译哦。
"There's always been this cat-and-mouse game, " says Greg Sterling, an editor at Search Engine Land. “我们一直都是这个猫捉老鼠的游戏,”格雷格说,在搜索引擎地带的编辑器。
Follow the same format as "cat and mouse, " except the follower can take the leader by surprise with a sudden quick burst. 除了跟从者要突然快速的爆发,以出其不意之式跑到对首,游戏规则跟“猫捉老鼠”一样。
Censorship has been a way of life in China for more than 60 years and the cat-and-mouse game of getting around it is a high art. 在中国,审查已经成为生活的一种方式长达60年之久,随之而来的猫鼠游戏成为一门很高的艺术。
Censors repeatedly blocked the interview. Mr. Ai has played a cat-and-mouse game, moving it to a new Web site every time. 审查机构的官员们反复禁播这段采访。于是艾先生便玩起了猫捉老鼠的游戏,每次他都把这段视频采访移到一个新的网站。
Nonetheless, as the cat-and-mouse game between social networks and social networking marketers escalates, that could change. 然而,社交网站和社交网站营销者之间的猫捉耗子游戏必将逐步升级,而这种情况也有可能会发生改变。
Sporadic looting broke out across the city centre, with gangs playing cat and mouse with riot police. 市中心多处发生零星的抢劫,团伙们与防暴警察玩起了猫捉老鼠的游戏。
This will be your finest moment as an evil mastermind. Let the verbal game of cat and mouse commence! 这将是你作为一个邪恶头目辉煌的时刻。准备玩一场猫抓老鼠的游戏吧!
He played cat and mouse. In response to my requests he agreed to a looser clause on replacement of weapons. 他玩弄捉迷藏的把戏。应我的请求,他同意放宽关于替换武器的规定。
Sorry to say , the cat-and-mouse game between consumers and credit card issues is hardly over. 抱歉地说,这场猫抓老鼠的游戏和消费者之间的信用卡发行不超过。
You'd better not play cat and mouse with her . If you don't like her, just tell her directly. 你最好不要对她忽冷忽热的。如果你不喜欢她,就直接告诉她。
Dog, cat and mouse before three are all good friends and good, they KunJi together to a rich man who had a home work. 以前狗、猫与耗子三个都是好朋友、好昆季,它们一块儿到一个财主家做做工。